Persuasive Speech.


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Presentation transcript:

Persuasive Speech

Definition Persuade: [Verb] To successfully convince someone to agree to, accept, or do something, usually through reasoning and verbal influence. To sway. “That salesman was able to persuade me into buying this bottle of lotion.”

Aristotle The goal of argumentative writing and speaking is to persuade your audience that your ideas are valid, or more valid than someone else's. The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion, appeals, into three categories--Ethos, Pathos, Logos.

Ethos, Pathos, Logos Ethos (Credibility), or ethical appeal, means convincing by the character of the author. We tend to believe people whom we respect. One of the central problems of argumentation is to project an impression to the reader that you are someone worth listening to, in other words making yourself as author into an authority on the subject of the paper, as well as someone who is likable and worthy of respect. Use experts when you quote. Pathos (Emotional) means persuading by appealing to the reader's emotions. We can look at texts ranging from classic essays to contemporary advertisements to see how pathos, emotional appeals, are used to persuade. Language choice affects the audience's emotional response, and emotional appeal can effectively be used to enhance an argument. Logos (Logical) means persuading by the use of reasoning. This will be the most important technique we will study, and Aristotle's favorite. We'll look at and discuss what makes an effective, persuasive reason to back up your claims. Giving reasons is the heart of argumentation, and cannot be emphasized enough.

Assignment Write a persuasive speech. It is important that your persuasive speech contain the following elements. • Choose a topic and take a position on an issue. • Do research on the subject. • Write and speak to the audience. • Present a strong argument. • Provide strong supporting information. • Tie it all together with a strong appeal to the audience asking them to accept your argument. Time: 3-5 minutes Use note cards with an outline

Possible Topics Universal Health Care -- Term Limits -- Value-Added Tax/National Sales Tax Same-Sex Marriages -- Affirmative Action -- Death Penalty --School Vouchers -- Minimum Wage -- Legalization of Marijuana -- U.S. Role as World's Policeman -- Required Testing in Schools – Abortion -- Malpractice Lawsuit Caps -- U.S. as Sole Superpower -- U.S.-U.N. Involvement -- ANWR Oil Drilling -- CIA-Led Coups -- Mexico Border Fence -- Taxing the Rich -- Terrorist Prisoner Torture -- Fat Tax -- Oil Windfall Profits Tax -- Civil Liberties in Wartime -- War with Iran -- Social Security Privatization -- Legal Immigration -- Physician-Assisted Suicide -- Gun Control -- Unions -- DREAM Act/Path to Citizenship for Illegals -- Balanced Budget Amendment Herman Cain's 999 Tax Plan 

Step One Choice of Topic: _______________________________________ Why did you choose that topic?: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Approval ________________________

Abortion- make it illegal Step Two Sub Topics Teacher Approval _______ Politicians Religion Women’s rights organizations Abortion- make it illegal Political parties The law and abortion Leaders

Step Three Research your topic well List three sources: 1. Author: _______________________________________________________ Publication Title __________________________________________________ Date Published ________________Web address________________________ What did you learn from this source that you may use in your speech? 2. Author: _______________________________________________________ 3. Author: _______________________________________________________

Step Four Use the information from your research to write your speech using the three parts of a speech-introduction, body, and conclusion. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter. B. Thesis statement, what the speech will be about. II. Body A. Make your argument using your sub topics. B. Support your opinion with facts and expert opinions. III. Conclusion A. Review your argument and try to refer back to the attention getter. B. Final thought or quote with a strong appeal to have the audience agree with you.

Step Four continued write your speech on index cards Use note cards to write your speech. As you write add details-NEVER use the words “things,” “stuff,” and “you know!” Use specific language instead, in other words tell us exactly what you mean.

Delivery Have good posture Use hand gestures Only move up to three times (left, right, and center) Eye Contact, try to look at everyone in the class at least once. Use facial expressions to emphasize what you are saying. Personal appearance should not have distracting clothes or jewelry etc. Articulate well (word choice) Pronounce the words correctly Speak loud enough to be clearly heard in the room Don’t speak too fast Breath from your diaphragm Use an appropriate pitch

Extra Credit Practice! If you practice your speech out loud for a parent, guardian, or other adult, I will give you 5 points extra credit. Have them sign this form. Student: ___________________________________ Adult Listener: ______________________________ How long did the speech last? __________________ Please list one suggestion for improvement here: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Grading Rubric I will use the following Rubric to grade you speeches. Introduction: Attention Getter? Thesis? Overview of main idea? Body: Organized? Descriptive Details? Conclusion: Reviewed main idea? Final thought? Vocal Delivery: Volume Quality Speed pitch Articulation pronunciation Physical Delivery: posture gestures movements eye contact facial expression personal appearance TOTAL POINTS _______________ (OUT OF 65)

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