Making the right decisions for your project Tony Kirby PE, ENV SP, LEED GA, QSD Civil Engineer/Associate Principal, Arup
2 Presentation overview Arup in Los Angeles The issues facing us… Population Growth Transport Water Energy When does sustainable design make sense? Three case studies Questions
3 Arup in Los Angeles LAX Central Utility Plant Replacement project Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement MTA Crenshaw Corridor – Expo Station California HST
The issues facing us…
5 Population Growth in California 39,000,000 people in 2014 est. 54,000,000 people in 2040 (Source: ASCE Report Card 2012)
6 Transportation Roads ~6,000,000 cars in County of Los Angeles In Los Angeles, 78% of all trips Are taken by private car (2009) Need to shift to alternate modes - MTA are making the investment in rail, bus & roads Airports Greater LA area capacity = MAP Forecast for 2030 is ~200 MAP LAWA has a $7Bn CIP in progress at LAX Ports The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will invest $7.3Bn in their ports over the next 10 years. These ports handle 40% of all US imports from Asia.
7 Water “For the first time in its 54-year history, the State Water Project may not allot any water to the 25 million people and 1 million acres of farmland that it usually services in 2014” (CA DWR)
8 Energy Source: UCI Advanced Power & Energy Program / Southern California Edison
When does sustainable design make sense? Three Case Studies
10 LAX CUP – Cogeneration & Thermal Energy Storage calculated energy savings of $7M per year against old plant
11 Woodbury University Masterplan – Recycled Water 30% potable water reduction for a ~$50k investment
12 Wastewater re-use feasibility Optimized strategy has a simple payback of less than 12 years
13 Questions?