In a far-flung corner of the empire, a naive young lady falls in love with a Roman soldier. But is this soldier all that he seems? And what does the young lady’s sister think of all this? Your Name Here (3 pts)
Vilbia Based on your reading of lines 1-10, describe Vilbia’s character (give at least 4 details) 12 pts. total
Which picture best illustrates what Vilbia and her sister are doing? Write out the Latin Participle Phrase that tells you what Vilbia and her sister were doing Write out the Latin sentence that tells us what kind of man Latro (Vilbia’s father) is. 10 pts. total
Rubria Vilbia To what type of animal does Latro compare his daughters? Find a picture of this animal and place it below. Write out the Latin sentence where Latro tells his daughters NOT to do something (w/ imperative verb). Then translate the sentence into English. 10 pts. total
Which word is the perfect participle? Which word does the participle describe? What case is the noun being described? Translate this sentence Latro, haec verba locutus, exiit. 15 pts. total
From lines 8-10, write out a Latin sentence which has a relative clause and then translate that sentence into English. Find a picture of the type of object Vilbia shows to her sister shows a 10 pts. total
What do Vilbia and Rubria think about this soldier, Modestus? Use at least one Latin sentence for each woman’s thoughts. VilbiaRubria 18 pts. total
Who is Bulbus and why does Rubria bring him up in conversation? Write out the Latin sentence that shows why Rubria thinks her sister may be in trouble concerning Bulbus. (hint: the sentence has an infintive) 10 pts. total
Why exactly is Vilbia so upset with Bulbus? Why does Vilbia think Modestus will be a good boyfriend or potential husband? Write out the Latin sentence from Vilbia’s last spoken part that has an infinitive and a relative clause. Now translate the sentence into English 12 pts. total