Mirror Bangladesh Fashion Week 2015 Proudly Organized By : DATE: 12 TH MARCH-15 TH MARCH Authorized contract person India: Rashmikant Shah Phone : , , Address : Mumbai, India.
Dear Sponsors / Designers, Mirror Bangladesh Fashion Week 2015 provides you with the unique opportunity to reach out to your target audience in fashion industry of Bangladesh, India & Pakistan. Sponsorship creates an impact on the visitors mind more powerfully than any other tool. It opens up a room of opportunity in a more cost effective way. It also lets you get a more real time feedback from your target audience. Be a distinguished sponsor / designer of Bangladesh Own Fashion Week in the coming year and use this event to reach out to international & local buyers. The sponsorship sales team will be delighted to discuss these opportunities in more detail and welcome any creative ideas you may have in achieving your goals. Kind regards, Organizers of Mirror Bangladesh Fashion Week Media Partners Print Partners Radio PartnersVenue Partners
We aim to bring Bangladesh, India & Pakistan Designers under one roof. We are expecting about 50,000‐ 80,000 visitors to this BFW. This will be the 3rd of its kind in Bangladesh done at this scale. Designers from Bangladesh India & Pakistan MIRROR BANGLADESH FASHION WEEK 2015
company Commercial will be played throughout the exhibition & Fashion Show at our strategically placed monitors. 5 Night Stay at a 5* Hotel in Dhaka Logo Presence stating “Title Sponsors” in Media which includes Newspaper, Magazine, Television & Radio Company Name or Logo on the main entrance Logo on all printed material for marketing purpose Social Media Marketing will done with your promotions, company and other details you may intend for us to market. Will allot 500sec for TV media marketing which will include marketing your promotion along with our BFW. 4 booth will be given on a complimentary basis TITLE SPONSOR $150,000.00
Company Commercial will be played throughout the exhibition & Fashion Show at our strategically placed monitors. Logo Presence stating “Platinum Sponsors” in Media which includes Newspaper, Magazine, Television & Radio Company Name or Logo on the main entrance Logo on all printed material for marketing purpose Social Media Marketing will be done with your promotions, company and other details you may intend for us to market. Will allot 250sec for TV media marketing which will include marketing your promotion along with our BFW. 2 booth will be given on a complimentary basis PLATINUM SPONSOR $100,000.00
Company Commercial will be played throughout the exhibition & Fashion Show at our strategically placed monitors. Logo Presence stating “Gold Sponsors” in Media which includes Newspaper, Magazine, Television & Radio Company Name or Logo on the main entrance Logo on all printed material for marketing purpose Social Media Marketing will be done with your promotions, company and other details you may intend for us to market. Will allot 250sec for TV media marketing which will include marketing your promotion along with our BFW. GOLD SPONSOR $50,000.00
MAKE THE MOST OUT OF YOUR MARKETING BUDGET FOR BANGLADESH WELL SPENT. THIS EVENT WILL CREATE MORE EXPOSURE AND WILL BRING YOU THOUSANDS OF DIRECT CLIENTS. FIRST NAME : ______ ___ LAST NAME : _____________ COMPANY NAME : _________________________________________________________ ADDRESS : _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE: __________________ TELEPHONE: ________ __ FAX : _________________________ ADDRESS : _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Contact me to let me know more. Designers Sponsorship Partnership Other Information Send the completed form to or call Mr. Razu at ,
DESIGNERS REGISTRATION Name of Designers /Organization : ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Contact Person/ Designation :…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. Correspondence Address : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….………………………………………… Phone : ……………………………………….. Fax : ………………………………………. Others: ………….…..…………. Website : …………………………………………………………………. …………………..………………………………….. Designer Name : …………………………………….…….…………………………………………………………………………… Designer Registration Fee : RS 3,00, ( Three Lac Rupee Only). We have read the rules and regulations overleaf and we agreed to abide by them. We enclose a bank draft/cheque No. ………………………. dated drawn in favour of MIRROR for participation of booking space. (Terms printed overleaf) Name of Designer:…………………………………………………………………………………… Signature: Date: Company Seal:
BANGLADESH : House # 79, Road # 12/A, Dhanmondi (3rd Floor), Dhaka Tel : , , Mobile: , Sole Agents For India : Thinkz line 8/A Mohini Mohan Road, Bhawanipur, Kolkata. Ph.: /6050 Cell : Tele-Fax :