The Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta Written by Christopher Marlowe Presented by Christopher Knock
Marlowe Facts and Fictions Life span 1564–1593 Born in Canterbury Educated at Cambridge Actor and dramatist for the Lord Admiral's Company in London (1587) Thought by some to be a spy working as part of the great espionage network created by Elizabeth I's secretary of state, Sir Francis Walsingham. Died by having his own dagger shoved into his eye in a bar. Friser (the killer) thought to be a collaborator in a lager cover up scheem.
Review Plot –Prologue –Act 1 Opens with Barabas Governor puts tax on Jews of Malta –Act 2 Barabas continues to scheme to get his wealth back –Act 3 Intro to Intro to Bellamira and her pimp Pilia-Borza –Act 4 Barabas and Ithamore have killed the nuns The friars die of greed –Act 5 Barabas helps Calymath invade Malta Barabas becomes governor of Malta Barabas makes a deal with Ferneze Ferneze betrays Barabas and he dies
Characters Barabas and Ithamore Ferneze Abigail Mathias and Lodowick Friar Jacomo and Friar Bernardine
Themes and Symbols Machiavellian –Deception Vengeance Hypocrisy Gold Others?
Questions to ponder The Jew of Malta is supposed to be played as a tragedy. How might the irony of the play hinder the players from producing a tragic work? If Barabas is all evil why do we as the audience feel sympathy for him? What references or allusions in the play lead to a possible anti-Semitic reading of the play?
Bibliography David, Eric Rasmussen. "The Jew of Malta." Oxford English Drama: Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus and other plays. Ed. Bevington Oxford: Oxford University Press, Jokinen Anniina. "luminarium." Marlowe, Christopher. 27/09/ /11/2003. "Marlowe, Christopher." The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia on © 2003 Family Education Network.4/11/2003.