Lithuanian-Swiss Cooperation Programme Baltic Retreat September 30 – October 2, 2014
Health sector programme Introduction of energy efficient technologies into the Lithuanian hospitals providing perinatal and neonatal health care services - 19 MCHF (21 hospitals) The objective of the Project is to improve quality of health care in perinatal and neonatal health care services as well as to contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution in Lithuania Progress Activities related to engineering services: procurement of technical project preparation and project supervision services in process (Republican Kaunas hospital, Panevežys (additional activities), Vilkaviškis) preparation of technical projects and/or technical expertise in process (Kaunas clinical hospital, Marijampolė, P. Mažylis (additional activities), Raseiniai, Telšiai, Šiauliai, Visaginas) technical projects prepared and /or expertise done (Alytus, Children hospital, Kėdainiai, Klaipėda, Kaunas clinics, Mažeikiai, P. Mažylis, Pasvalys, Panevėžys, Trakai, Vilnius Maternity Home, Vilnius city clinical hospital) Progress report 2014
Progress Activities related to works: preparation of tender documents for works and/or technical supervision services in process (Alytus, Children Hospital, Kaunas Clinics, Trakai) procurement of works and/or technical supervision services in process (Republican Kaunas hospital, Klaipėda, Panevėžys (additional activities), Vilnius Maternity Home (additional activities), Vilnius City Clinical Hospital (additional activities)) implementation of works contracts‘ in process (Kėdainiai, Mažeikiai, P. Mažylis, Panevežys, Šiauliai) works completed (Children Hospital, Pasvalys, Tauragė, Vilnius Maternity Home, Vilnius City Clinical Hospital) Progress report 2014
Progress Activities related to programme management: in January „Journalist‘s breakfast“ organised at Vilnius Maternity Home in February the IB contracted the energy expert for assisting in programme management in June the CPMA organised trainings for the EAs on procurement related issues MoH issued letters to the hospitals facing risk in implementation of activities periodical technical meetings between the IB, CPMA and NCU organised hospitals constantly monitored (visits to all hospitals, phone consultations etc.) by the IB and CPMA 5 on-the-spot checks carried out by CPMA Progress report 2014
Health sector programme Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania - 26,6 MCHF The objective of the Project is to improve quality of health care services to pregnant, delivering women and neonates, to improve collection of statistic data on the health of pregnant, delivering women and neonates as well as to expand the possibilities of sharing and analysing the collected data Progress Medical equipment 16 (out of 36) procurements are successfully finished and 7 are on-going. 21 contract signed (in total) for delivery and installation of equipment. 38 kinds of equipment (out of 96) are installed in hospitals. Delivery of equipment is being continued. Progress report 2014
Progress Repair works Preparation of technical project in process: 3 hospitals (Kaunas Clinical Hospital, Telšiai, Marijampolė) Preparation of tender documents for procurement of the repair works in process/completed: 3 hospitals (Klaipėda, Kaunas Clinics, Trakai) Procurement of works in process: 2 hospital (Mažeikiai, Klaipėda) Implementation of works completed: 2 hospitals (Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, Vilnius Maternity Home) Progress report 2014
Progress Other activities Contract on technical supervision services (including necessary documentation preparation) for development of computer data base signed in June Implementation on-going. Development of guidelines and protocols on-going (23 documents prepared in 2013, other 47 are being developed). Tender for procurement of reanimobiles for the neonates transportation launched in May Evaluation process is on-going. Progress report 2014
Progress Partnership plan Due to the busyness of the Swiss partner hospitals, activities planned under the Partnership plan could not be implemented Amended and minimized plan submitted to Geneva and Basel hospitals for comments in June Agreement by Geneva hospital received Programme management “Journalists’ breakfast” was organized in Vilnius Maternity Home in January 2014 Contracts for information and memorial billboards for the repair works signed in February on-the-spot checks carried out by CPMA Progress report 2014
Research and development sector Research and development programme - 9,052 MCHF Aim – to support joint research and institutional partnerships projects Progress Annual scientific reports discussed and approved by the JSC in January - February 2014 Programme interim financial audit conducted in February - March 2014 Implementation of 10 joint research projects is on-going without any significant delays. It is considered to extend 1 joint research project (CH-3-ŠMM-01/06) implementation period. 1 unplanned on-the-spot check (CH-3-ŠMM-01/11) conducted 5 projects participated in the national science festival „Spaceship Earth“ in September 2014
Progress report 2014 Scholarship Fund Scholarships for advanced degree and post-graduation programmes (mainly PhD) in Switzerland – 4 MCHF Progress 6th Call for proposals (01/01 – 01/04/2014): 17 proposals evaluated, 12 approved for financing (total amount allocated – 0,8 CHF) 3,7 MCHF allocated during six calls
