A Global Perspective on Emerging Mosquito-Borne Diseases JV Irons / RR Parker Memorial Lecture Laura D. Kramer Wadsworth Center New York State Dept Health Ft. Worth, Texas June 3, 2009
Defined the concept of EID Identified factors contributing to disease emergence Pointed to challenges posed by infectious diseases This landmark report defined the concept of emerging and reemerging infections, identified factors contributing to disease emergence and reemergence, and emphasized current and future challenges posed by infectious diseases. The report also highlighted deficiencies in our nation's public health infrastructure and made recommendations on the need to strengthen surveillance systems, address new areas of research, provide multidisciplinary training for the next generation of scientists and public health workers, and establish new and enhance existing disease prevention and control programs Emerging Infections: Microbial Threats to Health in the United States. Joshua Lederberg, Robert E. Shope, and Stanley C.Oaks, Jr., Editors; Committee on Emerging Microbial Threats to Health, Institute of Medicine (1992)
“…the United States has no comprehensive national system for detecting outbreaks of infectious disease. Outbreaks of any disease that is not on CDC's current list of notifiable illnesses may go undetected or may be detected only after an outbreak is well under way.” “Although many local and regional vector-control programs can effectively combat small and even medium-size outbreaks of vector-borne disease, they are not equipped to deal with outbreaks that are national in scope.” This landmark report defined the concept of emerging and reemerging infections, identified factors contributing to disease emergence and reemergence, and emphasized current and future challenges posed by infectious diseases. The report also highlighted deficiencies in our nation's public health infrastructure and made recommendations on the need to strengthen surveillance systems, address new areas of research, provide multidisciplinary training for the next generation of scientists and public health workers, and establish new and enhance existing disease prevention and control programs “The significance of zoonoses in the emergence of human infections cannot be overstated.” Emerging Infections: Microbial Threats to Health in the United States. Joshua Lederberg, Robert E. Shope, and Stanley C.Oaks, Jr., Editors; Committee on Emerging Microbial Threats to Health, Institute of Medicine (1992)
Outline Drivers of emerging / re-emerging diseases Re/emerging flavivirus West Nile Re/emerging alphavirus Chikungunya Atlantic Monthly, 1997
Re/emerging infectious diseases Define the concept. EIDs are infections that have newly appeared in a population, or have existed but are rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range (Morse 1995) Process Introduction of agent Establishment and dissemination Introduction of the agent into a new host population (whether the pathogen originated in the environment, possibly in another species, or as a variant of an existing human infection), 2. establishment and further dissemination within the new host population (“adoption”) The majority (60.3%) of EID events are caused by zoonotic pathogens (ie, those which have a non-human animal source). Furthermore, 71.8% of these zoonotic EID events were caused by pathogens with a wildlife origin—for example, the emergence of Nipah virus in Perak, Malaysia and SARS in Guangdong Province, China.
Introduction: The ‘Zoonotic Pool’ Assuming 50,000 vertebrates, each with 20 endemic viruses. There are likely 1,000,000 vertebrate viruses. 99.8% of vertebrate viruses remain to be discovered Large potential for future zoonotic emergence! If we 1st consider the introduction step, the numerous examples of infections originating as zoonoses suggest that the “zoonotic pool”—introductions of infections from other species—is an important and potentially rich source of emerging diseases. The number of EID events caused by pathogens originating in wildlife has increased significantly with time. S Morse 1993
What leads to selection Question What leads to selection or emergence a new agent?
Vectors Modified from Jones et al 2008 Nature 451:990. Genetic and biological factors Physical and environmental factors Vectors So what leads to selection or emergence of a new agent which has pathogenic consequences ? I’m showing here the convergence model of disease emergence and consequent epidemics. It depicts emergence as being a product of the interaction of diverse factors that fit w/in 4 major groupings that together foster the transfer of infectious agents from animals to humans or dissemination from geographically isolated groups into new populations. This has been referred to as “microbial traffic” (Morse 3,4). Most emerging infections appear to be caused by pathogens already present in the environment, brought out of obscurity or given a selective advantage by changing conditions that afford them an opportunity to infect new host populations. Ecological factors Socal, political and economic factors Modified from Jones et al 2008 Nature 451:990.
