Please copy any information in BLACK into your notes. THE TRAGIC HERO
Tragedy is… Imitation in dramatic form of an action that is serious and complete, with incidents arousing fear and pity where with it affects a catharsis of such emotions. Aristotle Poetics
Aristotle was… A Greek philosopher and scientist, who shared with Plato and Socrates the distinction of being the most famous of ancient Greek
Terms to know Pathetic: provoking or expressing feelings of compassion and pity (from Greek pathos) Catharsis: an experience or feeling of spiritual release and purification brought about by an intense emotional experience Hubris: excessive pride or arrogance leading to a downfall. Hamartia: a fatal lapse in judgment. Anagnorisis: the heroes sudden realization of guilt or culpability. Peripeteia: the sudden reversal of fortune or fate.
Aristotelian tragedy features A Hero that is of noble stature, or “better than us,” usually a king. Kingship is a symbol rather than a cause of greatness. The hero must be noble because,“If a fall arouses catharsis, it must be from a height.” In other words, when someone falls from up high, there is more impact for the viewer/reader.
Aristotelian tragedy features A Tragic hero that is basically good, but either a) commits hamartia, either through ignorance or belief that a greater good will come out of it or b) has a tragic flaw in character, most commonly hubris, but also wrath, jealousy, and inordinate ambition.
Aristotelian tragedy features A hero whose downfall is his own fault, the result of his own choices (free choice implies greatness). The downfall is tragic vs. pathetic Tragedy – A serious or unpleasant mistake Pathos (pathetic) – Something that moves one to feel sorrowful or compassionate
Aristotelian tragedy features A storyline where the punishment exceeds the crime; catharsis comes from a reaction to waste of human potential. A storyline where the tragic fall is not a pure loss- the protagonist is enlightened, or “a discovery” is made before fall.
Your Task – Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper. What is your initial impression of Oedipus after reading scene 1? What kind of person is he? What exactly do the people of Thebes want from Oedipus? Compare/contrast this to what we expect from our leaders in modern society. What role does the oracle at Delphi serve in the opening scene? Do we have oracles today? If so, do they have as much purpose and notoriety as the Oracle at Delphi? What must Oedipus do to save his country? Why is he so willing to do it?