Progress report 2014 Individual project The creation and implementation of the system for video transmission, recording and storage in courts - 1,77 MCHF Overall objective – to create a system which allows arranging remote court sessions, recording and preserving materials of these sessions in the electronic form Progress Procurement stage of the main activity on video-conferencing equipment completed in July 2014 Activities on provision and installation of equipment on-going
Block grant NGO Fund - 5,553 MCHF Overall aims: oto promote civil society’s contribution to economic and social cohesion as an important actor of development and participation oto contribute to the further development of the NGO sector in Lithuania Progress 99 planned and unplanned on-the-spot checks conducted 65 sub-projects (out of 97) completed 14 sub-projects already completed to implement their activities. CPMA is verifying their final payment claims and implementation reports. closing event organised on 17 September 2014 Progress report 2014
Operational plan (October 2014 to December 2015) Introduction of energy efficient technologies into the Lithuanian hospitals providing perinatal and neonatal health care services Programme management To review and agree with the Swiss side the programme indicators (December 2014) To procure the interim financial audit services (December 2014) and conduct the audit (March 2015) To organise the „Journalist breakfast“ (IQ/2015) Programme direct costs
Operational plan (October 2014 to December 2015) Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania Medical equipment To launch 3 tenders in October 2014, 3 in November 2014, 5 in January 2015, 1 in April 2015, 1 in December To sign 3 contracts in October 2014, 2 contracts in November 2014, 2 contracts in December 2014, 3 tenders in March 2015, 4 in April 2015, 3 in May 2014, 1 in June 2015, 1 in September To continue the delivery of equipment to beneficiary hospitals
Operational plan (October 2014 to December 2015) Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania Computer database To develop the technical specification for the database (October 2014) To develop the computer database: To submit the tender documents for the review of CPMA (December 2014) To launch the tender (February 2015) and to sign the contract (July 2015) Preparation of Technical projects and supervision To prepare technical projects (Telšiai – December 2014, Marijampolė – January 2015)
Operational plan (October 2014 to December 2015) Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania Repair works To announce tender (Kaunas Clinics – 10/2014, Trakai – 12/2014, Kaunas clinical hospital – 02/2015, Telšiai – 03/2015, Marijampolė – 04/2015) To sign contract (Mažeikiai – 10/2014, Klaipėda – 01/2015, Kaunas Clinics – 02/2015, Trakai - 03/2015, Kaunas clinical hospital – 05/2015, Marijampolė, Telšiai – 06/2015) To complete works (Mažeikiai – 06/2015) Guidelines, protocols and professional competence improvement To complete preparation of methodologies and guidelines (47 out of 70) (11/2014) Training activities will be implemented during 2015 Vehicles To sign the contract (11/2014) and deliver vehicles (03/2015)
Operational plan (October 2014 to December 2015) Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania Programme management To procure the interim financial audit services (December 2014) and conduct the audit (March 2015) To organise the „Journalist breakfast“ (IQ/2015) P artnership plan To agree on the minimized partnership plan (November 2014).
Operational plan (October 2014 to December 2015) Research and development programme To conduct expert evaluation of the projects’ annual scientific reports (January - February 2015) To organise mid-term review of the projects (February 2015) To conduct programme publicity on TV (January-May and September-December 2015) To participate in the national science festival „Spaceship Earth“ (September 2015)
Operational plan (October 2014 to December 2015) Individual project (on video conferencing system) To install the equipment in courts, prisons, prosecutor‘s offices (December 2014) To organise the closing conference (December 2014) To procure final financial audit services (April 2015) and to conduct the audit (3-4Q/ 2015) To implement additional activities (1-2Q/2015)
Operational plan (October 2014 to December 2015) NGO Block grant To conduct 6 on-the-spot checks (December 2014) To complete verification of final payment claims and implementation reports (November /December 2014) To complete sub-projects‘ implementation (October 2014) To procure financial audit services (November 2014) and to conduct Final Financial Audit of the NGO Fund (February-March 2015) To submit the completion report and final reimbursement request to the SCO (not later than 30 June 2015)
Expenditures and Reimbursements in Programme Eligible expenditures Reimbursement Eligible expenditures ( including advances to EA/beneficiaries) Reimbursement 1st health sector programme (Introduction of energy efficient technologies) , , , ,17 2nd health sector programme (Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services) , , , ,85 Research and development , , , ,00 Individual project (on video conferencing system) , , , ,94 NGO Fund , , ,21 Project Preparation Facility (PPF) 0,00 Technical Assistance Fund (TAF) , , , ,00 Total , , , ,17
Thank you Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania Lukiškų str. 2, LT Vilnius, Lithuania Tel , Fax Central Project Management Agency S. Konarskio str. 13, LT Vilnius, Lithuania Tel , Fax