I nstructions for Playing Jeopardy: · Edit the category titles, questions, and answers. Hide the answer text behind the yellow box. If you click the yellow.


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Presentation transcript:

I nstructions for Playing Jeopardy: · Edit the category titles, questions, and answers. Hide the answer text behind the yellow box. If you click the yellow box, it will fade away - don't worry. It will reset when you come back to the page. ·If you would like to add a "Daily Double" question, choose the square from the game board that you would like to be the DD and change the link to the Daily Double slide. ·Divide your class into four teams (or whatever works for you. Just edit the Scoreboard slide appropriately). One representative from the first team chooses a category and a question value. Click the yellow value to go to the question. · Read the question aloud. (You can play the Jeopardy music by clicking the "Music" link at the bottom of the slide if you wish. Click it again to stop it.) When the correct answer has been given, reveal the answer by clicking the yellow-edged box. (You might have to click twice.) Then click "Score" to go to the Scoreboard. Note: Using the left and right arrows will not navigate the game properly. Use only the links that are contained within each page to get around. · Use the pen to add the team's scores. Then click "Back" to go back to the Game Board. · Before going on to the next question, drag the small blue box that is located directly below the Game Board over the last question used to remove it from play. It is cloned infinitely so just keep on draggin'! · When students find the Daily Double slide, click the image to move to the wager screen. Only the team who chose the question may answer. One representative from the team can use the pen to write their wager in the box. If the team answers correctly, they add their wager to their score. If they answer incorrectly, the wager is deducted from their score.


F ood Chains Specialized StructuresLiving and Nonliving things M iscellaneous Producers and Consumers $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

Back to Game Board Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4

What do the arrows in the food chain represent? 100 pts Music Score What is the transfer of energy from one organism to another Back

What is the main source of energy for all living things? 200 pts Music Score What is the sun. Back

What would happen to the number of caterpillar in a food chain if all the birds disappeared? 300 pts Music Score What is the number of caterpillar would increase. Back

Name 2 living and 2 nonliving things in a forest ecosystem. 400 pts Music Score What is sunlight and soil are nonliving. Trees and deer are living. (answers may vary) Back

Create a food chain for a pond ecosystem. 500 pts Music Score sun algae tadpoles bass blue heron (answers may vary, but must begin with the sun, then producer, then consumer) Back

______ are producers because they use sunlight directly for energy to make their own food. 100 pts Music Score What is plants. Back

How do consumers get their energy? 200 pts Music Score What is by eating plants and other animals. Back

What are the 3 types of "vores?" 300 pts Music Score What is herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore. Back

What type of "vore" are you? 400 pts Music Score What is herbivore OR omnivore. Back

What is a decomposers role in an ecosystem? Name at least one decomposer. 500 pts Music Score Back What is eat and break down scat and dead plants and animals into tiny parts and release nutrients back into the soil. Examples are bacteria, fungi, insects, and crayfish.

What is a plant or animal part that helps an organism survive in its specific environment? 100 pts Music Score What is a specialized structure. Back

An animal that is bright yellow and is able to hide among blooming flowers is most likely about to survive in which environment? 200 pts Music Score Back What is a prairie.

What is it called when birds fly hundreds of miles south for the winter? 300 pts Music Score What is migration. Back

Movement and sound are _______ cues. 400 pts Music Score What is external. Back

Identify 2 specialized structures of an owl. 500 pts Music Score What is sharp talons to grasp mice, huge eyes for excellent night vision, soft and dark feathers allow owls to swoop down silently on their prey. Back

What is the difference between living and nonliving things? 100 pts Music Score What is living things are able to reproduce and nonliving things do not grow or reproduce. Back

Insert Question Here 200 pts Music Score Hide Answer Behind Here Back

What is the "recipe" to an ecosystem? 300 pts Music Score What is living and nonliving things interacting with each other. Back

Name 3 living things in a pond ecosystem 400 pts Music Score Answers will vary. Fish, heron, cattail, algae, duckweed, water snake, are all examples. Back

Define population. 500 pts Music Score What is a group of the same organisms living together in the same place at the same time. Back

Are humans helpful or harmful to ecosystems? 100 pts Music Score What is both. Back

Animals that hunt for other animals. 200 pts Music Score What is a predator. Back

Name one predator and its prey. 300 pts Music Score Answers will vary. What is a heron and a bluegill, a frog and a dragonfly, etc. Back

How can a fish be both a predator and prey? 400 pts Music Score What is when the fish hunts and eats a tadpole it is a predator, but when the fish gets eaten by a blue heron it becomes prey. Back

Name one way humans can be harmful and one way humans can be helpful to the forest ecosystem? 500 pts Music Score Answers may vary. Ex. What is humans can be helpful by harvesting animals, such as deer, to balance wildlife populations. Humans can be harmful by littering. Back

Write your wager in the box. Daily Double Music Score Back Go on to Daily Double Question

Name 3 nonliving things an organism needs to survive. Daily Double Music Score What is air, water, light, nutrients, food, space, temperature, shelter. Back