YEA Young Engineers In ASHRAE 2015 CRC Workshop
What is ASHRAE? ASHRAE ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is an international organization of 53,000 persons. ASHRAE fulfills its mission of advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education. Our Mission: To advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.
What is ASHRAE?
Young Engineers in ASHRAE The primary objective for the YEA Committee of Members Council is to enhance our member benefits for young professional ASHRAE members by identifying activities and services focused on their needs. Creating resources for chapters like: Young Member Guide Attracting and Retaining Young Engineers in ASHRAE – A Local Chapter Guide Adding PAOE to Membership Promotion, Student Activities, & Chapter Operations Facilitating YEA Leadership Weekend & YEA Leadership International Hosting events at Society and chapter meetings Offering the YEA Connection Newsletter & Facebook Page
Young Engineers in ASHRAE Who is the YEA Committee? Committee Chair – Megan Tosh Vice Chair – Chris Gray Regional Coordinators – 14 “YRC’s” – one for each Region Liaison/Membership Promotion – Randy Schrecengost Liaison/Student Activities – Joseph Chin Consultant – Bo Twumasi BOD Ex-Officio – Charles Culp Coordinating Officer – David Underwood Staff Liaison – Rhiannon Masterson
Young Engineers in ASHRAE The YEA Institute To help you develop your skills, grow as a professional and expand your network, the YEA Institute was created to offer a variety of YEA-focused education and networking programs tailored to your specific needs: YEA Leadership Weekend & YEA Leadership International SmartStart Program Social/Networking Events at Society Meetings YEA Page on Society Website YEA Connections Newsletter Facebook Page Technical Committees Guide Young Members Guide College of Fellows Graduate Student Travel Award Leadership U New Faces in Engineering
The YEA Institute YEA Leadership Weekend (YLW) YEA Leadership Weekend is an opportunity for future leaders of ASHRAE to learn more about Society, develop soft skills and network with other young professionals. The event includes segments on understanding your own personality as well as other types, leadership development for young professionals, communication techniques and ASHRAE leadership opportunities. Objectives of leadership weekend are: Leadership Networking Communication Professional Development Leadership Weekends are held twice per year: In the spring on the West Coast In the fall on the East Coast
The YEA Institute YEA Leadership International (YLI) We held the first YLI event in Colombo, Sri Lanka in the fall of 2012. Based on its success, the YEA Committee was approved to host this event every year. The 2013 event was held in Dubai and the 2014 event was held in Kuala Lumpur. YLI has the same goals as YEA Leadership Weekend, which is to act as an opportunity for future leaders of ASHRAE to learn more about Society, develop soft skills and network with other young professionals. Objectives of leadership weekend are: Leadership Networking Communication Professional Development The next YLI is scheduled for the fall of 2015.
The YEA Institute Smart Start Program Simply put, it’s the best way for ASHRAE student members to continue receiving the many member benefits of ASHRAE after finishing college. The first year out of college annual membership is still only $20. Then it is only $73 for the second year and $94 for the third year. You save up to $410 and get three years of membership for $187. ($20-$73-$94) When you transfer from Student Membership to Associate membership, you gain access to all essential ASHRAE member benefits.
The YEA Institute Networking/Information Exchange Social/Networking Events at Society Meetings Hospitality Suite at all Society meetings YEA Page on Society Website Useful links for resources, events, technical information YEA Connection Newsletter Quarterly publication geared towards young membership Facebook Page Find other local YEA members, network, updates on events & ASHRAE related news Technical Committees Guide Young Members Guide
The YEA Institute Leadership U The YEA Institute selects up to 4 attendees to the ASHRAE Winter & Annual Conferences. More information can be found at Candidates selected via application process and DRC recommendation During the meetings, candidates will be matched up with Society Officers and participate in all of their events and board meetings, including social activities Candidates will document their experiences and present them to the YEA committee, their chapter, and their region Looking at potential of regional level mentorship program inspired by LU LeaDRS Program (Leadership Development through Regional Support) This program offers ASHRAE members the chance to shadow their Director Regional Chair (DRC) during ASHRAE Society conference. Participants are selected based on demonstration of leadership capability on a committee or at the chapter level. Operated at the regional level.
The YEA Institute College of Fellows Graduate Student Travel Award – Chapters and Student Chapters can nominate a Ph.D. graduate student (within 2 yrs after graduation) − Fellow Fund will sponsor the recipient to attend two concurrent society meetings and an ASHRAE Fellow will act as guide to tech program YEA Award of Individual Excellence – Recognizes an individual YEA member’s effort to increase YEA membership and activity at the chapter, regional, and/or Society level. − Nominations are accepted from July to September, and must be made by a DRC, YRC or Society YEA Committee member.
The YEA Institute New Faces in Engineering A recognition program for DiscoverE (formerly National Engineers Week Foundation). Any member can nominate a candidate who has recently graduated and made an impact in engineering. Qualifications are as follows: Engineers 30 years of age or younger as of December 31 of the current year. Nominees must have a degree in engineering from a recognized U.S. college or university, or from an equivalent international educational institution. Degrees in engineering technology, science, computer science, and similar disciplines do not qualify; a degree in computer engineering is acceptable. A photo must be included with each nomination. Please make an effort to tie at least one achievement to something the non-engineering community can appreciate. The top ASHRAE New Face will be sent, expenses paid, to the CIBSE Conference where he/she will be hosted by a CIBSE member, receive the award at a CIBSE Event, attend events of their choice and document their travel experiences to share with ASHRAE.
