APW Comparison Essay. Comparative essay rubric Comparative Essay for AP World History Name: per Question: Basic Core – competence ptsExpanded Core pts.


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Presentation transcript:

APW Comparison Essay

Comparative essay rubric Comparative Essay for AP World History Name: per Question: Basic Core – competence ptsExpanded Core pts Suggestions for improvement: 1. Has acceptable thesis 1 (addresses comparison of the issues or themes specified) 2. Addresses all parts of the question, 2 though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. [Addresses most parts of the question, (1) (For example, deals with differences but Not similarities.)] 3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate 2 historical evidence. [Partially substantiates thesis with (1) appropriate historical evidence.] 4. Makes at least one or two relevant, 1 direct comparisons between or among societies. 5. Analyzes at least one reason for a 1 similarity or difference identified in a direct comparison. Expands beyond basic core of 1-7 points. The basic core of 7 must be achieved before a student can earn expanded core points. 0-2 Examples:  has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis  Addresses all parts of the question (as relevant): comparisons, chronology, causation, connections, themes, interactions, content.  Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate thesis.  Relates comparisons to larger global context  Makes several direct comparisons consistently between or among societies.  Consistently analyzes the causes and effects of relevant similarities and differences. Subtotal 7 pts Subtotal 2 pts Possible total: 9 Student Score:

CORE SCORING Identifies basic competency Items 2 & 3 can earn 1 OR 2 points Must get credit for ALL core scoring points (7 total) to qualify for additional pts.

1. Has acceptable thesis (1pt) (addresses comparison of the issues or themes specified) NO FLUFF Can be more that one sentence Should be a closed thesis - Answer to Q Should include some analysis Should address time period Should address similarities AND differences thesis practice

2. Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. (1 or 2 pts) Answer the question, not something else Address similarities and differences Create logical analytical organization – usually by categories, not the societies being compared

3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence. (1 or 2 pts) Historical evidence refers to specific facts; “pieces of evidence” Do not include your opinion or value judgments

4. Makes at least one or two relevant, direct comparisons between or among societies (1pt) Must link directly Must be comparisons that make sense! Eg: While Egyptians made preparations for an afterlife, Mesopotamians tended to not consider an afterlife important or desirable.

5. Analyzes at least one reason for a similarity or difference identified in a direct comparison Analysis – why The regularity of the flooding of the Nile created a positive attitude towards the gods among the Egyptians. On the other hand, because Mesopotamia’s rivers flooded violently and unpredictably, the people considered the gods to be capricious. 

Consequently, while the Egyptians considered eternity with the gods desirable, the Mesopotamians hoped there wasn’t an eternity.

Thesis practice: – Look at your introduction and conclusion – Does the essay contain a complete thesis? Other core pts. – Does your essay fulfill these minimal requirements

A “Question” Analyze the similarities and differences in human lifestyles in the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras. [write a complete thesis as a group]