Underlying factors in emergence: Genetic and biologic factors Microbial genetics and adaptation Host susceptibility to infection Physical environmental factor Climate and weather Economic development and land use Ecological factors Changing ecosystems Human demographics and behavior Social, political, and economic factors International travel and commerce Poverty and society inequity War and famine Intent to harm Modified from King L CDC 2008
Population in millions World population growth. Population of the world and its regions (in millions). Data from http://esa.un.org/unpp/ . Solid line: medium variant. Shaded region: low to high variant. Dashed line: constant-fertility variant. In the 20th century, the world saw the biggest increase in its population in human history due to lessening of the mortality rate in many countries due to medical advances and massive increase in agricultural productivity attributed to the Green Revolution.[24][25][26]. Globally, the population growth rate has been steadily declining from its peak of 2.19% in 1963, but growth remains high in Latin America, the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.[29] In some countries there is negative population growth (i.e. net decrease in population over time), especially in Central and Eastern Europe (mainly due to low fertility rates) and Southern Africa (due to the high number of HIV-related deaths). Within the next decade, Japan and some countries in Western Europe are also expected to encounter negative population growth due to sub-replacement fertility rates. The United Nations states that population growth is rapidly declining due to the demographic transition. The world population is expected to peak at 9.2 billion in 2050.[2] http://esa.un.org/unpp/
There is nowhere that is too remote to reach Global Aviation Network Least frequent no. passengers / day Most frequent Hufnagel et al, 2004 PNAS
Speed of Global Travel in Relation to World Population Growth ( ) D y C c m v g e h G Year 1850 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 2000 1900 1950 1 2 3 4 5 6 Murphy and Nathanson Sems Virol 5, 87, 1994
Percentage of Population Without Reasonable Access to Safe Drinking Water Reasonable access to safe drinking water is defined as the availability of at least 20 litres per person per day from an improved source within 1 kilometer of the user's dwelling. More than five million people, most of them children, die every year from illnesses caused by drinking poor quality water “Earth Dispatch” Earth Dispatch
What is an Arbovirus? Arthropod-borne Group of viruses spread by arthropods Many are zoonotic Infection spread to incidental hosts that are not essential to the life cycle.
Outline Drivers in emerging diseases Re/emerging flaviviruses West Nile Dengue Japanese encephalitis Yellow fever Kyassanur Forest Re/emerging alphavirus Chikungunya
Flavivirus: Flaviviridae (~70 members) 11 kb WNV modified from Kuhn RJ in Kramer LD et al. Lancet Neurology 2007
Flavivirus: Flaviviridae (~70 members) Human pathogens Hemorrhagic fevers (flavi=yellow) Encephalitis Febrile illness 3 phylogenetic clusters No known vector Tick-borne Mosquito borne Japanese encephalitis serocomplex Includes JEV, SLEV, WNV Primarily bird viruses Humans not “amplifying” host Other serocomplexes include YFV, DENV
Japanese encephalitis serogroup WNV SLEV KUNV JEV MVEV
Smithburn JS, Hughes TP, Burke AW, Paul JH Smithburn JS, Hughes TP, Burke AW, Paul JH. A neurotropic virus isolated from the blood of a native of Uganda. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1940;20:471–92. Medical Department of the Uganda Protectorate International Health Division of The Rockefeller Foundation.
