Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 Special Thanks to Robert Foster and Greg Moyer For Their Incredible Photos Of the Cars That Are Shown Here.
Please Welcome Your Hosts For the Evening: Brian Meyer Jim Harrison
Given to members on their 5 year Anniversaries with the Club. Longevity Awards Given to members on their 5 year Anniversaries with the Club.
Activity Awards 10-6 Points are awarded for club activities during the course of the year. These are the winners from 10th place through 6th.
Activity Awards 10-6 10. Tom Urbanek 9. Paul Sherman 8. Greg Laws 7. Robert Foster 6. Frank Diringer
Solo Awards O'Reilly Days 2nd Annual O'Reilly Days Solo sponsored by O'Reilly Auto Parts.
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 MID-AM CHAMPIONSHIP
SHOWROOM STOCK C – 1st Place DAVE GIRD 1997 Dodge Neon
AMERICAN SEDAN – 1st Place SCOTT BETTINGER 1988 Ford Mustang
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 SOLO – Stock, Prepared and Modified Classes
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 A STOCK
A STOCK – First Place DAVE GIRD 1991 Chevrolet Corvette
A STOCK – Second Place JIM FRENCH 1989 Chevrolet Corvette
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 B STOCK
B STOCK – First Place KEN STEADMAN 1988 Porsche 944S
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 C STOCK
C STOCK – First Place DAVID GUILLIAMS 1999 Mazda Miata
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 D STOCK
D STOCK – First Place WARREN MEYER 2005 Dodge Neon SRT-4 ACR
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 E STOCK
E STOCK – First Place TOM BONTRAGER 1980 Alfa Romeo Spider
E STOCK – Second Place GARY BRYANT 1995 Eagle Talon 1987 Porsche 924
E STOCK – Third Place TOM ZICKUHR 1988 Porsche 924s
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 F STOCK
F STOCK – Second Place RUSSELL LEMON 1988 Ford Mustang GT
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 G STOCK
G STOCK – First Place DAN DEENER 2006 Mini Cooper S
G STOCK – Second Place TOM DUPLER 2002 Mini Cooper S
G STOCK – Third Place PETER HANAS 2006 Honda Civic Si
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 H STOCK LADIES
H STOCK LADIES – First Place ALISSA ANDERSON 2000 Honda Civic
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 E PREPARED
E PREPARED – First Place MARK BRAUN 1989 Honda CRX
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 F MODIFIED
F MODIFIED – First Place DAVE GEIS 1982 FV Morton
F MODIFIED – Second Place LU GEIS 1982 FV Morton
AVRG 100% Awards Carrie Barker Robert Foster Ray Barker Dave Geis Kellie Barker Lu Geis Bruce Bettinger David Guilliams Charlene Bettinger Keith Pfautz Scott Bettinger Judi Pfautz Frank Diringer The AVRG consists of Wichita, Oklahoma, and NeOkla Regions. These awards are for workers who have worked 100% of the Mid Div's races.
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 SOLO – Street Prepared and Street Tire
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 STREET OPEN
STREET OPEN – First Place TOM URBANEK 1992 Saturn Sc
STREET OPEN – Second Place CHRIS LAWRIE 2005 Dodge Neon SRT-4 1998 Acura Integra
STREET OPEN – Third Place BRYAN JONES 1995 Chevrolet Corvette
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 A STREET PREPARED
A STREET PREPARED – First Place RICHARD PRESTAGE 1999 Chevrolet Corvette
A STREET PREPARED – Second Place ROGER RIDLON 1987 Birkin Lotus 7
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 B STREET PREPARED
B STREET PREPARED – First Place GUY ROBERTS 1994 Chevrolet Corvette
B STREET PREPARED – Second Place JIM HARRISON 1972 Chevrolet Corvette
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 C STREET PREPARED
C STREET PREPARED – Third Place BRIAN MEYER (tie) 1988 Honda CRX
C STREET PREPARED – Third Place JASON ROGERS (tie) 1990 Mazda Miata
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 D STREET PREPARED
D STREET PREPARED – First Place PAUL SHERMAN 1997 Dodge Neon
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 E STREET PREPARED
E STREET PREPARED – First Place JAMES DALLAS 1964 Chevrolet Corvair
E STREET PREPARED – Second Place NED MADSEN 1966 Chevrolet Corvair
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 F STREET PREPARED
F STREET PREPARED – First Place HAL LARCHER 1987 Volkswagen GTi
F STREET PREPARED – Second Place BILL PREHEIM 1969 Austin Healey Sprite
F STREET PREPARED – Third Place GREG LAWS 1987 Renault GTA
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 STREET TOURING
STREET TOURING – First Place TIM HARMON 1999 Ford Contour SVT
STREET TOURING – Second Place NICK DENEAULT 1993 Nissan 240sx
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 STREET TOURING 2
STREET TOURING 2 – First Place GONZALO MENDOZA 1991 Mazda Miata
STREET TOURING 2 – Second Place MICHAEL WILDT 1990 Mazda Miata
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 STREET TOURING X
STREET TOURING X – First Place MARCUS HIDVEGI 2000 Volkswagen New Beetle
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 STREET MODIFIED 2
STREET MODIFIED 2 – First Place RICHARD PRESTAGE 1999 Chevrolet Corvette
STREET MODIFIED 2 – Second Place KEVIN PFEIFER 1992 Mazda Miata
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 NATIONAL RACING
SHOWROOM STOCK C – Second Place PAUL SHERMAN 1997 Dodge Neon
Solo Awards for the Midwest Division. Solo Mid Div Awards Solo Awards for the Midwest Division.
