This is the screen shot from “Tae Chunggum” DVD, which is one of the most famous Korean TV Dramas. You will see later why I show this DVD. It is the story of 장금, who went though as a Court Lady of Royal Kitchen to becoming the first Female Royal Physician. This is based on a real character in Korean history.
Dr. Kristina Troost Miree Ku Duke University Building a Searchable Database for Duke University’s Korean Video Collection Dr. Kristina Troost Miree Ku Duke University I am so pleased to present this database today. You will see Duke’s Korean Video Collection Database and realize the issues and problems in searching for the CJK materials. Also, you will see how this database makes it searchable effectively and can be used for collection management.
Introduction Overview Purpose Issues Methods Outcomes An Overview of Duke’s Korean collection and Korean audio/visual collection The purpose for building this database will be explained from the viewpoints of users and collection manager. Then we will address general issues for Korean language collections and specific issues for Duke’s Korean collections. Under the methods, we will cover how we designed the database to make it easy to retrieve information. Started from developing searchable integrated collections lists, it results in an efficient collection management tool for the future.
Overview Duke’s Korean collection development Strong demands for Korean Studies Initiative as a leading Korean collection in Southeast region East Asian Collection Asian & African Languages & Literature (AALL) The Duke’s Korean collection is very much a fledgling collection. It is strongest in history, literature, film and popular culture, dovetailing with strengths in both the Chinese and Japanese collections as well as reflecting faculty interests. The DVD/Film collection at Duke is growing rapidly. Korean Studies is becoming increasingly important, recognized as an essential component of East Asian Studies and part of Duke’s overall mission. Moreover, Duke’s Korean language instruction program is one of the best in the nation and courses in Korean literature, and film studies have been almost or as popular as their Chinese and Japanese counterparts. In addition, there are currently no other academic Korean collections in the southeast region. Therefore, Duke Korean collection will be expected to take the initiative as a leading Korean collection in southeast region of North America. Here are the websites of the East Asia Collection and the department of Asian & African Languages & Literature for your information.
Overview (continued) Korean Audio/Visual Collection at Duke Supports Korean language program and courses in Korean literature and film studies Strong demand for Korean film/DVD collection Build a searchable Korean video collection database, which can be expanded for other collections at Duke Recently, a tenure track position faculty in Korean Cultural/Visual Studies was authorized in order to embrace and develop AALL’s (Asian and African languages and Literatures) linkage with other units on campus such as the Film/Video/Digital program, the Program in Literature, Cultural Anthropology, Women’s Studies and History. As is reflected in the growth of the Korean film and video collection, film is extremely important to Korean Studies and, in fact, continuing to build the Korean film collection is mandatory. The Lilly Library at Duke houses the media collection for the Perkins Library System. It is a multicultural, interdisciplinary collection of feature films, documentaries and animation with titles from nearly 60 countries collected to support academic instruction and research. Its strength lies in silent film, classic feature film, world cinema, avant-garde and experimental film, and Southern Americana. The online library catalog in many University's libraries supports the CJK scripts which improve the retrieval and display of East Asian language materials. However, there are substantial problems that limit the usefulness of the online catalog. While Duke’s catalog can now be searched by characters, we were uncertain when this would be implemented when we started to develop the database. Thus, the initial purpose of this project was to develop a database which allowed search by CJK or romanized characters. This database also functions as a separate catalog of Korean DVD Collection, which can be helpful not only for the related Korean collection development but also for the patrons who like to be able to browse the list of films. Also, I expect that this database can be expanded for other collections at Duke.
Purpose User-friendly searchable database for Korean collection User’s searching abilities and behaviors in accessing information Easy to access to Korean resources Improve information retrieval Support Korean collection management Quality control Selection guide for collection development Based on the concept of meeting the user’s needs, I focused on developing a user-friendly searchable database for Korean collection, considering user’s searching abilities and behaviors in accessing information, easy to access to Korean resources and improving information retrieval. The other important purpose of developing this database is to support Korean collection management in terms of quality control of collections and selection guide for collection development. In online catalog, there are usually some instructional programs on Romanization rules in order to support user’s Romanization and searching skills. When I first encountered romanized Korean words, I could not easily figure out what it meant. It took a long time for me to get used to transliterating Korean into McCune-Reischauer Romanization. For the general patrons? I guess it will be really hard for them to understand or transliterate. If they have to look at the instructional program for transliteration, they might hesitate to search the catalog. The instruction for Romanization is one of the ways to support patrons, however, it is not the best way considering the user’s needs. Therefore, I focused on developing the database to get the consistent information retrieval using the original scripts based on the user’s needs.
