Quality of employment Sub-dimension 1b “Child labour and forced labour” UNECE Meeting of Group of experts on measuring quality of employment Geneva, 11 Sept. 2013
Quick review Moldova volunteered to develop indicator sheets in sub-dimension 1b due to relevance in the national context and experience in producing such indicators; 1b indicators help measure the progress to the one of the greatest goals set by the human civilization: abolishing work which violates human rights and has negative effects on human development.
“Easy” indicators Developing sheets for indicators 1b1, 1b2, 1b3, 1b4, 1b5 was easy because there are ILO conventions, resolutions and great publications on measuring child labour; In 2009 the National Bureau of Statistics conducted a Child Labour Survey.
Indicators 1b1-1b5 Key documents : Minimum Age Convention (1973), Worst Form of Child Labour Convention (1999), 18th ICLS resolution (2008); Additional information: „Global child labour developments: Measuring trends from 2004 to 2008”, ILO, 2010
“Not easy” indicators Developing the indicator sheets for forced labour was more challenging; There are no clear standards set as in the case of child labour; Still, it wasn’t very difficult as NBS tested in 2008 a methodological frame developed by the ILO; Key information: “Hard to see, harder to count”, ILO, 2012
1b6-1b7: Searching for solutions It was difficult to define indicators as the phenomena is very complex; Target population: “employed or recently-employed migrants” was difficult to define; We spend allot of time to find solutions and still were not very happy about the result
Better solution As reviewing institution, ILO: proposed a new indicator: „ 1b6 Percentage of employed who are in forced labour“; proposed to merge the two indicators on forced labour in one: „1b7 Forced labour among returned migrants”; elaborated the indicator sheets;
Issues to discuss To which extent indicators 1b1 to 1b7 should be “optional” when measuring quality of employment in a country? Should hazardous conditions be considered as such, regardless the age of the child? How to define the “returned migrant”, for comparability in time and space?