Newsletter Project Sugar Creek Jr. High wants to move to the Middle School concept in grades 6 – 8, pursuing the 1999 Turning Points recommendations. It’s the end of the school year, Individual teams are working hard to understand this new model. Each of our M.S. teams are to create a newsletter to be sent home to prepare and inform our parents of changes that we hope to implement in the Fall.
This parent newsletter should be reader friendly, with a letter font size minimum of 11 or 12. The front page should include the following: Sugar Creek Middle School The name of your team & possible logo, etc. School address: 205 N. Towanda Ave., Normal, IL Name of principal: Mr. Don Gillan School phone #; fax #; address Office hours: 8:00 – 4:30 Table of contents
Introduction to Parents Why the change? What does the research show? How will this approach benefit your child? Differences between the Jr. High & M.S. models. Use a chart to compare Programs within the M.S. model – brief intro. Websites for additional info. –
Personalize your Newsletter Include a team mission/vision/goal statement. Mention that students & parents can give input at a later stage to modify it. Provide a “team” picture – unity & strength Could include the 7 point T.P. design model Provide individual pictures of each teacher & tell of your enthusiasm for your team & teaching. Each story written in ‘first person.’ Build excitement – visual aids - slogans
Specialties of the M.S. Concept Flexible block scheduling Integrated curriculum Teaming Advisory Exploratory classes Mini classes Collaboration & Time to plan and assess Better teaching & improved learning are goals
Assessment of your Team Newsletter Make improvements from the comments that I have made on your hard copy & rubric. Turn in your final hard copy with the signature of all team members. The newsletter is what you will place individually on Livetext. I will return your final hard copy with rubric and grade for you to review following break, but I will re-collect and keep. Team members, please place your newsletter on Livetext anytime this week when finished. All team members will receive the same grade. Turn in your final newsletter copy, rough draft, & evaluation copies, Wednesday.
What will help your newsletter? Back up what you say with research from T.P. and other sources on the benefits of programs such as advisory, teaming, exploratory, adolescent affective needs, etc. Your opening comments to parents is critical. In the most friendly way, tell them about the changes and benefits of the M.S. concept. Use first person rather than third. Ex. - Use our team and my advisory group, etc.
Your team should include a calendar of events to show teaming activities including … a. Parental involvement b. Social activities – Affective activities c. Integrated Curriculum - Cognitive activities Each teacher is responsible for his/her own advisory program and ways to make it unique & productive both in cognitive and affective ways. You may wish to add comments on your program in the area of your team’s individual pictures. Don’t use first names – Use Mr., Ms., Miss, or Mrs. Number each page
M.S. benefits related to the building itself located in one relatively small area; movement between only a few classrooms; safer, friendlier, & more personal Don’t forget how the transition from elementary school to the Middle School is made easier.
Point & Grade Value A 93%140 – 150 pts. B 85%128 – 139 pts. C 77%116 – 127 pts. D 69%104 – 115 pts. F 68% 103 & below Each of the 10 sections are worth 15 pts.