1999 1996 2000 West Nile 1994-2003 France Israel Bucarest 2000 2003 Morocco Bucarest 1996 2003 2000 1994 Italy 1998 1996 First recorded epidemic in Israel in 1950’s Frequent outbreaks leading to 1990’s Israel – 1951-1954, 1957 France – 1962 South Africa – 1974 Romania – 1996 Italy – 1998 1997 2003 1998 2000 Tunisia 2003 Israel 2003 2002 Modified from the French National Reference Center for Arboviruses, Pasteur Institute,Lyon, France Horses Humans Birds
WNV geographic distribution AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE, RUSSIA, INDIA, AUSTRALIA In 1998, a virulent WN strain from lineage I was identified in dying migrating storks and domestic geese showing clinical symptoms of encephalitis and paralysis in Israel. Pre-1999 distribution Post-1999 distribution
West Nile Virus in North America: Background Discovered in 1999 in New York City during an outbreak of meningitis and encephalitis in humans and an accompanying epizootic in birds Emergence during heat wave
West Nile Virus In New York - 1999 NYC - 1795 Yellow Fever Outbreak 730 Deaths
Empezamos entonces con una discusion de la importancia de vigilancia Empezamos entonces con una discusion de la importancia de vigilancia. En 1999 los Estados Unidos se encontro amenezado por la presencia de un virus que jamas se habia visto antes en el hemisfero occidental. El virus del oriente del nilo se detecto por primera vez en Nueva York a traves de la notificacion por unos medicos atentos de un congomerado de casos de encefalitis, y por una veterinaria que detecto muertes en aves. Despues de enfrentar directamente al brote en Nueva York, CDC monto un sistema de vigilance en colaboracion con todos los estados para detetectar diseminacion del virus en el resto del pais.
“I love the smell of malathion in the morning”
Buzz City by Barry Blitt The New Yorker Sept. 27, 2000
The Bite of Spring by Peter de Seve The New Yorker April 17, 2000
Possible pathways of introduction of WNV into the USA Infected Human Human-transported vertebrate host Legal Illegal Human-transported mosquito vector Storm-transported vertebrate host (bird) Intentional introduction (terrorist event) The expansion of global air travel and seaborne trade removes geographic barriers to insect disease vectors, enabling the insects to move great distances in short periods. If they can adapt to the local environment, they establish themselves in new areas.
Lanciotti et al. 1999. Origin of the West Nile virus responsible for an outbreak of encephalitis in the northeastern U.S. [Science 286:2333-337.]
West Nile Virus Transmission Cycle Mosquito vectors Culex species Epidemic Secondary Hosts Epizootic Amplification hosts
WNV Surveillance, United States,1999-2008 WNV Surveillance, United States,1999-2008*: Summary of Mosquito and Dead Bird Data 64 WNV-positive mosquito species reported Culex species account for >98% of the total reported 317 WNV-positive dead bird spp. reported 2006: American crows and blue jays accounted for 62% of the dead birds A Hitchcock, The Birds * Reported as of 3/2009
Spatio-temporal Declines, American Crow North American Breeding Bird Survey S LaDeau; Nature. 2007. 447(7145):710-3
Equine Cases, United States, 1999-2007 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total Equine: 24,681cases Vaccine introduced Equine Case Reports Year CDC/NCID/DVBID
WN disease
Reported incidence of West Nile virus disease by county, United States, 1999–2007 (Total cases) (1294) 2005 (1495) 2006 (1173) 2007 (62) (21) (66) (4156) (9862) (2539) Hayes EB et al. EID 2006
Risk of WN disease in humans seroprevalence studies in US (CDC) 1 of 140 infections neurologic disease 1 of 5 infections febrile illness 4 of 5 infections subclinical Asymptomatic (subclinical) lead to life-long immunity Fever:Fever, headache, rash, fatigue; Mild cases often undiagnosed; Median time to recovery ~60 days NID: WNV Neuroinvasive Disease Meningitis (~40%), encephalitis (~60%), poliomyelitis (~10%) Mild disorientation to coma and death (~10% mortality) Long term sequelae may occur 10% CFR Most mosquito bites not by infected mosquito
WNV neuroinvasive disease cases in United States (by year) Regional epidemics Avg = 1295/year No. NID cases Graphically, 10 years of WNND in the US looks like this Characterized by two years of regional epidemics in midwest through the Mississippi valley to the gulf coast, followed by the epidemic through the plains states In the 4 full years the virus has been present through most of the country, WNND cases have average almost 1300 each year. 687 NID 2008 Year
