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UC Irvine Health UC Irvine Health represents the clinical and academic endeavors of UC Irvine Medical Center and UC Irvine School of Medicine The School of Medicine is located at the UC Irvine campus and is comprised of 25 departments, 540 clinical faculty, 56 residency and fellowship programs and 640 trainees UC Irvine Medical Center is Orange County’s only university hospital. It offers acute- and general-care services and serves as the premier teaching facility for the School of Medicine
Mission Discover. Teach. Heal. Vision To be among the best (top 20) academic health centers in the nation in research, medical education and excellence in patient care
UC Irvine Health We are one of five University of California medical centers that support the clinical and teaching programs of UC medical and health sciences schools Collectively, the five medical centers in Davis, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Irvine and San Diego, comprise one of the largest healthcare systems in the U.S. UC Irvine Medical Center has been serving Orange County since 1976 Our main patient care facility in Orange is just one of several patient care locations throughout the region
UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange is located 11 miles from the UC Irvine main campus UC Irvine Douglas Hospital is our state-of-the-art, seven-story hospital It is equipped with the latest technological advances and offers patients spacious, private patient rooms ideal for delivering comfort and compassionate care
For 12 years and counting, UC Irvine Medical Center has been recognized as one of “America’s Best Hospitals” -- U.S. News & World Report This year, U.S. News ranked our program in geriatrics 35 th among the top 50 geriatric programs in the country U.S. News & World Report also cites us as Orange County’s top hospital and fifth-best among Los Angeles-area medical centers
More than 90 UC Irvine physicians are recognized as Best Doctors in America by Best Doctors, Inc. We were the first hospital to receive ANCC Magnet Recognition for nursing excellence in Orange County
We are Orange County’s Only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center Only Level 1 trauma center Only burn center verified by the American College of Surgeons and American Burn Association Only high-risk perinatal/neonatal program Most sophisticated, Level III neonatal intensive care unit
UC Irvine Health -- By the Numbers -- 411 Beds (6.3% - Orange County Total) 108,000 Inpatient Days (8.6%) 519,000 Outpatient Visits (16.4%) 39,000 Emergency Department Visits 71,500 Federally Qualified Health Ctr Visits Visits 4,400 Jobs (Med Ctr), 3,600 Jobs (SOM) $1.5 Billion, So. Calif. Economic Output
Orange County Health Services (2010) Hospitals – General 31 Hospitals – Other 18 Nursing & Residential 574 Health Practitioner Offices7,102 Outpatient Centers 230 Med. & Diag. Labs 219 Home Health Agencies 184 Total Establishments: 8,415 (8.3% OC tot)
UC Irvine Medical Center: Economic/Fiscal Impact (2010) Annual Revenue$638.5 million Total Economic Impact: Output $ billion Employment 10,350 jobs Total Labor (incl. benefits) $ million
UC Irvine Medical Center: Economic/Fiscal Impact (2010) Total Fiscal Impact: - Property/Sales Taxes$41.7 million - Property/Sales Taxes$41.7 million - Income Taxes Income Taxes Fees/Fines Fees/Fines Social/other Taxes Social/other Taxes 6.0 Total Taxes: $77.2 million
Employment Industry Sectors (10,350 Jobs) AgricultureMiningUtilities ConstructionManufacturingWholesale Trade Retail TradeTransportationInformation Finance/InsuranceReal Estate/RentalProf/Scientific Services Company ManagementEducation ServicesHealth Care and Social Arts/Entertainment/RecAccommodationsFood Service Waste ManagementAll others
Role in Local Economy Large Employer High Volume purchaser of Goods/Services Key component of Local Infrastructure contributing to Quality of Life
What Health Reform Does: Expands health coverage to 32 million people Enacts important health insurance reforms Attempts to “simplify” administration Attempts to improve access Enacts delivery system and payment reforms Increase supply of health workers
Characteristics of Future Healthcare Environment Increased Service Demand Declining Revenue per Unit of Service Declining overall margins Increasing numbers enrolled in poor paying public programs Increased downward pressure on pricing in commercial market Shrinking Safety Net Hospital subsidies
Significant Challenges UC Irvine Health is changing with health reform! Fill role as OC’s only Academic Health Center Efficiently deliver highest quality quaternary, tertiary and primary healthcare Meet evolving community service mission Maintain fiscal sustainability in future
Jon D. Gilwee Executive Director, Government Affairs UC Irvine Health