HR Competencies and Career Development HR Support Group Success Through HR Professionals February 2007
Objectives Explain the HR competency framework and the new HR behavioral competencies. Learn about the career management process in government. Identify the steps in creating a career development plan Review how to prepare for a career discussion with your manager Review what happens after the workshop
Agenda Competency – what does that mean? New HR Competencies – what are these? Career Development – how does this link to competencies? Next Steps - after the workshop
Objective #1: What is the HR competency framework and the new HR behavioral competencies?
Competencies – an overview In every job, some people perform more effectively than others. Exceptional performers use a different variety of approaches and behaviours than those individuals who perform at the expected level. What it takes to be successful on the job.
What Is a Competency? A competency is any observable and/or measurable knowledge, skill, ability, or behaviour that contributes to successful job performance. Values Traits Motives Skills Knowledge Necessary for top performance but not sufficient Characteristics that lead to longer-term success
Components of a Competency Definition Explains what the competency means Provides common language that everyone can understand in the same way Scale Lays out a behaviour pattern for each level—begins with passive behaviour and gradually increases Incremental and additive—any one level is inclusive of all preceding levels
Example of a Scaled Competency A. Takes a Single Action to Persuade D. Uses Indirect Influence Target Level C. Calculates Impact of Words or Actions B. Takes Multiple Actions to Persuade Impact and Influence The ability to persuade, convince, influence or impress others in order to get them to go along with or to support the organization’s direction E. Uses Complex Influence Strategies (MCP 6-19) Complexity More Complex Less Complex Success Through HR Professionals
Types of Competencies Behavioural competencies Technical competencies Refer to motives, traits and attributes that shape behaviour and reflect “how” you apply your knowledge and skills to achieve results. Technical competencies Refer to the specific knowledge and skills required to be effective in the job and reflect the “what” you know and what you can do technically.
Why Competencies? Promote a more open and transparent culture Improve the way an organization selects and develops employees Identify and encourage corporate behaviours Provide a common framework and language to integrate HR processes Support organizational change Encourage employees take more ownership for their own career development
Now that we understand competencies, what are the new competencies for the HR Community?
New HR Competencies Leadership Competencies for the AS group: HR Competencies for the Community: Relationship Building Client Orientation New HR Competencies Change Leadership Decisiveness Self Confidence /Courage of Convictions Effective Interactive Communication
Client Orientation is… …developing and maintaining strong relationships with clients. Focuses one’s efforts on discovering and meeting the client’s needs, while balancing against the government’s key business and strategic priorities. Clients may be broadly defined, including internal “customers” or “clients”, as well as the public.
Change Leadership is… …the ability to energize and alert groups to the need for specific changes in the way things are done. People with this competency willingly embrace and champion change. They take advantage of every opportunity to explain their vision of the future to others and gain their buy-in.
Effective Interactive Communication is… …the ability to transmit and receive information clearly and communicate effectively to others by considering their points of view in order to respond appropriately. It includes using tact and diplomacy in all communications as well as the ability to convey ideas and information, both orally and in writing, in a way that brings understanding to the target audience.
Competency Activity
Effective Interactive Communication HR Competency Framework Competencies that apply to the entire HR Community and enable its members to utilize their knowledge more effectively. Incorporates the MCP leadership competencies. Competencies that apply to the entire HR Community and enable its members to utilize their knowledge more effectively. Incorporates the MCP leadership competencies. Leadership qualities can be demonstrated by all members of the HR Community. Strategic Orientation Development of People Self Confidence Impact and Influence Relationship Building Team Leadership Achievement Orientation Decisiveness Effective Interactive Communication Support Developmental Consultant Management Leadership HRAs Jr. Consultants Generalists & Specialists Managers & Sr. Consultants Ex. Directors & Directors Change Leadership Client Orientation 3 common competencies required by all members of the HR Community. 8 leadership competencies for MCP employees. 3 leadership competencies for AS employees.
Target Levels of Proficiency Competency Leadership Management Consultant Developmental Support Client Orientation E D C Change Leadership B Effective Interactive Communication Decisiveness -- Self-Confidence Relationship Building
Best Leader/Worst Leader Characteristics of Worst Leader Characteristics of Best Leader
Leadership Competency: Decisiveness is… …the ability to make decisions based on analysis of the information presented in the face of ambiguous or conflicting situations, or when there is an associated risk.
Leadership Competency:Relationship Building is… …the ability to develop contacts and relationships internal and external to the organization to facilitate work efforts or to gain support/cooperation. Building long-term or on-going relationships with clients or stakeholders (e.g. someone internal or external to the organization, on whom your work has an impact).
Leadership Competency: Self-Confidence is… …a belief in one’s own capability as expressed in increasingly challenging circumstances and confidence in one’s decisions or opinions, within the framework of public interest, ethics and values and organizational integrity. It may include providing leadership, direction, and inspiration to others by making difficult decisions and taking actions that may not be popular but are in the best interests of the organization and its clients.