WNV neuroinvasive disease cases and deaths No. of NID cases % mortality
WNV Widespread and Pervasive in Environment Reported WNND Cases and WNV Deaths in Humans, United States, 1999-2008* Year Encephalitis/ Meningitis (includes some AFP) Non-Encephalitis/ Meningitis AFP Total AFP Total WNND Deaths 1999-2002 3,088 -- 303 2003 2,866 264 2004 1,142 6 33 1,148 100 2005 1,294 15 82 1,309 119 2006 1,459 36 101 1,495 177 2007 1,217 10 63 1,227 124 2008 665 1 21 687 44 Total 11,616 68 300 11,820 1,114 11,820 WNND Cases x 140 infections/WNND ~ 1.65 Million Infections WNV Widespread and Pervasive in Environment Produced Widespread and Pervasive Impact * Reported as of 11/04/2008
West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease cases by age group and gender, 1999-2006* 25 Male Incidence 20 Female Incidence 15 Incidence per 100,000 10 5 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 Age Group (yr) * Reported as of 5/2/2007 Sejvar J CDC
Proportion of viremic blood donors developing West Nile fever Colorado, 2003 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 Age Group Proportion with WNF Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2007;7:479
Risk factors for neuroinvasive disease Strong evidence Age Risk increases ~1.5 times per decade Organ transplant recipients ~40% develop neuroinvasive disease (>40 times the risk as population-at-large)* Hematological malignancies Experimental infection and individual case reports (risk remains undefined) Age discussed in previous slide A serological study conducted in Canadian transplant clinic patients showed that the risk of severe neurological disease after infection was 40%, a rate approximately 40 times that of the population-at-large. Individual case reports suggest that persons with hematological malignancies are at increased risk for development of severe disease, but it is not possible to determine the extent of that risk from these reports. In addition, WNV was used as an experimental cancer therapy in the 1950s, and these studies suggested that patients with hematological malignancies were more likely to develop severe disease. Surveillance data have consistently shown a slight preponderance of cases among men. It is unknown whether this is due to increased mosquito exposure or a true increase in risk of acquiring severe disease. * Kumar et al. Am J Transplant 2004;4:1883-8
Risk factors for neuroinvasive disease Weaker evidence Diabetes Hypertension Alcohol abuse Chronic renal disease Cardiovascular disease Age discussed in previous slide A serological study conducted in Canadian transplant clinic patients showed that the risk of severe neurological disease after infection was 40%, a rate approximately 40 times that of the population-at-large. Individual case reports suggest that persons with hematological malignancies are at increased risk for development of severe disease, but it is not possible to determine the extent of that risk from these reports. In addition, WNV was used as an experimental cancer therapy in the 1950s, and these studies suggested that patients with hematological malignancies were more likely to develop severe disease. Surveillance data have consistently shown a slight preponderance of cases among men. It is unknown whether this is due to increased mosquito exposure or a true increase in risk of acquiring severe disease.
The West Nile Virus “Iceberg” - 2 Acute WNV WNV long term effects Sejvar CDC
Temporal profile of recovery— WNV “Poliomyelitis” Baseline Strength 100 80 Level of recovery (18) 60 40 20 Sejvar J CDC
Novel modes of virus transmission Transfused blood Blood supply screening began in 2003 More than 1000 viremic blood donors identified 2003 - 2004 Transplanted organs Breast milk One case, infant asymptomatic Transplacental transmission Single case 2002 with severe outcome to infant Percutaneous, occupational exposure Dialysis? Greatest risk – exposure to mosquito bite !!
Conclusions 1 – North America Rapid spread across USA (<4 years to Pacific Coast) Bird migration and random bird movements Many possible important avian hosts and competent mosquito vectors (unprecedented infection prevalence) Significant impact on wildlife and domestic animals. Persistent seasonal outbreaks. Incidence varies regionally. High infection incidence in humans has led to unusual modes of transmission. Age and immunosuppression highly significant risk factors for neuroinvasive disease. Role of other risk factors unclear, but possibly important.
