Developed by: Melissa Turner
Overview Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Resources
Overview The web quest you are about to view was created to go along with a 4 th grade science unit on space. Students will visit each planet via the internet to gain important information and facts. In order to ensure that the students have retained the information needed to satisfy the standard, they will be required to label a diagram of the solar system and answer questions about the planets in a game format. S4E2: Students will model the position and motion of the earth in the solar system and will explain the role of relative position and motion in determining sequence of the phases of the moon.
Introduction Have you ever wanted to travel into outer space? In The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System, Ms. Frizzle’s class journeys to outer space and learns about the solar system. Hop on board!!! Join the space explorers as they rocket into outer space on their flying school bus!
Task Your adventure is about to begin. You are going on a field trip with Ms. Frizzle and her students, from The Magic School Bus books, on their “Bus Ship” to learn about the planets in the solar system. As you read the book The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System, you will experience visiting the planets in the solar system. Your job for this assignment is to research each planet visited in the book. You must use your journal to record research, answer questions, and complete drawings. Hope you enjoy your adventure! Click here to print your journal
Process - Day One: Complete narrative response #1 in your journal. (Please use complete sentences.) Read The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System.
Process - Day Two: Complete the Earth, Sun and Mercury worksheets. Draw and color the planet correctly List 3 things you find interesting about each planet List 5 characteristics about each planet: INCLUDE: size in relation to other planets, position of the planet from the sun, climate, number of rings (if any), number of moons (if any). Use the links listed below to find the information on the planets You may also refer to pages in the book.
Process - Day Three: Complete the Venus, Mars and Jupiter worksheets. Draw and color the planet correctly List 3 things you find interesting about each planet List 5 characteristics about each planet: INCLUDE: size in relation to other planets, position of the planet from the sun, climate, number of rings (if any), number of moons (if any). Use the links listed below to find the information on the planets You may also refer to pages in the book.
Process - Day Four: Complete the Saturn, Uranus and Neptune worksheets. Draw and color the planet correctly List 3 things you find interesting about each planet List 5 characteristics about each planet: INCLUDE: size in relation to other planets, position of the planet from the sun, climate, number of rings (if any), number of moons (if any). Use the links listed below to find the information on the planets You may also refer to pages in the book.
Process - Day Five: Complete the narrative response #2 in your journal. (Please use complete sentences.) Complete the solar system quiz. You have successfully completed your mission onboard the Magic Space Bus. I hope you enjoyed your adventure of travelling through the solar system with Ms. Frizzle and her students. Please place your journal in the Science bin. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Evaluation Please click the spaceship to review the rubric on which your grade will be based.
Narrative Responses 20 Solar System Journal Worksheets 20 Drawings 20 Book Reading/ Solar System Labeling 20 Journal Completion 20 The student answers all questions clearly using complete sentences. The sentences contained no grammatical errors and were creative in thought pts. The student correctly completed ALL 9 solar system worksheets pts. The student drew pictures when asked and completed it as instructed pts. The student actively participated in book reading and labeled ALL the planets correctly on the solar system quiz. 20 pts. The student completed and turned in the journal on time. 20 pts. The student attempts to answer each question. Sentences contain minor errors in structure and grammar. Student displayed some creativity pts. The student made a large attempt to complete all 9 solar system worksheets but they are not fully complete pts. The student attempted to draw pictures but was unable to complete as instructed pts. The student actively participated in book reading and labeled most of the planets correctly on the solar system quiz pts. The student turned in a completed journal but it was not turned in on time pts. The student did not answer all questions. Answers did not have complete sentences and contained structure and grammar errors. Answers lacked creativity. 5-9 pts. The student made little attempt to complete all 9 solar system worksheets but some information has been filled in. 5-9 pts. The student made an attempt to draw pictures but they were inaccurate and were not as instructed. 5-9 pts. The student did not actively participate in book reading but was able to label all or most of the planets correctly on the solar system quiz pts. The student did not turn in a journal that was complete AND the journal was not turned in on time. 1-9 pts. The student did not attempt to answer the questions. Sentences contained numerous grammatical errors. 0-4 pts. The student made very little to no attempt to complete all 9 solar system worksheets. 0-4 pts. The student made little or no attempt to draw pictures. 0-4 pts. The student did not actively participate in book reading and was unable to label the planets correctly on the solar system quiz. 0-4 pts. The student did not turn in a completed journal. 0 pts. Points Received The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System Web Quest Grading Rubric Student Name: _____________________ Total Score: _____/ 100
Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed your journey through the solar system. As a reward for all your hard work click on the link below to enjoy the cool game “The Magic School Bus Space Chase”. Click here for game
RESOURCES The Nine Planets Kids Astronomy Scholastic ex.htm Sqool Tube e/Space/Solar_System/magic_school_bus_gets_lost_in_space_ 9690.html
RESOURCES Enchanted Learning rsystem/index.shtml The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System ISBN#