Lit. Term Tuesday Woot! Dramatic Tragedy: more than just a catchy song by the Bee- Gees
Tragedy A drama in which the characters experience reversals of fortune, usually for the worse. catastrophe and suffering await many of the characters, especially the hero. In other words, don’t be shocked when everybody dies in the end. A drama in which the characters experience reversals of fortune, usually for the worse. catastrophe and suffering await many of the characters, especially the hero. In other words, don’t be shocked when everybody dies in the end.
Tragic Hero Noble or high birth exhibits tragic flaw or fate suffers a fall from glory into suffering (because of tragic flaw/fate) Ex: Brutus, Romeo Noble or high birth exhibits tragic flaw or fate suffers a fall from glory into suffering (because of tragic flaw/fate) Ex: Brutus, Romeo
Tragic Flaw weakness or limitation of character/personality, resulting in the fall of the tragic hero. Ex: Brutus = idealism. Romeo = fickle & impulsive passion weakness or limitation of character/personality, resulting in the fall of the tragic hero. Ex: Brutus = idealism. Romeo = fickle & impulsive passion
Hamartia Another term for tragic flaw. derived from the Greek verb hamartanein, meaning "to miss the mark" Another term for tragic flaw. derived from the Greek verb hamartanein, meaning "to miss the mark"
Hubris derived from the Greek word hybris, meaning “excessive pride.” Often to the point that a mortal challenges the superiority of the gods most common form of tragic flaw Think “arrogance” derived from the Greek word hybris, meaning “excessive pride.” Often to the point that a mortal challenges the superiority of the gods most common form of tragic flaw Think “arrogance”