YRC – YEA Regional Coordinator What I Do: Represent the Region at the annual and winter YEA committee meetings. Participate in Regional planning meeting with Regional officers Establish relationships with each chapter and regional leadership Help Chapters establish YEA Chairs Remain available for consultation from any chapter representative for guidance and help Visit chapters and present on YEA in order to promote YEA in the region Provide each chapter YEA Chair with a PAOE summary for YEA associated points Link regional websites YRC pages to chapter YEA articles Select a minimum of one chapter YEA article per year for publication in the YEA connection newsletter Help to identify potential YEA members within the Region Act as a Liaison with Student Activities (Regional Level) Relay presentation for YEA Chairs to give to their chapters identifying all of that the YEA Institute has to offer
YRC – YEA Regional Coordinator What I Do (Continued): Submit semi-annual updates to the DRC. Cc report to YEA Society Committee Chair. Summarize the chapter reports Identify YEA membership numbers for the Region Host annual CRC workshop to provide guidelines and instruction for chapter chairs. Develop CRC presentations Contact each chapter and invite them to the YEA CRC workshop
YEA Chapter Chairs (YCC) Simply put, A YEA Chapter Chair is responsible for identifying the YEA membership within their chapter (ASHRAE members 35 and under), recruiting new YEA members, and acting as a guide to all that ASHRAE has to offer. Get your YEA members involved and help them to see all of the benefits of ASHRAE and particularly how the YEA Institute can enhance their ASHRAE experience.
YEA Chapter Chairs (YCC) What YCCs Do: Host semi-annual Technical or Social sessions for YEA Chapter Members (at minimum) Each Chapter to post a minimum of one article about YEA activities in their chapter on their chapter website. Promote career development for members Identify YEA Chapter members interested in participating in the mentorship program Facilitate connection with the ASHRAE mentorship program Work with chapter BOG to establish YEA chapter budget Contact Student Activities chair and align YEA activities with Student activities (and Membership Promotion) Chapter YEA Chair to update with Region YRC semi-annually Update will identify: What is your next activity? How did your last activity go (participants, cost, location, success level)? Mentorship program update. What do you need in terms of support from your YRC? How many YEA PAOE pts have you earned? Attend CRC YEA Workshop
YEA Chapter Chairs (YCC) PAOE Points Chapter Operations 100 pts for each chapter officer or board member who is a YEA member 75 pts for GA, MP and YEA Chairs sitting on the Chapter CTT Committee to ensure chapter programs are developed relevant to the chapter membership 50 pts for one YEA member assigned to a committee to provide YEA ideas 25 pts for each YEA member who is a voting member of an ASHRAE TC Membership Promotion 50 pts for each YEA event at chapter meeting for specific organized YEA event 25 pts for chapter promoting with flyer/brochure at least 4 weeks in advance outside of chapter meeting each YEA activity such as meeting with college students, social event that promotions ASHRAE membership 25 pts for each YEA activity outside of a chapter meeting that also includes a technical component, i.e., panel discussion, technical tour 25 pts for each new YEA member 25 pts for each new member sponsored by YEA
YEA Chapter Chairs (YCC) PAOE Points Student Activities 50 pts for each student member 35 years of age or younger that transfers from student member to associate member after graduation 50 pts for holding an event in which graduating student members information is recorded for the purpose or converting to Associate member status, i.e. Senior send-off event. 25 pts for any YEA member mentoring a team (ASHRAE Grant, Design Competition, Chapter Involvement, Student Branch Support) 25 pts for each YEA member that presents the ASHRAE YEA program to student branches Grassroots Government Activities 25 pts for each YEA member assigned to GGAC to provide ideas
YEA Chapter Chairs (YCC) Reporting to your YRC Your YRC may provide a form such as this (see packet) for you to complete to keep us in the loop on what is going on. (Some YRC’s may use less structured reporting format). It’s always a good idea to share success stories, failures and exciting news with your YRC at any time – you don’t have to wait for report time. Please share!
YEA Chapter Chairs (YCC) Target Membership Student Members Our biggest problem is low retention rate of student members. MAKE THIS A PRIORITY. New hires in the industry (engineers, contractors, vendors) Co-Workers 35 and under Existing YEA members who aren’t involved – get them involved!!!
YEA Chapter Chairs (YCC) YEA Activities Technical Tours (Breweries, Stadiums, Fab Shops, Labs, Plants) Sporting events/tailgate parties Bowling Volleyball Tournaments Happy Hour Bocce Ball Tournaments HVAC Essentials/101 Tech Sessions Visit Intro engineering Classes with Student Activities PE Study Sessions
Young Engineers in ASHRAE This is who we are. And this is what we do. . . We are Young Engineers (35 years old and under) in ASHRAE, an international organization who’s mission is to advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world. As representatives of the YEA Institute we aim to enhance our member benefits for young professional ASHRAE members by identifying activities and services focused on their needs.
Young Engineers in ASHRAE . . . And this is how we do it. . . YEA Leadership Weekend Smart Start Program Social/Networking Events at Society Meetings YEA Page on Society Website YEA Connections Newsletter Facebook Page Technical Committees Guide Young Members Guide Leadership U College of Fellows Graduate Student Travel Award New Faces in Engineering Social & Technical Chapter Activities Student Activities Liaison PAOE Points for your chapter
Support Young Engineers in ASHRAE To support the YEA Institute, consider donating your Resource Promotion (RP) funds to YEA. Select “ASHRAE General Fund (YEA Program Support)” on the ASHRAE Investment Form. This donation will also qualify for full circle contributions.
Young Engineers in ASHRAE CONTACT INFO: Your YRC: name email Your YEA Committee Chair: Megan Tosh Your ASHRAE Staff Liaison: Rhiannon Masterson
Young Engineers in ASHRAE “Success happens when preparation meets opportunity” Best wishes for an awesome 2014-2015 ASHRAE Year!