Special Honors Worker of the Year Given to the worker who has given the most significant contribution in the Mid Div.
Special Honors Worker of the Year FRANK DIRINGER Given to the worker who has given the most significant contribution in the Mid Div.
Special Honors England-Stipe The highest award given out by the Mid Div, to the member who has made the most outstanding contribution to the club and the sport.
Special Honors England-Stipe SHERRY HUXTABLE The highest award given out by the Mid Div, to the member who has made the most outstanding contribution to the club and the sport.
(Smoke 'em if you got 'em) BREAK (Smoke 'em if you got 'em)
Race Driver Rookie of the Year The best rookie driver of the 2006 race season.
Race Driver Rookie of the Year DAVID LEVIAN The best rookie driver of the 2006 race season.
Race Driver Most Improved The driver that has shown the most improvement in his/her driving in the 2006 race season.
Race Driver Most Improved PAUL SHERMAN The driver that has shown the most improvement in his/her driving in the 2006 race season.
Solo Driver Rookie of the Year The best rookie driver of the 2006 solo season.
Solo Driver Rookie of the Year NICK DENAULT The best rookie driver of the 2006 solo season.
Solo Driver Most Improved The driver that shows the greatest improvement in the 2006 solo season.
Solo Driver Most Improved JASON ROGERS The driver that shows the greatest improvement in the 2006 solo season.
Activity Awards 5-1 Points are awarded for club activities during the course of the year. These are the winners from 5th place through 1st.
Activity Awards 5-1 5. Scott Bettinger 4. Charlene Bettinger 3. Keith Pfautz 2. Bruce Bettinger 1. Dave Guilliams
Given to what is deemed to be the most outstanding event of 2006. Event of the Year Given to what is deemed to be the most outstanding event of 2006.
Given to what is deemed to be the most outstanding event of 2006. Event of the Year KEVIN ANDERSON ENDUROCROSS Given to what is deemed to be the most outstanding event of 2006.
Ralliest of the Year Given to the person that has helped the rally program the most in 2006.
Ralliest of the Year BRUCE BETTINGER Given to the person that has helped the rally program the most in 2006.
Given to the best driver in the Race Program of 2006. Race Driver of the Year Given to the best driver in the Race Program of 2006.
Given to the best driver in the Race Program of 2006. Race Driver of the Year DAVE GIRD Given to the best driver in the Race Program of 2006.
Given to the best driver in the Solo Program in 2006. Solo Driver of the Year Given to the best driver in the Solo Program in 2006.
Given to the best driver in the Solo Program in 2006. Solo Driver of the Year JIM HARRISON Given to the best driver in the Solo Program in 2006.
Rookie Member of the Year Given to the rookie member that has helped the Wichita Region of the SCCA the most in 2006.
Rookie Member of the Year JASON ROGERS Given to the rookie member that has helped the Wichita Region of the SCCA the most in 2006.
Sportsmanship Award Given to the member that has shown the best display of sportsmanship in 2006.
Sportsmanship Award RICK HARRIS Given to the member that has shown the best display of sportsmanship in 2006.
Member of the Year Given to the member that has helped the Wichita Region of the SCCA the most in 2006.
Member of the Year DAVID GUILLIAMS Given to the member that has helped the Wichita Region of the SCCA the most in 2006.
Claude Van Doren Keeper Given to last year's Claude Van Doren Award winner, as a trophy that they can keep. The Claude Van Doren award is a travelling trophy.
Claude Van Doren Award Given to a person who, over a period of years, has made a major contribution to the Club.
Claude Van Doren Award FRANK DIRINGER Given to a person who, over a period of years, has made a major contribution to the Club.
Past RE Award DAVE GEIS Thank you, Dave, for 4 terms as Regional Executioner... I mean, Executive.
Thank you, board members, for a job well done! Board Members Exiting Robert Foster Tom Urbanek Scott Bettinger Thank you, board members, for a job well done!
Welcome, new board members! Lu Geis Charlene Bettinger Dave Gird Welcome, new board members!
2007 WR Officers Keith Pfautz – Regional Executive David Guilliams – Asst. Regional Executive Judi Pfautz – Secretary Board of Directors Mike Herrick Brian Meyer Paul Sherman Lu Geis Charlene Bettinger Dave Gird
Wichita Region SCCA THE END
Wichita Region SCCA Awards Banquet 2006 Special Thanks to Robert Foster and Greg Moyer For Their Incredible Photos Of the Cars That Are Shown Here.