Oral Bagrut Practice Let’s do it!
Oral Bagrut Practice Let’s do it!
Oral Bagrut Practice 1. Personal Interview 2. About your Project 3. Bagrut is 10 minutes long.
1. Personal Interview This part of the Bagrut is about 3 – 4 minutes. Your teacher will ask you questions. You will answer in sentences (not a word or two) Let’s practice answering questions.
1. What’s your name? My name is ______________ ______________ 2. How old are you? I am ________ years old.
3. Where do you live? I live on Kibbutz/ Moshav ___________________ 4. Do you like the kibbutz / moshav? Why? Do you think you would like to live there when you are older? Yes, I like it. I like ________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
5. What do you like to do in your spare time? What are your hobbies? I like _________________________________ 6. Do you have a family? Do you want to tell me about them? Yes, I have a family. My parents are _______ and____________. My father works _____ My mother works____. I have __sister/s and __brother/s. _____ is _ years old and _____ is __ years old. They ____________________.
7. Do you work? If so, tell me about your work. I work _________________________________ 8. What do you think about school? What are your favourite subjects? I like / don’t like school. My favourite subjects are: ______________ and ________________. I like them because _______________________
9. Do you have advice to give someone who is coming to Nofei Habsor? How can they survive? I think they should ________________________ 10. What about the army? Are you planning to serve? Do you know where? Yes, I’m planning to serve in the army. I am going to be in the _____________ Unit. No, I’m not going to the Army. I’m going to _______________________________________.
11. What do you plan to do after the Army? Do you know? I am going to ____________________________ 12. What do you think is the biggest issue here in Israel? I think that ______________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
1. About your Project This part of the Bagrut is about 6 minutes. Your teacher will ask you to talk about your project. You will talk for about 2 minutes. Then, she will ask you questions and you will answer them in sentences. Let’s practice!
What is the topic of your project? My project is about my birthday. Can you tell me something about what you did?
I studied things about me and my birthday. First, I made an I.D. card. I was born on __________ in___________________ Some of my favourite things are:
On my birthday, (historical event) _________________________ happened (where)_________________ in (when) ________. It was important because ___________________________________
On my birthday, (famous person) _________________________ was born. She/he was important because ___________________________________ I feel (how do you feel?)__________ about this because ______________________.
My ideal present would be: _________________________ I want this because ___________________________________ My _____________ would give it to me and I would use it ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___.
Your choice:
Yes I enjoyed doing it because ______________________________ No, I didn’t enjoy doing it because ________________________________ Did you enjoy doing the project?
The most interesting part was ______________________________ ______________________________ What was the most interesting part?
The hardest part was ______________________________ ______________________________ What was the hardest part?
Yes / No because ______________________________ ______________________________ Do you think that the topic was interesting?
Yes / No. My English ______________________________ ______________________________ Do you think that your English improved from doing the project?
Yes / No, because ______________________________ ______________________________ Do you think that other kids would enjoy doing this project?
Yes / No, because ______________________________ ______________________________ If you had to do another project, would you do something different?
Yes / No, because ______________________________ ______________________________ Do you think that doing projects, in general, is a good idea?
Yes, __________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Is there anything else you would like to add?
Marking Rubric for Interview (40 points) The Interview Points Accuracy Points Communicative Ability 20 1.Mostly correct use of simple language structures 2.Varied vocabulary 3.Comprehensible pronunciation 20 1.Understands questions with some rephrasing 2.Interacts without much hesitation 3.Gives answers with more than 1 sentence Some correct use of simple language structures 2.Basic vocabulary 3.Mostly comprehensible pronunciation 12 1.Has difficulty understanding questions; requires frequent repetition & rephrasing 2.Interacts with difficulty 3.Gives single-sentence answers Incorrect use of simple language structures 2.Limited vocabulary 3.Poor pronunciation 4 1.Does not understand questions 2.Does not interact 3.Gives simple phrases and/or single- word answers
Project Presentation and Interaction (60 points) Pts Project Interaction Pts Acccuracy Pts Project Presentation 20 1.Understands questions with some rephrasing 2.Gives answers that are more than one sentence 3.Gives clear explanations 20 1.Mostly correct use of simple language structures 2.Vocabulary is topic- related and varied 3.Comprehensible pronunciation 20 1.Presentation is well-organized. Includes: intro, summary of main ideas and conclusion. 2.Presentation is adequate & detailed (talks for about 2 mins) 3. Personal perspective is included 4.Presentation is spoken rather than read from notes Has difficulty understanding questions 2.Gives single-sentence answers 3.Gives clear explanations some of the time 12 1.Some correct use of simple language structures 2.Vocabulary is topic- related but basic 3.Mostly comprehensible pronunciation 12 1.Presentation is organized but lacks 1 element 2.Presentation is adequate but not detailed (talks for about 1 min) 3.Personal perspective is hardly related to 4. Presentation is mostly spoken rather than read from notes Does not understand questions 2.Gives simple phrases and/or single-word answers 3. Gives unclear or no explanations 4 1.Incorrect use of simple language structures 2.Vocabulary is general and limited 3.Incomprehensible pronunciation. 4 1.Presentation is disorganized 2.Presentation is short (less than 1 min) 3.Personal perspective is not included 4.Presentation is read from notes