Vision Competencies will help the HR Community work towards its Vision: The HR Community will strive to make the Government of Nova Scotia a “preferred employer”. In Future: Managers are able to manage their HR Clients are coming to us as partners We are a fully qualified HR Community that can deliver a full range of services Our HR Community has a high level of job satisfaction and contentment
Objective #2: What’s the Career Development Planning process? Changing gears and moving into Career Development Planning. The competencies we’ve just explored are a source of information for your career development plan and most likely, will be a major focus of your development activities. Objective #2: What’s the Career Development Planning process?
What is Career Development? Career Development (or Management) is a process where you work with your manager to map out a realistic path to achieving your career aspirations within the context of the organization. It is: Employee owned Manager facilitated Organizationally supported
Win-Win-Win Employees Managers Organization
Career Development Roles and Responsibilities Employee Owned Take charge of their own development and career Close skill gaps for current and future positions Seize developmental opportunities Remember there are no promises or guarantees Manager Facilitated Take time with employees to discuss career aspirations Listen and provide feedback, ideas and contacts Make choices to support development Organizationally Supported Communicate future direction and skill requirements Provide information and tools Post opportunities
Career Development Process 1. Discovery Determine Where You Want To Go 4. Preparation Get closer to your goal Management Support and Coaching 2. Assessment Identify strengths & development areas 3. Planning Make a Career Development Plan
1 Discovery Know yourself: Who are you? What is your motivational type? What is your personality type? What are your career assets?
2 Assessment Assess where you are in relation to where you want to be Identify your strengths and developmental needs Benchmark your goals
Planning and Preparation 3 Planning: Create Your Career Development Plan 4 Preparation: Have a Career Discussion and be Competition Ready
Objective #3: What are the steps in creating a career development plan?
What is Development? Development is a planned and systematic effort aimed at increasing your personal effectiveness in targeted skills and competencies. Three key Factors: Assessment Challenge Support
Planning: Creating a Career Development Plan (CDP) 3 Planning: Creating a Career Development Plan (CDP) Step 1 Complete Background Info Step 2 Set your development goals Step 3 Write your action steps Step 4 List obstacles and solutions Step 5 Evaluate progress/success Assessment Challenge Support
Planning Step 2 Choose One or Two Areas for Change To change means to “hard-wire” new behaviors—this activity is like building muscle It is easiest to be successful when you focus on one or two things—practice developing these “muscles” for at least six months Jack Handy quote “If you think a weakness can be turned into a strength, I hate to tell you, but that’s another weakness. Focus on one or two areas to develop. Improve those areas and then tackle another.
Planning Step 3 - Write Action Steps Purpose Gives you an action plan that allows you to track your progress towards your development goals. Link to PM Major projects/activities should be included in your performance appraisal form as well as your career development plan. How to… determine action steps Identify actions/activities that will stretch your development areas.
Planning Step 3 –Example Step 2 – Development Goal: Client Orientation Offer more creative/innovative solutions to client problems and be able to explain why the solution will work for the client situation. Step 3 – Action Steps: Ask my manager about a challenging or difficult client problem she is currently involved with. Ask to work with her in helping to resolve the situation. Look for opportunities to collaborate with people from other CSUs or depart on initiatives or programs that may help my clients. Prepare and present a summary of my findings to clients. Read: Customer Service From The Inside-Out Made Easy, by Paul Levesque (Entrepreneur Press, 2006).
Activity: Development Activities Using the sample CDP, complete development activities for John by creating action steps (Step 3) for his development goal for Client Orientation. Use the development activities resource guide. Report back to large group on which activities you choose.
Objective #4: How do I prepare for a career discussion with my manager?
Preparation: The Career Discussion 4 Preparation: The Career Discussion Ask for a time to meet. Make a list of the things you wish to discuss. Be organized. Bring anything you think would help your discussion – updated resume, competency assessment, previous performance review and your draft CDP. Seek feedback. Express an openness to hearing frank feedback. Be willing to modify your plan after receiving feedback.
Preparation: Competition Ready 4 Preparation: Competition Ready Understand government’s hiring policy. Update your resume and cover letter. Practice your interview skills. Look for opportunities – career and/or development
Next Steps Discovery and Assessment: Do any self assessments that you want to do using the various tools and resources available to you(Career Explorer Workbook, 360, informational meetings, etc.) Planning: Draft your career development plan Preparation: Schedule a meeting with your manager and have your career discussion Incorporate any changes into your career development plan and provide to your manager by end of April 2007.
Objective #5: What happens after the workshop?
Competency Dictionary Comprehensive listing of competencies with a definition and target levels of proficiency Provides a common tool for engaging in competency modeling activities and a common language around behaviours and performance
360 Leadership Assessment? A 360⁰ Leadership Assessment is a process that enables you to gather confidential feedback about your performance as a leader from individuals you work with: Manager Peers Direct Reports Others
Change Management Workshops Focus is on change management education, to support the new Change Leadership competency and building capacity within the HR Community Available to the HR community in April Register on LearnNet Free!
HR Practitioner section For more information… Go to Check out HR Practitioner section
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