The Test-Taking Strategy. The Steps of The Test-Taking Strategy Step 1: Prepare to succeed Step 2: Inspect the instructions Step 3: Read, remember, reduce.


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Presentation transcript:

The Test-Taking Strategy

The Steps of The Test-Taking Strategy Step 1: Prepare to succeed Step 2: Inspect the instructions Step 3: Read, remember, reduce Step 4: Answer or abandon Step 5: Turn back Step 6: Estimate Step 7: Survey

Step 1: Prepare to Succeed Put your name and PIRATES on the test. Allot time and order to sections. Say affirmations. Start within 2 minutes.

Step 2: Inspect the Instructions Read instructions carefully. Underline what to do and where to respond. Notice special requirements.

Underline What to Do and Where to Respond Circle the letter next to the most appropriate choice. Write “T” in front of statements that are true. Write “F” in front of statements that are false. Make a “+” in front of statements that are true. Make a “-” in front of statements that are false.

Step 3: Read, Remember, Reduce Read the whole question. Remember what you studied. Reduce the choices.

Step 4: Answer or Abandon Answer the question. Abandon the question for the moment.

Absolute Words All Always Every No None Never Only Check out this video

Non-Absolute Words Few Some Seldom Sometimes Most Many Often Usually

Step 6: Estimate Avoid absolutes. Choose the longest or most detailed choice. Eliminate similar choices.

Step 7: Survey Survey to ensure all questions are answered. Switch an answer only if you’re sure.

Test-Taking Strategy Affirmations I look for ways to use the Test-Taking Strategy every day. I believe that when I use the Test-Taking Strategy, I will be successful. I believe that use of the Test-Taking Strategy will help me achieve my goal. I look forward to taking tests and using the Test-Taking Strategy.

More Test-Taking Strategy Affirmations I enjoy using “PIRATES” and showing what know on tests. I work through test easily using “PIRATES.” When I use the “Remember” step of “PIRATES,” answers come to me quickly. I am successful test-taker when I use “PIRATES