Michigan Division Mentor Program
1) What is a Mentoring Program? A Mentoring Program is a structured process where preset guidelines are used by a Mentor over an assigned period of time to assist new members in becoming familiar with Chapter, Division, and International operations. It is a relationship in which a person with greater experience and expertise within the realm of IAAP counsels, teaches, guides, and helps another person develop personally and professionally.
The purpose is: To enrich the transition period of new members into your Chapter by providing new members with their own personal Mentors to help orient them to the IAAP organizational structure, educational and leadership opportunities, To allow established members to share their knowledge and experiences, To cultivate chapter leaders, To provide an understanding of our commitment and dedication to the administrative profession, and To reach out and embrace new members, not only to make them feel welcome, but also to provide a firm foundation on which to begin their membership.
Goals To provide a mutually beneficial relationship between an individual joining the Chapter and an established professional member. To orient and acquaint a new member to the procedures of the Chapter, its rules and bylaws, organizational structure, and activities of its respective committees. To cultivate chapter leaders. To recruit and retain members.
General Procedures The Chapter Membership Team Leader receives notification of new member(s). The Membership Team Leader notifies Mentorship Team Leader with contact information. The Mentorship Team Leader sends an Informational form to the new member prior to the installation of the new member and follows up to ensure that the form is returned to the Mentorship Team Leader.
The Mentorship Team Leader reviews the form and assigns a member based on the information provided. The Mentor should be a knowledgeable, two- or three- year member with a positive attitude and the Mentee can be a member of any length of membership. At the New Member Installation Ceremony, the Mentee is introduced to his or her Mentor and presented with welcome packets from International and the Chapter. A Mentor can also mentor someone who wants to learn the role of a Team Leader or an Officer.
Benefits When you have a Mentoring program, you WIN and your organization WINS. Mentoring can provide: Growth (personally and professionally) Succession Planning Mentoring fosters teamwork and participation of all members.
The Mentor and Mentee Gain: Mutual respect Empowerment Friendship Career enrichment Productivity
The Chapter Gains: Better informed members High morale and enthusiasm More involved members Better recruitment and retention Stronger chapters
2) Mentor Duties & Responsibilities An experienced person who goes out of her or his way to informally assist an individual to learn and grow within a particular organization. A Mentor also serves as a coach providing encouragement and support.
A Mentor is… A role model Has organizational knowledge Has matching interpersonal attributes Possesses the ability to provide encouragement Is willing to allot the dedicated time
The Mentor: Listens Tries to understand Supports the Mentee’s efforts Respects the Mentee’s individuality
The Mentor develops trust by: Demonstrating an honest interest in the Mentee. Fostering open and candid two-way communication. Supporting and encouraging the Mentee.
Duties of a Mentor To assist existing and new members of our organization To learn how our organization works When meetings and events are taking place Assist with job search information via website To assist with member’s questions and suggestions Sharing of ideas A Mentor can also mentor someone who wants to learn the role of a Team Leader or a Chapter Officer.
Responsibilities of a Mentor A Mentor will be assigned for a period of one year, and will be assigned by the Membership Team Leader. A Mentor must be someone who regularly attends meetings, participates on committees, and has been a member for at least two years.
Guidelines to be a Mentor Once the assignment has been made, contact your Mentee, introduce yourself and exchange contact information. (Mentor should provide a business card) Arrange for a meeting with your Mentee (either prior to their first Chapter meeting or as soon as you have been assigned a Mentee) in order to get acquainted with them and to go over important information.
Guidelines to be a Mentor Meeting your Mentee at their first meeting: Arrive early to greet your Mentee. Assist Mentee at the registration table. Introduce Mentee to the Board members, and to those members at your table. Be sure and include Mentee in conversation at the table. During the meeting be ready to answer questions about what is being discussed.
3) Mentee Duties & Responsibilities To verbalize her expectations throughout the relationship, To ask questions and learn, To be open and honest, To be willing to attend meetings and get involved, and To build professional and personal relationships with Mentor and other chapter members.
