Passing Your Exams. Overview Playing the Game Working towards better answers Preparation.


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Presentation transcript:

Passing Your Exams

Overview Playing the Game Working towards better answers Preparation

Playing The Game! Exams are marked to find out What you know What you can express What you understand What you can do Credit is given on evidence of your abilities

Practice Practice Past Papers – Don’t see Mock Exams as punishment Ask for model answers to Past Papers from Lecturers Make sure you understand what the correct format is to questions for each of your subjects

Points to Remember! You get more points when you start answering a question than towards the end of one. Read the whole of the question (candidates sometimes forget to answer parts of the questions, for no apparent reason) If you do something wrong don’t worry just cross it out with one line, the examiners will not bother to read them they haven’t time. Put notes in margins if you need to and anything you don’t want marking cross out

Yet more Points to Remember! Work out which question is likely to get you the most marks Do the easiest questions first, no need to do them in the order they are printed. It boosts your confidence and can help reduce any feelings of panic. You will also be ahead of time another confidence booster. Four marks for a question usually means four key points. Don’t write a lot for two points

And Yet more Points! Never leave the exam early! Go over work adding information in the margin, it will be marked

Find Out Basic Information How many exams will you have? When are the exams? What are these exams? How will you be assessed? Are any mock exams provided? Where can you get past papers? Activity: Exams Checklist to be completed handout

Activity In pairs come up with a definition about what you think the following mean. Analyse Assess Contrast Demonstrate Hand out ‘What’s in a word?’ for reference.

Types of Exams There are two types of exams: Objective (ie. multiple choice, short answer etc.) Subjective (ie. essays and extended responses)

Objective Exams Objective exams should be approached as follows: Answer all questions. No answer means no mark, even if you are unsure it is better to make a choice rather than to leave a blank. If you must choose from 4 or 5 multiple choice answers, eliminate those that are obviously wrong and choose from those remaining. Try and avoid words like "always" and "never".

Subjective Exams Subjective exams should be approached as follows: Read directions and questions carefully, take note of questions where there is a choice, allot time per question according to the value of the question. Read all the questions first and then decide on your preferred options. Make certain you answer the questions asked (ie. analyse, discuss etc.) If important points jump into your mind as you are doing the initial reading of the paper, jot them down on a piece of paper, then continue reading. Organise your answers before you write them, plan the essay, make certain you know what you want to say, think more and write less. Be brief, concise (ie. don't waffle around the point) and accurate and be as complete as possible in answering the questions.

Working towards better answers Understanding the question (I) Finding out what you know Understanding the question (II) Key points to make in the answer Getting things together Understanding the question (III)

Understanding the Question (1) Deconstruct the question First and foremost, you need to read the question. Under the stress of the exam, many students can lose marks by missing out a vital word in a question, or misreading the question. The easiest way to avoid this common error, is to deconstruct the question. All this means is to take the question apart, for example, if we were to deconstruct into bullet points; the following question:

Deconstruction of Question “Critically assess the techniques used in employee selection” So the question is about Employee Selection Techniques and I have to critically assess them…so as a starting point I need to realise what “employee selection” is and what “techniques” are used in it…

Understanding the Question (1) Employee selection is about how companies evaluate potential employees and are considered against the job specification It’s how companies decide who they want to employ out of all the people attracted by the companies’ recruitment activities OK, so I know that bit; what about the “techniques” used?

What do I know about this topic? Employee Selection (Techniques) CV / Biographical info Interviews Psychometric Tests Assessment Centres References Graphology

Understanding the question (II) Critically assessing something is like asking about “strengths and weaknesses” so what are the strengths and weaknesses of each employee selection technique I have thought of?

Key Points: Strengths and Weaknesses of each EST Employee Selection (techniques) CV / Biographical info Interviews Psychometric Tests Assessment Centres References Graphology Generally good predictors of job performance (Hough and Oswald, 2000) Candidates like them (Salgado, 1999) Range of tests Do any exist?!

Key Points: Strengths and Weaknesses of each EST Employee Selection (techniques) CV / Biographical info Interviews Psychometric Tests Assessment Centres References Graphology Cost Bad assessment centres can also be designed! Low construct validity (Goldstein et al, 1998)

Getting things together From my notes and wider reading I know that each approach has a number of strengths and weaknesses I need to show the strengths and weaknesses of each Employee Selection Technique Then, show which ones seem to be (relatively) stronger/weaker as I get towards my conclusion

Getting things together Of the techniques I’ve got, and thinking about their strengths and weaknesses, which ones seem to be the weakest and which the strongest? I will order them in my essay with the weakest first For each technique I will state the strengths but then show the weaknesses and say whether, on balance, this seems like a good technique

Getting things together How could I conclude this exam answer? The question says: “Critically assess the techniques used in employee selection”

Understanding the question (III) So perhaps I just need to indicate that I’ve covered some of the main employee selection techniques and by looking at their strengths and weaknesses I have critically assessed them I could then suggest which (overall) seem to be the strongest employee selection techniques (include reasons why)

A word on preparation Revise from my notes and then test yourself a lot The planning diagrams featured earlier in this presentation come from my exam preparation activities Allow yourself time to plan in the exam

Don’t ‘Stress Out’! Help yourselves by following a few simple steps. Take the weight of the world off your backs

The Week Before Drink plenty of water in the week before the exam so that you are not dehydrated. Work off excess adrenalin by doing exercise or go for a walk. Avoid people who may make you feel unsure of yourself – those who are super-confident, and those who panic! Try and visit the exam room and get the feel of it.

The Night Before Check over any exam details you have Prepare what you will need – pens, ruler, water, a snack, the exam room number, your identity card, a jumper and so on. Avoid people who panic Have a snack and a hot, relaxing bath before bed. Leave plenty of time to sleep

The Day of the Exam Eat well before the exam, to keep up your stamina. Slow-releasing carbohydrates, such as bread and cereals, are best. Leave plenty of time for the journey in case of delays. Plan to arrive at the exam room as it opens: it may take time to find your seat. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!