Next Generation of Assessments Paula Mahaley ∙ January 27 and 28, 2014
Ohio’s Next Steps Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT) administered in Ohio Achievement Assessments Ohio will continue its plans to develop new assessments
Spring 2014 Field Test Two separate Field Tests 1.American Institutes for Research (AIR) 2.Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
Ohio’s Field Test
Spring 2014 Field Test Performance-Based Assessment March 24 – April 18 End-of-Year Assessment May 5 – 16 Ohio
Ohio’s Field Test Grades and Subjects Grades 4 and 6 Social Studies Grades 5 and 8 Science
Ohio’s Field Test Grades and Subjects High School American Government and American History High School Biology and Physical Science
Ohio’s Field Test Online only American Institutes for Research – TIDE PreID files required Students respond in both formats
Ohio’s Field Test All students will participate including students with disabilities and English language learners.
Accommodations Manual Ohio’s Field Test
Ohio’s Field Test Performance-Based Assessment March 24 – April 18 Performance-Based Assessment Grades 4, 5, 6, 8 and high school: 75 – 90 minutes Add 15 minutes for set up for each test
Ohio’s Field Test End-of-Year May 5 – 16 End-of-Year Grades 4, 5, 6, 8 and High School: 60 – 90 minutes Add 15 minutes for set up for each test
Ohio’s Field Test – Item types Selected Response (multiple-choice) Fifty percent on assessment – machine scored PBA No human scored EOY
Ohio’s Field Test – Item types Constructed Response Technology-enhanced (graphic-response and short-answer items) Human scored
Ohio’s Field Test – Item Types Number of Items Science – PBA 20 pts. for each test: Grades 5 and 8 Science High School Biology High School Physical Science
Ohio’s Field Test – Item Types Number of Items Social Studies – PBA 20 pts. for each test: Grades 4 and 6 Social Studies High School American Govt. High School American History
Ohio’s Field Test – Item Types Number of Items Science – EOY 36 pts. for each test: Grades 5 and 8 Science High School Biology High School Physical Science
Ohio’s Field Test – Item Types Number of Items Social Studies – EOY 44 pts. for each test: Grades 4 and 6 Social Studies High School American Govt. High School American History
Ohio’s Field Test – Resources Materials are available at Sara Allen at
Resources – Topics Students and Families Teachers/Test Administrators Test Coordinators Technology Coordinators
Ohio’s Field Test – Portal Students and Families Resources Item Tutorials Student Training Site Family Resources
Ohio’s Field Test – Portal Teachers/Test Administrators AND Test Coordinators Resources TIDE – not same Test Administrator Interface Test Administrator Training
Ohio’s Field Test – Portal Teachers/Test Administrators AND Test Coordinators Resources Online Reporting System (ORS) Teacher/Test Administrator Resources Item Tutorials
Ohio’s Field Test – Portal Documents – Administrator/Coordinator Test Coordinator Manual Directions for Administration Test Administrator User Guide TIDE User Guide
Ohio’s Field Test – Portal Technology Coordinators Resources Download Secure Browsers Technology Resources
PARCC Field Test
Spring 2014 Field Test Performance-Based Assessment March 24 – April 11 End-of-Year Assessment May 12 – June 6 PARCC
PARCC Field Test Grades 3 – 11 ELA and Literacy Grades 3 – 11 Mathematics
PARCC Field Test Online and Paper/pencil PreID files required Format assigned to districts/schools Computer based Paper/pencil
PARCC Field Test Districts/schools have been contacted Districts/schools not chosen will sample items through Practice Test
Performance-Based Assessment March 24 – April 11 Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) ELA and Literacy – PARCC Grade 3 – 11: 60 – 130 minutes Add 15 minutes for set up for each test
End-of-Year Assessment May 5 – 16 End-of-Year (EOY) ELA and Literacy Grade 3 – 11: 90 – 105 minutes Add 15 minutes for set up for each test
PARCC Field Test Student participation: Only take either PBA or EOY; Either ELA or Mathematics; Few will take both components in either ELA or mathematics.
All Students Participate All students will participate including students with disabilities and English language learners.
Assessment Policies and Guidance Accessibility, Accommodations and Fairness Manual PARCC Field Test
Requests for unique accommodations Individual basis and will provide PARCC approval
PARCC Field Test – Item Types Evidence-Based Short-Answer Response (EBSR) Technology-Enhanced Constructed Response (TECR)
PARCC Field Test – Item Types Deeper encounters Comprehension of the concepts Higher order skills such as critical reading and analysis
PARCC Field Test – Item Types Comparison and synthesis of ideas within and across texts Determining the meaning of words and phrases in context
PARCC Field Test – Item Types PARCC’s Blueprints and Test Specifications blueprints-test-specs
PARCC Field Test ELA/Literacy PBA Each grade level Research simulation Literary analysis Narrative task
PARCC Field Test ELA/Literacy EOY Each grade level – 4-5 texts Literary Informational (including social science/historical, scientific, and technical texts at grades 6-11)
PARCC Field Test Mathematics PBA Each grade level: Short answer- and extended-response Conceptual knowledge and skills Reasoning and modeling
PARCC Field Test Mathematics PBA Type I items (Machine-scorable) Type II items (Hand-Scored – scoring rubrics) Type III items (Hand-Scored and/or Machine- scored - scoring rubrics)
PARCC Field Test Mathematics EOY Each grade level: Short-answer responses Conceptual knowledge and skills Type I items only (All Machine-scorable)
PARCC Field Test – Scoring Scale score Performance level scores – five levels
PARCC Field Test Technology Number of test takers: Estimate the maximum number of students that will be testing at one time.
PARCC Field Test Technology Available devices: Identify the school computers that will be available for testing
Bandwidth Plan to use Proctor Caching and have at least 5 kbps of bandwidth for each student testing at the same time. OR Plan for at least 50 kbps of bandwidth for each student connecting to the Internet for testing at the same time
PARCC Field Test Technology Headphones – required for ELA/Literacy May be used by students who need accommodations for mathematics
PARCC Field Test Technology Online Assessment Pilot May 2013 For additional information, please contact Kirk Ross
Office of Curriculum and Assessment Contact Paula Mahaley, Assistant Director
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