Villain The Trickster The Shadow The Hero The Anti-Hero The Mentor COMMON TYPES OF ARCHETYPES
The Willing Hero Willing to undertake any quest courageously The Unwilling Hero Doubtful, passive, unwilling to journey The Loner Hero Able to overcome opposition alone Tragic Hero Have a tragic flaw that hurt them in the end
EXAMPLES OF HEROES The Willing Hero Beowulf; King Arthur; Red Crosse Knight The Unwilling Hero Achilles, Hercules, Bilbo, Aragorn The Loner Hero James Bond; Superman; Indiana Jones Tragic Hero Romeo; Brutus; Hamlet; Macbeth; Beowulf; Gilgamesh
TYPES OF MENTORS The “Wise Old Man/Woman” Possesses wisdom and experience The Comic Mentor Provides humorous advice Continuing Mentor Recurring character such as boss or best friend Fallen Mentor Have faced a similar crisis; provides warning
EXAMPLES OF MENTORS The “Wise Old Man/Woman” Yoda, Van Helsing, Gandalf The Comic Mentor Glenda the Witch, Fairy Godmothers, Continuing Mentor Alfred, Mentor, Una Fallen Mentor Haymitch, Yoda
ANTI-HEROES Generally oppressive, pessimistic, and/or corrupt. Motivated by own personal desires Reluctant Classic Anti-Hero Frankenstein, Achilles, Hercules The Tragic Anti-Hero Jack Sparrow, Darth Vadar, Han Solo
HEROES & THEIR MENTORS Heroic characters typically have a guide that enlightens them near the beginning of their journey and/or in times of hardship. Frodo had Gandalf Batman had Alfred Luke Skywalker had Ben Kanobi Mina Murray had Van Helsing
THE VILLAIN The foil of the hero Dueling personalities, tricky Classic Villains Moriarty, Long John Silver, The Dragon Modern Villains The Joker, Hannibal Lector
THE SHADOW Hero’s foil (Mirror Image of the hero) Dueling personalities, tricky The arch enemy
THE TRICKSTER Seek to humiliate or outwit the Hero Antics cause the adventure Cunning and foolish Examples of Tricksters Bugs Bunny, The Riddler, the Joker
OTHER MINOR ARCHETYPES The CHIEF - a dynamic leader, he has time for nothing but work The BAD BOY - dangerous to know, he walks on the wild side The BEST FRIEND - sweet and safe, he never lets anyone down The LOST SOUL - a tormented being, he lives in solitude The CHARMER - a smooth talker, he creates fantasies The PROFESSOR - coolly analytical, he knows every answer The WARRIOR - a noble champion, he acts with honor
ARCHETYPAL COLORS Black: Death/mourning, emotional darkness, hidden desires/instincts, un-enlightenment. Black : darkness, chaos, mystery, the unknown, death, wisdom, evil, melancholy. Blue: The color of the spirit, the spiritual, the heavenly, the divine, intuition, inspiration. Has the association with the unconscious and feminine qualities. Green: In positive terms, Mother Nature, fertility, hope, renewal, health, youth, harmony, prosperity. The color of sensual and spiritual passion. Orange: Balance, creative expression, pride and ambition, cruelty, ferocity, luxury. As the color of fire, can represent burning away impurities.
ARCHETYPAL COLORS Purple: The color of royalty, imperial power, pride, justice, intuition, wisdom, truth. As a blend of red and blue, it is the color of authority/ power and the wisdom to know how to use it. Red: Blood, life, life-force; embarrassment, anger; fire, lust, passion. Associated with activity, energy, courage, will power, and war. White : Purity, holiness, sacredness, redemption, mystical enlightenment, innocence, joy, light and life it is transcendent perfection. It signifies the union of opposites to form a whole as well as the symbolic death of transformation and renewal. Yellow: The sun, illumination, intellect and generosity, maturity. The color of fire and thus the purification of flame. Yellow : enlightenment, wisdom.