Post thrombotic Syndrome Godwin Tse LA-TRAP Winter 2011
What is post-thrombotic syndrome? Long-term complication of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) that is characterized by chronic, persistent pain, swelling and other signs in the affected limb Caused by damage to veins and valves
Signs and Symptoms Symptoms Heaviness Pain Swelling Itching Cramps Aching Symptoms worsen with activity and standing Signs Edema Eczema Hyperpigmentation Redness Secondary varicose veins Lipodermatoschlerosis (LDS) Venous Ulcers
DVT Post thombotic syndrome
Risk factors Age >65 Sex Location of DVT Recurrent DVT Lack of long-term anticoagulation Obesity
Prevention DVT Prophylaxis Optimal duration of anticoagulation After initial DVT: Prevention of recurrent DVT Compression stockings
Treatment Compression stockings/pump Elevation of extremity while resting Lifestyle changes Medications
PTS vs recurrent DVT Over 24h span (DVT): Dramatic onset of pain Persistent swelling Duplex ultrasound ▫May difficult to distinguish due to abnormalities still present in the venous segment
Social impact Costs ▫Increased medical costs ▫Lost of productivity at work/home Decreased quality of life
References ndrome.pdfhttp:// ndrome.pdf tic_syndrome/vereecken.html tic_syndrome/vereecken.html boticsymdromehttp:// boticsymdrome