Lecture 12: Sensitivity Examples (Shadow Price Interpreted) AGEC 352 Spring 2012 – February 29 R. Keeney
Shadow Price signs Signs on shadow prices differ whether the inequality constraint is ≤ or ≥. They also differ for maximization and minimization problems. MaximizationMinimization ≤PositiveNegative ≥ Positive
Less than (<=) case A boundary that is <= (upper bound) We use +1 definition of shadow price ◦ The +1 will always ‘relax’ the upper bound A decision maker facing a less restrictive choice set ◦ Can be better off (binding constraint) ◦ Can be unaffected (slack constraint) Better off depends on max vs. min
Great than (>=) case A boundary that is >= (lower bound) We use +1 definition of shadow price ◦ The +1 will always ‘tighten’ a lower bound A decision maker facing a more restrictive choice set ◦ Can be worse off (binding constraint) ◦ Can be unaffected (slack constraint) Better off depends on max vs. min
Example (Upper/Max) Upper bound ◦ Maximization ◦ Land available to plant Shadow price = the change in returns generated by a +1 to the land constraint Shadow price = Maximum rent that can be paid Use extra profits from additional resources to acquire the resource
Example (Upper/Min) Upper bound Minimization ◦ Fertilizer mix phosphate limit ◦ Shadow price = the change in costs from a 1 unit increase in the phos limit ◦ Shadow price = discount the mixer could offer to the buyer to expand the phos limit Pass some of cost savings to buyer
Example (Lower/Max) Lower bound Maximization ◦ Every 10 acres of corn planted requires 1 acre left fallow (set aside) Shadow price = change in profits from increasing set-aside by 1 Shadow price = payment farmer must receive to participate
Example (Lower/Min) Lower bound Minimization ◦ Calcium requirement in a daily diet Shadow price = change in cost of requiring an extra unit of calcium Shadow price = maximum price that can be paid per unit of non-food calcium supplement
Lab Assignment Problem 4 Fertilizers (see lab 5 for fertilizer info) ◦ Different compositions of nitrogen, potash, and phosphate ◦ Meet an order (at minimum cost) by mixing the four fertilizers that has: Exactly 1000 units of fertilizer At least 20% (by weight) nitrogen At least 30% (by weight) potash At most 8% (by weight) phosphate
Shadow Prices in Fert. Problem Fertilizer Component LHSRHSShadow Price Nitrogen201.3>= Potash300.0>= Phosphate80.0<= Total Weight1000=
Interpretation of Potash Potash constraint Required to have a minimum amount of potash in the fertilizer mix Increasing the RHS of the potash constraint makes the problem more restrictive, higher percentage of potash required Shadow price is positive because costs will increase with the increase of RHS Interpret this as the amount we would be willing to pay to avoid having the RHS increase Also, the discount we could offer for a mix that had 0.1% less potash content
Interpretation Phosphate Phosphate constraint Upper limit on the phosphate content Increasing the RHS of the phosphate constraint makes the problem less restrictive, higher percentage of phosphate allowed Shadow price is negative because costs will decrease with the increase of RHS Interpret this as the amount we would be willing to pay to relax the RHS by one unit Also, the markup we should charge if someone required 0.1% less phosphate in their fertilizer mix
Interpretation in general Always should be in context of the problem ◦ Signs are actually trivial if you understand the problem (better off/worse off) ◦ Does an increase in the RHS improve or worsen the objective? If it improves, then we know the willingness to pay for increasing the RHS If it worsens, then we know the willingness to pay to avoid having the RHS increase
Advanced Analysis: Which constraint is the most costly? Recall the cereal problem from lecture ◦ Two cereals mixed to meet minimum requirements on thiamine, niacin, and calcium Nutritional Requirement LHSRHSShadow Price Thiamine1>= Niacin5>= Calories722.2>=
Rather than comparing units, we want to compare % of RHS 1 mg of thiamine and 1 mg of niacin are not directly comparable % increases in the RHS of constraints are however Nutritional Requirement RHS1 % increase Shadow Price SP * 1% increase Thiamine Niacin Calories
Ranking the constraints Thiamine was the most costly constraint to meet We would have judged this the same just comparing shadow prices, but that could be misleading Similar to elasticity interpretations Elasticity of demand for food versus cars Requires that you understand the problem and interpretation to make the comparisons
Fertilizer Problem Consider ◦ Is total comparable to others? ◦ How to deal with positive vs negative shadow prices? Compare relaxations of constraints…
Common percentage and direction (of objective variable) Cost saving, 1% change in K ◦ Total cost reduces $30.00 Cost saving, 1% change in P ◦ Total cost reduces by $11.20
Planting Problem Shadow price for land is 2X labor ◦ 1 unit of land is usually worth more than a unit of labor Compare them as 1% increase in our resource base (labor > land > allot)