MAP Power WOrds
Analyze Think: Granola Bar!!! Analyze means to separate into the main parts and arrange in a systematic order.
Assess What does it mean to assess something? to point out the strengths and weaknesses of something Let’s assess you as a student.
Let’s Practice!! 1. Analyze how Dominic traveled back in time to Ellis Island (pick apart the parts and put them in order). 2. Imagine you are Dominic and have no family. Assess how you must feel.
CLASSIFY Classify to group things by class or category How could we classify all the students in this school? What could you use to classify?
CONSTRUCT What do you think of when you hear the word construct?
Let’s Practice Classify these things into categories of your choosing. 1.Black bear11. elephant 2.Caribou12. white alligator 3.Tiger13. chicken 4.Horse14. rabbit 5.Owl15. eagle 6.Robin16. deer 7.Elk17. cow 8.Pig18. mockingbird 9.Cardinal19. cougar 10.Ox20. camel
Construct a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Dominic’s life to your own.
Criticize What does it mean to criticize? Let’s criticize the movie High School Musical.
Define Define peony.
Assignment: 1. Criticize the way Signor Randizzi treats the boys. 2. Define ewe, pasture, orchard, commotion, content.
Describe What does it mean to describe? Can you describe the ocean?
Diagram Can you draw a diagram of the school?
Assignment 1. Describe how the boys must be feeling at the hope of having a family in America, but being split up.
Discuss What does it mean to discuss? review in detail Let’s discuss our day so far.
Evaluate What do you think of when you hear the word evaluate? to give an opinion of the worth Can you think of some forms of evaluation that we see every day? grades, scoring guides, teacher evaluations
Let’s evaluate the importance of recess time for 5 th graders.
Let’s Practice!-Think, Pair, Share Discuss how Dominic helped the boys learn about America. Evaluate the worth of the key with the initials S.C. How did Dominic get the key? How are he and Salvatore related?
Explain What does it mean to explain? to state plain reasons why something is Let’s explain why we get minutes taken away from recess.
Illustrate What does it mean to illustrate? *to paint a picture *to draw a picture *to make the reader be able to visualize through details
Assignment: 1. Explain how Dominic got to travel to America with the boys. 2. Let’s illustrate the boys boarding the ship to the Americas.
Interpret Interpret means to explain the meaning of Let’s interpret Antonio’s quote, “When I grow up in America, I want to be a very fat man.”
Justify To justify means to defend You can justify your opinion on most anything. Let’s justify whether or not the boys should have traveled to America.
Persuade & Review Persuade means to try to convince. Can you recall times you try to persuade someone to do something? Review means to summarize. Let’s review the story Orphan of Ellis Island.