West Nile Virus in Latin America 2002 – 2004 2006
Little evidence of human and animal disease in Latin America Less virulent virus circulating? Poor surveillance? Serological cross reactivity with other flaviviruses? Previous exposure to other circulating flaviviruses modulating disease expression? Other causes?
West Nile Virus Puerto Rico, 2007 Sentinel chicken surveillance: up to 50% chickens seroconverted per week for over two months 3 viremic human blood donors 7 sick horses; 1 death Active human surveillance: only one human with West Nile fever; no neuroinvasive disease WNV isolated from chickens and Culex mosquitoes Strain identical to that circulating in United States A sentinel chicken program for West Nile virus (WNV) surveillance was initiated in July 2006 in eastern Puerto Rico, yielding the first seroconversions on June 4, 2007. Culex nigripalpus, Culex bahamensis) for the first time in Tropical America. Preliminary sequence analysis of the prM and E genes revealed a 1-amino acid difference (V159A) between the Puerto Rican 2007 and the NY99.
Future issues West Nile virus is endemic in the western hemisphere Vaccines successful for equines but need to weigh cost effectiveness for humans Therapeutics / antivirals Long term sequelae Control and risk prediction
Pools at foreclosed homes raise West Nile threat in Dallas County 10:38 PM CDT on Friday, May 22, 2009 By THEODORE KIM / The Dallas Morning News tkim@dallasnews.com As if joblessness and the down stock market weren't enough, the weak economy has led to another problem: mosquitoes. A growing collection of vacant homes in foreclosure, coupled with a wet spring, has fueled a mosquito resurgence in the region, Dallas County health officials say. Empty homes with unkempt swimming pools have been especially to blame. "We're getting a lot of calls on vacant homes that are foreclosed on and have swimming pools that, basically, are breeding grounds for mosquitoes," said Zachary Thompson, director of Dallas County health and human services. braceforimpactnow.blogspot.com
Outline Drivers of emerging diseases Re/emerging flavivirus West Nile Re/emerging alphavirus Chikungunya Atlantic Monthly, 1997
Togaviridae: Alphaviruses Genome: Single stranded, positive sense RNA 5’ capped , 3’ polyadenylated Cytoplasmic replication Structural proeins encoded at 3’ end in subgenomic message Insect transmitted 3 disease patterns: Arthropathy (Sindbis, Ross River, Chikungunya) Systemic febrile illness (Semliki forest, VEE) Encephalitis (EEE, WEE, VEE)
Chikungunya In Swahili, “chikungunya” : “ that which contorts or bends “up” Disease: High fever (103-104 F) Rash Severe incapacitating arthritis/arthralgia Generalized Usually acute Hemorrhagic manifestations have been reported Rarely fatal Arthralgia: (Several days to several weeks, though 20% of individuals have long-term joint complaints) G. Pialoux et al., 2007, Lancet Infect Dis A.M. Powers and C.H. Logue, 2007 J Gen Virol,
CHIKV Transmission Cycle forested areas in West & Central Africa Forest Aedes spp. Ae africanus Ae luteocephalus Ae furcifer-taylori eg. Forest redtail monkey Modified from Gould EA and Higgs S 2009 Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg
CHIKV Transmission Cycle urban in Asia Aedes aegypti & Ae. albopictus
Powers AM, Logue CH J Gen Virol. 2007 88:2363.
