By. Taylor
My grandma is nice, caring, and is very good at talking my parents into letting me get treats. She lets me bake with her an she takes me to gymnastics every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday now matter what she has to do. My grandma is very supportive. She comes to all of my gymnastics computations.
My grandpa is strong and a good musician. He teaches me piano and guitar. He is very nice and is assume he teaches me allot of things. I love him very much. He takes me fishing and helps babysit my brother. He teaches me how to play chess. He lives write next to me with my grandma Jay. He worked at North Carolina university.
My grandma was very fun and I loved going to her house when I was little. My brother did not know her very well if at all because she died when I was three or four and my brother was a few months old. She lived in Durum and she worked at Duke University when my dad was little. We use to play with her cats and I would draw pictures for her. My grandma and my grandpa divorced when my dad was eight or nine.
My grandpa is strong and worked in the army. He lives in Florida and tries to come to north Carolina. He teaches me allot of things. He gives my brother and I treats and I love him very much.