Online Certificate Program 20-Nov-2012
This is the Home Page
Enquiry Page: It gives the address,mail id & Contact Nos. of All the Centres
When the Student clicks “JOIN NOW” link, he gets Profile Creation Page
On creation of Profile, the student can Register for any of the Courses. He can Edit his profile at any time.(Only certain fields are editable) The profile can be Deleted by the Student himself if he has not Registered for any of the Course. See the screen shot >>>
Next step: The Student click on CLICK HERE and do Registration.
For Registration, the student should select the Centre,Course and Date
In this screen, the student CONFIRMS his Registration
The Registration CAN BE DELETED by the student, until it is approved by the Centre. The Registration No. will be allotted by the Centre when the centre approves his Registration
If the Registration IS NOT APPROVED by the centre, the list of materials will be available. But the Link to download will NOT be there.
For approving the Registration, the Faculty of that Centre, Logs In By clicking on the “Faculty Login” Link.
Faculty Login:
Faculty selects the “REGISTRATION” Link
Faculty is going to allot Regn No. for
The Faculty can approve the Registration, by filling the Amount.
Once the Registration approved, Regn.No is allotted to the Student. Regn No. format is : 2Letter Course Code – 3Letter Centre Code - 2Letter Year of Joining-Serial No
The student Logs in AFTER the Registration is approved. Using userid: password:
The Registered Student is NOW able to download the materials
The Registered Student clicks on STUDY MATERIAL link.