identifi ed in a given country identifi ed in a given country. India is shaded in green (Asian genotype) as outbreaks from 1963 to 1965 and 1973 were confirmed to have been caused by members of the Asian clade; however, reports from India during 2005–2007 indicate this outbreak was caused by the same CHIKV strains detected during the Indian Ocean outbreaks (Central/East African genotype). Asterisk indicates a location from which CHIKV was isolated (courtesy: Powers and Logue 2007). The precise reasons for the re-emergence of chikungunya in the Indian subcontinent as well as the other small countries in the southern Indian Ocean are an enigma. Although, it is well recognized that re-emergence of viral infections are due to a variety of social, environmental, behavioural and biological changes, which of these contributed to the re-emergence of chikungunya virus would be interesting to unravel. Genetic analysis of chiungunya viruses have revealed that two distinct lineages were delineated,[12] one containing all isolates from western Africa and the second comprising all southern and East African strains, as well as isolates from Asia. Phylogenetic trees corroborated historical evidence that the virus originated in Africa and subsequently was introduced into Asia
Recent outbreaks of Chikungunya 2004-2007 Endemic Chikungunya Congo: 2004 (re-emergence after 39 years) Malaysia: 2007 (re-emergence after 7 years) Reunion Island 266,000 clinical cases . Approximately 1/3 of population. Vector, Aedes albopictus. Groups within Central/East African CHIK strains 266,000 cases Enserink, M. (2007) Science 318: 1860-1861
Chikungunya Virus Outbreak 878 imported cases to France Pialoux et. al 2007 Lancet Inf Dis, 7:319-327
Recent outbreaks of Chikungunya 2004-2007 >1.4 million cases Enserink, M. (2007) Science 318: 1860-1861
Recent outbreaks of Chikungunya 2004-2007 New emergence in 2007: >200 cases Enserink, M. (2007) Science 318: 1860-1861
Mosquito species were different in various outbreaks Ae. aegypti Ae. albopictus Italy: autochthonous transmission; 234 cases Enserink, M. (2007) Science 318: 1860-1861
Historical and geographical variations in CHIKV ecology and associated risks for human health. Viral phylogenetic groups of genotypes are color coded: the ancestral West African group is in green; the second African cluster (or CSEA cluster, for Central, Southern, East African viruses) is in blue; the primarily Asian group is in red, and the CHIK viruses involved in Indian Ocean outbreaks since 2000 are represented in yellow. For each group, a box summarizes the knowledge acquired on CHIKV ecology and human infection risks (see details in text). Re-emergence in the 2000s Domestic epidemic cycles Ae albopictus on islands and Italy Ae. aegypti in India
Charrel et al. 2007. N Engl J Med 356;8
Presence of Aedes albopictus in Europe, 2007 ECDC/WHO Mission report Sept 2007
Expansion of world distribution of Aedes albopictus Charrel et al. 2007. N Engl J Med 356;8
Factors involved in re-emergence of Chikungunya virus Biologic and genetic Non-immune population Adaptation of virus to new mosquito: Ae. albopictus Ecologic conditions Standing water due to droughts Warm European summer Mosquito abundance Social, economic, political International travel Previous introduction of Ae. albopictus into Reunion Island & Italy Delayed identification and control of initial outbreaks Physical environment Stored water/atificial breeding sites High mosq abundance due to warm summer and artificial breeding sites from stored water Chretien JP, Linthicum KJ. Lancet. 2007 Dec 1;370(9602):1805-6 Modified from Chretien JP, Linthicum KJ. Lancet. 2007
Can Chikungunya virus emerge in US? 37 imported cases in 2005-2006 No autochthonous transmission so far Components of the transmission cycle? Climate in southern states Humans Monkeys X Mosquitoes ????
Distribution of Ae. aegypti in Americas 1970 – after mosquito eradication 2002 www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/dengue/map-ae-aegypti-distribution.htm
Distribution of Ae. albopictus in US, year 2000 http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/Arbor/albopic_97_sm.htm
Can Chikungunya virus emerge in US? 37 imported cases in 2005-2006 Components of the transmission cycle? Climate in southern states Humans Monkeys X Mosquitoes Human behavior ???
Can we predict the next new emerging zoonosis? “In general, there is no way to predict when or where the next important new zoonotic pathogen will emerge or what its ultimate importance might be.” F.A. Murphy, ICEID 1998 Emerg. Infect. Dis. 1998 4: 429-435
Malaria, yellow fever, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, WHAT’S NEXT?
Thank you! QUESTIONS???????