Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring & Caring Science Jean Watson PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN By Amanda Boone, RN & Gina Gilmore, RN
Who is Jean Watson5 Nurse Author Dean Professor Founder Scholar Holds multiple Doctorate degrees
History of Theory Development5 Jean Watson is a nursing theorist who has evolved her work around theory, science, philosophy, research, and most importantly has centered her focus on a theory about caring. Watson’s theory is focused on holistic human. Watson’s theory was deeply influenced by personal issues; the death of her husband by suicide and the tragic loss of her eye in a golfing incident.
History of Theory Development5 The Theory of Human Caring was developed in 1979 with the focus on bringing meaning and focus to nursing as a distinct health profession. Watson’s belief is that the focus should be on connecting with the patient’s inner self by the use of healing, caring, spirituality, science, and philosophy instead of the focus being on illness and disease.
History Of Theory Development5 As Watson formulated her theory, she found inspiration in Florence Nightingale’s focus on caring. Florence Nightingale states, “It is the surgeon who saves a person’s life …….it is the nurse who helps this person live”.
Human Caring Model
Components of this Theory9 A Caring Science defined (Watson 2008: 311) Ontological Humanitarian Philosophical Ethical Phenomenal Metaphysical Expressive
Definition: Ontology The philosophical study of the nature of4,5 Being Becoming Existence
Definition: Humanitarianism3 In its most simple form a person who is devoted to the support of human Exhibiting sympathy for humans universally Kindness Benevolence Empathetic Wellbeing
Definition: Epistemology6 The Theory of Knowledge. What is the nature of knowledge? How do we acquire knowledge? How do we determine truth or deception? Rationalism or empiricism? Is this a internal or external process?
Core Concepts of a Caring Science9 (Watson 2008, p263) Transpersonal Caring Connections- individual, community, planet Objective- empirical Subjective- interpretive Epistemological Clinical inquiry
Caring Practices: Nursing's Role in Transpersonal Relationships2 Being present Loving - kindness Equanimity Mind-body-spirit Openness Commitment Respect Honor
Caring: Nursing's Role in Transpersonal Relationships1,5 “Transpersonal caring calls for an authenticity of being and becoming, an ability to be present to self and other in a reflective frame; the transpersonal nurse has the ability to center consciousness and intentionality on caring, healing, and wholeness, rather than on disease, illness and pathology.”(WATSON CARING SCIENCE INSTITUTE & INTERNATIONAL CARITAS CONSORTIUM. (2013).
Caring: Nursing’s Role Transpersonal Relationships5 Connectedness Spirituality Inner self Treating person rather than illness Therapeutic relationship Healing Caring
Caring Encounters1,2,5 Lead to harmony Balance Reflection Healing Understanding Making a difference Improved outcomes
Nursing Knowledge9 Science Art Aesthetic Ethical Intuitive Personal Cultural Spiritual
Understanding Humanism Allows2,3,9 Understanding the patient’s reality Life experiences Meaning Context Genuine relationships Trust Support Dignity
Application of Knowledge2,5,7,9 Caritas Conscious Practice Process/ frame of reference Competencies - outcomes 1 Altruistic system Available 2 Authentic presence Support 3 Awareness of self and patient Centered relationship 4 Trust Unconditional non-judgmental relationship 5 Promoting expression Reflection and awareness 6 Scientific problem-solving Framework 7 Engaged teaching Empowered learning 8 Healing environment Wholeness and healing 9 Basic needs Anticipated, respected, met 10 Discovery Acceptance and openness
Relevance of Theory Dr. Watson provides a frame work that encourages an altruistic system that is nonjudgmental and supportive. Through her system a relationship develops that allows the nurse and patient to explore feelings, problem solve and consider the future. This is an application of loving- kindness that honors each of us as human beings.
Conclusion A Caring Science provides the nurse a way to “preserve human dignity by assisting patients in finding meaning in order to restore balance and harmony”2. Watson’s Vision for the future of nursing8. Article on transforming professional practice Living Legend
Caritas Meditation9 Caritas Meditation Audio (about 7 minutes)
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