Why bother to study about Propaganda?
1. Teen Targets
2. Logic and Debate
3. Strategies for persuasion
Propaganda Not all ADS are bad
Propaganda “Truth in advertising” Discretion is used: Is the consumer harmed? Not: Is the ad technically false?
Propaganda “In Brand X car, you’ll feel like you’re flying.” Obviously false Un-harmful claim
Example “This cat food contains more phosphorous.” may be a true statement, but cats do not need phosphorous. Is this harmful to the consumer?
Example What does “water resistant” mean?
Advertising regulations Violators are ordered to cease and desist from running harmful ads. Fines kick in after the cease and desist date.
Advertising Regulators Self-regulation: National Advertising Review Board Media channel decision (based on audience) Public pressure FTC (Federal Trade Commission) FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
Advertising Impact Grammar - “Nobody doesn’t like Sarah Lee.” False images Stereotypical images Revenue ($$$$$$$) for the Media Industry
Advertising and Politics Political claims are not subject to the same regulations as product claims. Public pressure is the regulator. Wealthy candidates have an unfair advantage.
Types of Propaganda Propaganda techniques and persuasive tactics are used to influence people to believe, buy, or do something. You should be able to identify propaganda techniques and persuasive tactics.
Types of Propaganda 1. Name-calling is an attack on a person instead of an issue. Name calling can also be an attack on a product. This can sometimes backfire!
Types of Propaganda Name Calling is common in political commercials. Think about the connotation of the words used.
Types of Propaganda 2.A bandwagon appeal tries to persuade the reader to do, think, or buy something because it is popular or because “everyone” is doing it.
Types of Propaganda 3. A red herring is an attempt to distract the reader with details not relevant (not important) to the argument. Example: Never-ware cookware will look beautiful on your shelf for generations! (what about its cooking value?)
Red Herring This is often used in verbal arguments. Example: Teacher -Why are you in the hallway without a pass? Student - I’m in SSC today.
Types of Propaganda 4. An emotional appeal tries to persuade the reader by using words that appeal to the reader’s emotions instead of to logic or reason. AKA: Loaded words Think about connotation of words!
Types of Propaganda 5.A testimonial attempts to persuade the reader by using a famous person or expert to endorse a product or idea (for instance, the celebrity endorsement).
Types of Propaganda 6. Repetition attempts to persuade the reader by repeating a message over and over again. Advertisers use this so much that you get tired of seeing the same commercial over and over again.
Types of Propaganda 7. A sweeping generalization makes an oversimplified statement about a group based on limited information. AKA: Stereotyping, Broad Generalization
Types of Propaganda 8. A circular argument states a conclusion as part of the proof of the argument.
Types of Propaganda Example of a circular argument: This class is boring. Why? Because it’s not interesting.
Types of Propaganda Example of a circular argument: Deafness is caused by hearing loss. Nothing succeeds like success. The meaning of life is to live a life of meaning.
Circular argument
Types of Propaganda 9.An appeal to numbers, facts, or statistics attempts to persuade the reader by showing how many people think something is true.
Types of Propaganda 10. The either/or technique provides 2 extreme options, with no gray area to choose from. This is sometimes called card stacking.
Types of Propaganda 11.The oversimplification technique takes a very complex issue and reduces it to one simple solution.
Types of Propaganda 12. The transfer technique relies on you to transfer your feelings from the symbol or person to the product or message (positive or negative).