2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Education Criteria Categories 1.Leadership 2.Strategic Planning 3.Customer Focus 4.Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management 5.Workforce Focus 6.Operations Focus 7.Results
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | The Role of Core Values and Concepts
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Visionary leadership Student-centered excellence Organizational and personal learning
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Valuing workforce members and partners Agility Managing for innovation
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Focus on results and creating value Societal responsibility Systems perspective Management by fact
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Baldrige Education Criteria Framework: A Systems Perspective
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Item Format
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Notes
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Steps toward Mature Processes Reacting to Problems (0 –25%) Early Systematic Approaches (30–45%) Aligned Approaches (50–65%) Integrated Approaches (70–100%)
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | From Fighting Fires to Innovation: An Analogy for Learning
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Organizational Profile P.1 Organizational Description P.2 Organizational Situation l Starting point for self-assessment and application preparation l Basis for early action planning
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Category Point Values 1Leadership120 2Strategic Planning 85 3Customer Focus 85 4Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management 90 5Workforce Focus 85 6Operations Focus 85 7Results450 Total 1,000
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Senior leaders’ actions, organizational governance, and societal responsibilities 1.1 Senior Leadership (70 pts.) 1.2 Governance and Societal Responsibilities (50 pts.) 1. Leadership (120 pts.)
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Strategic and action planning, and implementation of plans 2.1 Strategy Development (45 pts.) 2.2 Strategy Implementation (40 pts.) 2. Strategic Planning (85 pts.)
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Listening to the voice of the customer and engaging customers 3.1 Voice of the Customer (40 pts.) 3.2 Customer Engagement (45 pts.) 3. Customer Focus (85 pts.)
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Analysis, review, and improvement of organizational performance Management of information, knowledge, and information technology 4.1 Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Organizational Performance (45 pts.) 4.2 Knowledge Management, Information, and Information Technology (45 pts.) 4. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (90 pts.)
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Building an effective workforce environment Engaging, developing, and managing your workforce 5.1 Workforce Environment (40 pts.) 5.2 Workforce Engagement (45 pts.) 5. Workforce Focus (85 pts.)
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Designing, managing, and improving work processes Improving operational effectiveness 6.1 Work Processes (45 pts.) 6.2 Operational Effectiveness (40 pts.) 6. Operations Focus (85 pts.)
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | Performance and improvement in all key areas Performance levels, trends, and comparative data 7.1 Student Learning and Process Results (120 pts.) 7.2 Customer-Focused Results (85 pts.) 7.3 Workforce-Focused Results (85 pts.) 7.4 Leadership and Governance Results (80 pts.) 7.5 Financial and Market Results (80 pts.) 7. Results (450 pts.)
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | If you get everything going in the right direction and you get people fully engaged, l you're going to get more productivity for students, l it will actually be a better workplace for the workers, and l the community will become more involved because there will be a common language, common outcomes, and … common processes. —Dr. Jerry Weast, (Former) Superintendent, Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | We don't consider Baldrige something extra. It’s a way of life …, the chance [for our employees] to understand that if you plan and do and study and act, you actually can improve. It gives our kids a chance to measure themselves … against standards and goals. It gives us a chance to shoot at the highest level. —Dr. Jerry Weast, Former Superintendent, Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools
2014 Baldrige Performance Excellence Program | For More Information l Criteria booklets and free Criteria content l Self-assessment tools l Organizational assessments l Training, conferences, and executive education l Award recipient profiles l Case studies l Connections to the Baldrige community (301)