Issues General issues Specific issues at Duke Inconsistent use of Romanization rule Inconsistent use of space - word division Insufficient information in the cataloging records Need for searchable Korean collection resources Specific issues at Duke Unsearchable by Korean scripts No Korean specialist in the past The issues were considered as the general issues for all libraries which hold Korean language collections and the specific issues at Duke’s Korean collections. As I mentioned before, most of the online catalog supports the CJK scripts. But, there are substantial problems that limit the usefulness of the online catalog due to inconsistent application of Romanization rules or word division, or insufficient information in the cataloging records, such as no Korean or English title, or different Romanization title.. In addition, there is a need for searchable Korean resources to develop better Korean collection. For the specific issues at Duke, it was explained in overview of this presentation by Dr. Kristina Troost. Before coming here, I’ve got a good news from the library system development, which says that it will be possible to search by CJK scripts through Duke’s online catalog as soon as possible. I am sure that it results from the strong support and stimulation from East Asian collection department. I am the only and first Korean in Perkins Library at Duke University. ^_^ Unfortunately, Duke online catalog can only be searched by Romanized entries. It displays the CJK scripts, but is unable to search by the CJK character sets. That’s the reason why I started developing the database which enables to display and search by CJK scripts or Romanization character. This database also functions as a separated catalog of Korean DVD Collection, which can be expanded for other collections at Duke.
Methods PHP/MySQL Unicode based User-friendly interface with a simple design Data input from library catalog records “Additional Information” field for effective information retrieval “Roman field” for efficient search regarding the diacritics or spaces This system was built by PHP and MySQL, which is a common and free web-based database development tool. Since this database is based on Unicode, you can copy and paste the records back and forth with other Unicode based applications such as OCLC Connexion. This database has a user-friendly interface with a simple design. The first step to design database is choosing the fields and data from the library catalog records. The most important fields of this database are “Additional Information” and “Roman” fields, which make this database searchable.
Duke’s Korean Video Collection Search Search box for title, director, actor/actress in any Korean, English, or Romanization scripts Browse all videos Browse by categories: Feature Films, TV Dramas and Documentary Films Link the Video Call Number to Duke’s Online Catalog for location or MARC record After this screen, you will see Duke’s Korean Video Collection Database Search. There is an integrated search box for title, director, actor/actress in any Korean, English, or Romanized scripts. Also, it is browsable for all videos. In addition, there are three categories which are Feature Films, TV Dramas and Documentary Films. Of course, it links the video call number to Duke’s online catalog for location, full view of record or MARC record.
User-friendly interface with a simple design The most fundamental principle of the design is a simple and user-friendly design. This is an integrated search box for title, director, actor/actress in Korean, English, or Romanized scripts. If you type “animation” or “classic film” in search box, you can get results about animation or classic film collections, too.
Search result by actor’s name , “안성기” This is a search result by 안성기, who is one of the famous actors in Korea.
Search result by actor’s name , “안성기” There are total 24 DVDs of all 234 DVDs we have.
Search result by “클래식필름” or “classic film” This is a search result by 클래식 필름, in Korean or English, whatever.
Search result by “클래식필름” or “classic film” I found only 5 classic films and 2 animations at Duke. For the next selection, I will consider for these genres.
Data Input This screen shows the input of data processing. The existing records have been transferred from the library catalog manually, which should be a one time process. For new records, the manual data input in the selection process will be reused for acquisition, cataloging and collection development. In other words, when I select the collection material, I will input the data here and it will be used for acquisition, cataloging and collection development.
Additional Information / Roman field As I mentioned before, there are two special fields for better information retrieval, which are “Additional Information” field and “Roman” field.
Additional Information / Roman field In “Additional Information” field, variant entries in different languages, various Romanization and space usage, or additional information such as genre, can be added. In other words, additional information input not covered by cataloging rules can be added in order to get a better information retrieval.
Additional Information / Roman field Actually there is no need to input data manually in “Roman” field. This field functions automatically to manage inconsistency in space or diacritics in Romanization. Users can search by Romanization regardless of diacritics or spaces.
Additional Information / Roman field (continued) At the beginning, I show you the beautiful lady of TV Drama DVD. It is 대장금. For example, there is no Korean title in this record. Moreover, the other kind of this TV Drama has different titles.
Additional Information / Roman field (continued) Therefore, I put the Korean title, variant Romanization titles and genres in “Additional Information” field. You can use 246 (Variant title) field for different forms of titles in MARC, but other information does not apply for 246 field. However, in this Additional Information field, whatever it is, you can accommodate.
Additional Information / Roman field (continued) As I said, the Roman filed functions automatically for diacritics and spaces.
Add additional searchable information This screen is an example of adding Korean title, director, actor and actress in additional field.
Add additional searchable information Because there were no Korean scripts in the original record from Connextion, I added them here.
