William Shakespeare T
Elizabethan Dress of the Day H
William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in the town of Stratford-Upon-Avon E
Shakespeare’s birthplace in Stratford-Upon-Avon E
Nash’s House When Shakespeare retired from London and the theater, he retuned to Stratford and bought this house. He was very wealthy. N
Royal Shakespeare Company I This stage in Stratford shows Shakespeare’s plays. (I saw “A Winter’s Tale” here.
He was the third of 8 children and the oldest son of the family. U
When Shakespeare was older he should have apprenticed to his father, but because of financial problems his father was having he apprenticed to a butcher nearby. S
At the age of 18 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who was 8 years older then he was. T
Shakespeare’s family Daughter, Susanna, was born in 1583 Twins, Hamnet and Judith, were born in 1585 Son, Hamnet, dies in 1596 and Shakespeare is not there H
He moved to London, without his wife and children, in 1588 after being banned from Stratford for poaching deer in the park of Sir Thomas Lucy, a local justice of the peace. E
After being in London for only four years he attained success as an actor and a playwright. Although his plays were generally popular the plays were looked down upon by the learned, who considered being a playwright a vulgar occupation. M
The Globe Theater in London The Original Globe The Rebuilt Globe Theater in London Y
Inside the Globe H
Shakespeare wrote many different kinds of plays. All of his plays are divided into four periods. The first period leads up to 1594.The first period leads up to The second period is the time from The second period is the time from The third period is the time between The third period is the time between The fourth and final period is any time after 1608.The fourth and final period is any time after T
After 1613 Shakespeare moved back to Stratford and became a leading citizen. He died on April 23, 1616 and was buried in the Church of the Holy Trinity. His family is buried along with him. E
Shakespeare’s Resting Place L
Summary April 23, Shakespeare’s birthday November 27, marries Anne Hathaway 1590-leaves for London Forms The Chamberlain’s Men acting company 1596-Shakespeare is London's leading playwright 1599-Globe Theatre built in London Period of his great tragic plays 1603-His company becomes The Kings Men performing frequently for James I 1613-Retires to Stratford April 23, 1616-Death of Shakespeare END