Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English MACBETH OBJECTIVES The main objectives are to: - Understand the Shakespearean theatre. -Grasp.


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Presentation transcript:

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English MACBETH OBJECTIVES The main objectives are to: - Understand the Shakespearean theatre. -Grasp the features of Tragedy and Comedy. -Interpret Macbeth as an Aristotelian Tragedy -Analyze Macbeth as a Tragic Hero.

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon. He was baptized on April 23, 1564 and died there on April 23, At 18 he married 26 year old Anne Hathaway. They had a daughter, Susanna and twins, Hamlet and Judith. Hamlet died when he was eleven. This is an artist’s drawing of his original home.

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English “Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air.” 1:1 What do you suspect immediately from this scene?

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English The play Macbeth is called a tragedy but is he a tragic hero? Aristotle offers a definition of a tragic hero: 1.He is a character of noble stature and a man of status. 2. The hero is great but not perfect. He is essentially like us. 3. The hero has an error of judgment or a tragic character flaw such as hubris which is arrogant pride.

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English Aristotle offers a definition of a tragic hero: 4.The hero’s punishment exceeds the crime. 5. The hero achieves self-knowledge 6. The audience is not in a state of depression a catharsis occurs – pity and fear for the fate of the tragic hero

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English SHAKESPEAREAN TRAGEDY EXPOSITION – time, place, mood, characters revealed EXCITING FORCE – begins conflict that will continue throughout the play RISING ACTION – events which lead to the climax of the play CLIMAX – Turning point of the play. The Shakespearean hero moves to his/her inevitable end. CATASTROPHE –(Denouement in French) Consequences of the hero’s actions – his death.

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English 1.Tragic heroes must inspire fear and pity. They contribute to their own destruction by acts that reveal a flaw in their character or a tragic error that leads to death. {HAMARTIA OR THE TRAGIC FLAW THAT LEADS TO THE HERO’S DOWNFALL} 2. The tragedy proceed from action – a series of interconnected deeds and relationships that lead to complications and the inevitable catastrophe – death. 3. The tragic hero is isolated.

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English 4.Opposition to the hero is mobilized. 5. Hero finally recognizes his flaw. 6. Hero may attempt to restore lost honor and greatness. 7. Tragic hero dies. 8. Order is restored.

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English OBJECTIVES The main objectives are to: -Analyze the themes -Interpret the techniques. -Critically interpret the text Interpretation of Macbeth as a Tragedy of Moral order.

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English As you watch the film decide if Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are tragic heroes or psychopaths.

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English THEMES Appearance vs reality Ambition Temptation Cruelty Kingship vs. tyranny Supernatural/superstition Guilt

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English TECHNIQUES Imagery Allusion Alliteration Simile/metaphor Irony Dramatic irony Symbols

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English IMAGERY IN MACBETH 1.Ill fitting clothing 2. Light vs darkness 3. Blood 4.Water/washing 5. Nature vs supernatural 6. Weather 7.Hallucinations/dreams

Meraj Tabassum Syed & Shahnaz Akhtar Department Of English As you read notice Shakespeare’s use of literary or rhetorical devices. He is known for his clever manipulation of language. allusion alliteration simile/metaphor irony Dramatic irony symbols