Keyword Search by “Aje aje para aje (아제아제바라아제)” without space in Romanization Now, I will show the example of “Roman” field function in detail. “아제아제바라아제” is the movie about Buddhist monastic life in Korea in 1989, which is made by Im Kwon-tak, one of the famous directors in Korea. The meaning of this Buddhist word, 아제아제바라아제, is “come, come, come upward” As you see, there is no space in Korean scripts. But, in romanization, there is a space. So, this record should be cataloged with space, “Aje Aje Para Aje”.
Keyword Search by “Aje aje para aje (아제아제바라아제)” without space in Romanization In keyword search at Duke’s online catalog for “Aje aje para aje” without space in Romanization, you cannot find the result here.
Keyword Search by “Aje aje para aje (아제아제바라아제)” without space in Romanization Of course, you can find the record searching by this title with space.
Keyword Search by “Aje aje para aje (아제아제바라아제)” without space in Romanization In this record, there is a romanized title with spacc. That’s why you can not get the result searching by the romanized title without space.
Same Search in this Database This is the result from our database searching by same words without space in Romanization.
Same Search in this Database As you see, you can get the same result searching by with space. Because this database allows to search regardless of space or diacritics. As I mentioned earlier, “Roman” field functions automatically to manage inconsistency in space or diacritics in Romanization.
Browsing all videos If you click “Show All Videos” in the first page, you can browse all videos.
Browsing all videos In addition, you can sort by Movie or Media Release year. Faculty often wants to be able to search by movie release year, but since it is not often readily apparent on the item, it may not be included in the cataloging record.
Categorization of Videos In this database, there are three categories, Korean Feature Films, TV Dramas, and Documentary Films.
Categorization of Videos If you click each genre, you will get the all results for that type.
Categorize into Korean Feature Films, TV Dramas and Documentary Films This page shows all collections of Korean TV Dramas at Duke. We have 17 TV dramas and 8 documentary films, which needs more collections in terms of quality and quantity.
Categorize into Korean Feature Films, TV Dramas and Documentary Films If you click the call number in the searching result, it links to Duke’s Online Catalog.
Link the Video Call Number to Duke’s Online Catalog for location or full view of record Each record has a system number at online catalog. I put the system number in database in order to link to online catalog easily.
Link the Video Call Number to Duke’s Online Catalog for location or full view of record Now, you can see the full view of record, or MARC record here.
Consistent search result by “대장금”, “Tae changgum”, or “Dae jang geum” regardless of scripts, different Romanization inscription, or space This screen shows the consistent search result regardless of scripts, different Romanization inscription, or space. Whatever you type in search box, such as 대장금, Tae Changgum, or Dae Jang Geum, you will get the same information.
Search by “Tae changgum” at Duke online catalog This screen shows the search for “tae changgum” at Duke Online catalog.
Search result Originally, it was not possible to get both records due to the different titles in scripts or Romanization. After realizing the problems in searching the Korean materials through developing this database , I added the variant title to improve information retrieval at Duke’s online catalog.
Search result This is another advantage of this project; it has improved information retrieval at Duke’s online catalog.
Adding the variant title to improve information retrieval This screen shows the full view record of Tae Changgum after adding the variant title.
Adding the variant title to improve information retrieval You can see variant titles here.
All records from online catalog and database For this project, I searched for the all DVD collections using expert search in online catalog.
All records from online catalog and database There are 275 records, but I found that only 216 records are Korean DVD collections.
All records from online catalog and database As you see, there are 234 records in this database. In other words, 18 Korean DVDs are not included in the records from expert search.
Outcomes Simple and easy searching Integrated browsing Managing inconsistency - space or diacritics Additional information input not covered by cataloging rules Integrated browsing Useful collection management tool Error checking for the existing records Serendipity Information sharing with other libraries As you have seen so far, this system is so simple and easy to use. It manages inconsistency, space or diacritics in Romanization. The “Additional Information” field provides necessary information not covered by cataloging rules. It has a single search box with integrated browsing. In addition, it can be used as a useful collection management tool, error checking for the existing records, or providing serendipity to allow finding unexpected materials, such as missing or misplaced items. This list can be shared with other librarians for their selection or collection development tool.
Outcomes (continued) Expandability Efficient integrated workflow Korean book collections Table of contents in Korean literature Adaptable to other languages Efficient integrated workflow Selection list Acquisition list This tool is easily expandable to other Korean book collections, table of contents, and adaptable to collections in other languages. As mentioned earlier, this database will be used as an integrated workflow tool for selection and acquisitions. In other words, once you type in entries on the database as a selection list, it can be used again for acquisition and public view for newly added materials.
Thanks! Duke University I hope you enjoy this presentation. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please let me know. I sincerely would like to get advise from you. Thanks!