4) Follow-Up After the first meeting: Check in with your Mentee to see how things are going and if they have any questions. Be sure and inform Mentee of all that is available at the International web site and note the web address is on the newsletter, or go to the link on our web page. Ask if they have made their final selections for committee assignments. If so, have the Mentee forward to you. If not, offer to assist Mentee with selection/s and suggest that Mentee sign on to a committee you are on. Notify the President with the selected teams. (The President will then notify Team Leaders of the new addition)
Image Is Everything Perception is reality. This means that people will think of you and your organization according to their impressions and what they believe you to be. Therefore, it is extremely important that you honestly know how you are being perceived by others. Consider some of these thoughts: Was I greeted at the door by someone whose job it was to welcome me, help me feel comfortable, and introduce me to others? Did the group seem open to accepting new members and not cliquish?
Was the members' talk positive and upbeat? Did I feel that the group cared about and supported each other? Did the evening seem to be well organized and flow smoothly? Did the president and committee chairs seem to be competent and enjoy their work? Were the food and the setting worth what I paid to attend and participate?
Was I introduced and did the introducer know something personal about me to share? Was the business meeting professional and worth the time? Was the speaker/program professional and useful to me personally? Were the members approachable, interesting, and people I'd like to get to know better? Did the members appear successful since they claim that IAAP will advance one in his/her career?
5) Involvement-Team Sign-Up Get the Mentee involved by asking them to indicate their top three choices for a Team assignment(s): Bylaws and Standing Rules Team. Reviews and proposes necessary changes to Chapter membership for approval. President-Elect is Chair. CPS/CAP Certification Committee. (Limited to those members who have obtained certification). Bring before Chapter latest methods, materials on secretarial procedure and shall plan education study sessions and programs for the benefit of the members. Stimulate and encourage interest in CPS/CAP program.
Historian. Keeps a permanent history of Chapter. Membership Team. Directs activities of the Chapter concerned with the recruitment and maintenance of membership. Membership Secretary is Chair. Program and Education Team. Plans educational programs for meetings and other Chapter-sponsored functions. Vice President is Chair. Administrative Professionals Week Team. Arranges activities to promote the office professional career during this particular week.
Fundraising Team. Devises and promotes projects to raise funds for the operation of the Chapter. Each chapter has different teams – so be sure to add them to your Committee Sign-up sheet.
Chapter Officers Do you offer information on becoming a chapter officer and what each position involves? Do you introduce your chapter officers at each meeting so new members can identify them? Do you wear a name badge so new members can see names and spelling of members and officers? Do you make a point of introducing yourself to a new member (or guest) at each chapter meeting? Do you have a “seasoned” member as a greeter at your door to welcome members and guests?
MDAM Volunteer There are always many opportunities at annual meeting to volunteer: Registration/Credentials Signs Open House Activities The list is endless In our next session we will learn about the many volunteer opportunities at MDAM.
MD Team Leader or Member The MD Board has a position sheet on each team in the Michigan Division for any member interested in becoming a team leader or member of a team. Team Leaders are selected by the incoming MD President to form her “cabinet.” MD Team Members are asked to help Team Leaders to ensure coverage and for succession planning purposes.
Becoming a MD Officer Information on the duties of a MD Officer are listed in the Bylaws and posted on the MD Website. Nomination forms are available and are to be completed by the member and voted on by their chapter members before submission. Nominated MD Officers are then voted on by the membership at the Annual Meeting in May (MDAM).
Other IAAP Volunteer Positions: RTF Member/Chair Great Lakes District Director International Team Member/Chair International Officer
6) Final thoughts… The dictionary tells us a Mentor is a trusted coach or a guide. Be what you want to see in someone else. Find a new member and get involved. It’s like throwing a rock in a lake. The ripples stretch out forever.
True success comes only when every generation continues to develop the next generation ~ John C. Maxwell
Thank you!! Any questions???