Date: in 12 pts High quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) on the European agenda DG Education and Culture October,2014 Education and Training
Date: in 12 pts Different abilities are formed and shaped at different stages of the lifecycle. A number of particularly sensitive periods have been identified in early childhood. Why specifically target our youngest citizens?
Date: in 12 pts Education and Training
Date: in 12 pts Demand and supply of places in publicly subsidised centre- based ECEC settings, 2012/13 4 Supply meets demand No data Children under 33 years and older children Demand is higher than supply
Date: in 12 pts Education and Training Funding Funding Public spending on early childhood education and care as a % of GDP 2009 Source: OECD Family database, Indicator PF ).
Date: in 12 pts Education and Training Communication and Council Conclusions on ECEC Improving accessibility and quality Holistic approach to children – from birth to compulsory school age
Date: in 12 pts POLICY-MAKERS MAY HAVE A DIRECT INFLUENCE ON ACCESSACCESS QUALITY FUNDING Free provision, targeted subsidies FUNDING Free provision, targeted subsidies WORKFORCE Initial training CPDCareerWORKFORCE CPDCareer EDUCATIONALGUIDELINES Holistic approach Targeted support EDUCATIONALGUIDELINES Holistic approach Targeted support MONITORING,EVALUATIONMONITORING,EVALUATIONGOVERNANCE Policy coordination GOVERNANCE GREATEST BENEFITS FOR ALL CHILDREN Intensive verbal interactions Cognitive stimulation Encouraging climate, safe environment Socialisation, physical development GREATEST BENEFITS FOR ALL CHILDREN Intensive verbal interactions Cognitive stimulation Encouraging climate, safe environment Socialisation, physical development Guarantee to an affordable place (enough provision) Guarantee to an affordable place (enough provision)
Date: in 12 pts Education and Training Accessibility: Barcelona target Formal child care by age category (2011) Children cared for as a percentage of all children in the same age category Sources: Eurostat — EU-SILC 2010 Notes: ‘Close to an objective’ refers to countries that had around 25 % of coverage for children under 3 (Finland) or around 80 % coverage of children aged 3 to the mandatory school age (Austria, Ireland).
Date: in 12 pts Accessibility: Participation in ECEC at age 4
Date: in 12 pts Quality informed by high expectations Access : available, affordable for all; encourages participation and strengthens inclusion; embraces diversity Workforce: professional and well-qualified; strong leadership; supportive working conditions Evaluation and Monitoring : regular and transparent; in the best interest of the child; effective use for policy development Governance and funding : coordinated legislation and funding; responsibilities clear; collaboration encouraged; progress towards universal legal entitlement Curriculum: holistic; flexible; requires collaboration; improved/revised regularly Structure of the Framework Image and Voice of the Child Partnership Process Quality Competent System
Date: in 12 pts Education and Training Initiatives at EU level to date European Semester Annual Growth Survey Country Specific Recommendations Cross-sectoral synergies Europe 2020 Strategy Thematic Working Group on ECEC (start in Marc 2012 – mandate until 2014) Peer learning Education Council DG Schools Policy debate Structural Funds European education and research programmes Erasmus + Funding
Date: in 12 pts Education and Training What could we do in the future? –Development of tools to assess/monitor progress towards quality ECEC (national standards) –Identifying specific obstacles and challenges within national contexts –Supporting search for solutions on efficient governance and funding (experimentation, piloting, upscaling) –Deepening research, data collection and analysis
Date: in 12 pts Thank you for your attention. Education and training
Date: in 12 pts More information: Education and training