Chapter 8 - Fish
Nice body So many fish in the sea Dinner anyone? Is This Really Going to be on the Test?! Behave yourself!
So many fish in the sea pts Bony fishes have this to help them maintain buoyancy Swim bladder
So many fish in the sea pts The class of bony fishes Osteichthyes
So many fish in the sea pts Class of the most primitive of fish Agnatha
So many fish in the sea pts Most fish have this and it has resulted in a wide variety of feeding strategies. Hinged jaw
So many fish in the sea pts I didn’t eat something bad, this is the scientific study of fishes ichthyology
Nice body pts Fish are protected by a layer of this scales
Nice body pts Tuna and sailfish are streamlined and built for ________. speed
Nice body pts This is defined as the ability to survive and reproduce Fitness
Nice body pts She’s black and white. This is the coloration pattern of many fish. countershading
Nice body pts My oh my. These muscles drive the s- shaped swimming pattern in fish. myomeres
Dinner anyone? pts The structure of this reveals the dietary habits of fish. mouth
Dinner anyone? pts This group of fishes have a long and coiled gut to process difficult to digest material. herbivores
Dinner anyone? pts Bile is secreted by the _____. Liver
Dinner anyone? pts Gill rakers This part of the gill helps filter feeders catch food. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!
Dinner anyone? pts The slender tubes at the end of the intestine Pyloric caeca
Behave yourself! pts The organ unique to fish that allows them to detect vibrations in the water. Lateral line
Behave yourself! pts This behavior may be used as a predator deterrent, during times of spawning or migration, for example. schooling
Behave yourself! pts Some fish display territorial behavior. This very aggressive fish protects its algae “farm.” damsel
Behave yourself! pts The name for when clownfish start as a male and when the dominant female dies, the most dominant male will become female and take her place. protandry
Behave yourself! pts A fish that is an egg carrier and also gives birth to live young. ovoviviparous
Is This Really Going to be on the Test?! pts This bony plate covers the fish’s gills. operculum
Is This Really Going to be on the Test?! pts Fish nostrils Nares
Is This Really Going to be on the Test?! pts For fish to see, the _____ of the lens changes, like a camera position
Is This Really Going to be on the Test?! pts The taste buds on a catfish are found on these. barbles
Is This Really Going to be on the Test?! pts This is the name of the area just before the caudal fin where the muscles are concentrated and body thinner Caudal peduncle
FINAL JEOPARDY Category – Swim, swim, swim.
Answer This fish was discovered in 1938 and before was though to be extinct. coelacanth