Sarah Piotrowicz
Some of the settings in the book “Matched” by Ally Condie are… On an air train- The air train is one way of transportation in Cassia’s society. People in her soiciety use this train to get to many places like where they work, to their match banquet and to school. Cassia’s House- Some of the story takes place in Cassia’s house. Most of the time she is out doing things but when she is at her house she is sleeping, getting ready for her recreation hours, or eating her meals. In Cassia’s society they receive specific portions so the people in her society rarely eat out. City Hall- Cassia’s match banquet takes place at city hall. Here on her birthday she gets matched with the person who she will marry. Each person receives a silver box after they have been matched. When Cassia is called up to get her match she is matched with her best friend Xander. This is what I think an air train is. --
Cassia’s Grandfather’s house- Cassia always visits her Grandfather. She has always looked up to him. Cassia’s Grandfather’s 80 th birthday was coming up. In Cassia’s society 80 is when you die. Later in the book, after her Grandfather has died, she figures out the society poisons the food that the 80 year olds eat so that they die at the right time. The Game Center- The game center is where Cassia, Xander and Em go during some of their free recreation hours. The game center contains many games, some strategy and some chance. The hill- For a summer leisure activity Cassia signs up for hiking. During hiking the kids hike up a hill. On this hill Cassia figures out more about Ky and Ky teaches her how to write. In return, Cassia tells him the poem that her grandfather gave to her. This is a photo of the game center. -
Full Name- Cassia Maria Reyes Match- Xander Carrow Characteristics- Brown hair, green eyes Age- 16 Character Traits- Trustworthy, kind, smart, beautiful.
One Character is Cassia Reyes. Her match is Xander Carrow who she has been friends with since how long she can remember. Cassia is one in only a few people to know her match. At her matching ceremony she chose to wear a green dress. Cassia is a major, dynamic character and a antagonist. She is an antagonist because throughout the book she rebels against the society. One way she rebels is by her allowing Ky to teach her to write. I think Cassia to have green eyes and she is 16 years old. Some character traits to describe her are trustworthy, kind, smart, beautiful.
Full Name- Xander Thomas Carrow Match- Cassia Rayes Characteristics- Blond Hair, blue eyes Age- 17 Character Traits- Handsome, kind, loveable
The next character is Xander Carrow. Xander’s Match is Cassia and they are best friends. Xander loves Cassia and Cassia loves him back. In the story Xander and Cassia grow further apart as Cassia starts to fall for Ky, even though Xander and her are matched. I think of Xander to have blonde hair, and blue eyes. He also is 17 years old. He is a Major Character and is an antagonist. He is an antagonist because he breaks the rules to help his friends. Xander is a static character. Some character traits for him are loveable, handsome and kind.
Full Name- Ky (middle name unknown) Match- None Characteristics- Black hair Age- 17 Character Traits- likeable, handsome, caring, trustworthy and intelligent.
When Cassia looks at Xanders micro card Ky’s Face appears on it. Ky is an Aberration which means he has to be single but throughout the story Cassia becomes closer to Ky. He teaches Cassia to write and tells her his life story through Pictures. Teaching Cassia to write is against the law but Ky does it anyway. Proving in a way to Cassia he loves her. During the story and official warns Cassia and Ky that they can’t be together and that she would have to take Ky away if they kept being in love with each other. Ky is 17 years old. He is a I think Ky to have black hair and he is an antagonist because Cassia and him rebel against the society by Ky teaching her to write. Some character traits of Ky are likeable, handsome, caring, trustworthy and intelligent.
Bram is Cassia’s little brother who you here about a few times in the story. Cassia and Bram care for each other and help each other when stuck with a problem. At one point in the book Cassia and Bram are going to get there artifacts taken away, Cassia’s compact and Bram’s Watch, but they sit with each other and comfort each other while they look at their artifacts for the last time. Bram is a minor character and protagonist. I think Bram to have bushy blonde hair. Bram is a protagonist because he always fallows the rules other than occasionally being late for school.
In Matched the person who is closest to Cassia is Grandfather. Cassia always trusted her Grandfather and visited him every chance she had. He was the person she looked up to. He was the person that told Cassia she was strong enough not to take the green tablet. Half way through the book Cassia’s Grandfather turns 80. In Cassia’s society this is the age everyone dies. They have a farewell ceremony and then he dies, but Cassia remembers him and wishes he could come back. Grandfather is a minor character. I think his appearance is grey hair and brown eyes. Some traits to describe him are trustworthy, wise, and kind. This is what I think Grandfather would look like.
Simile- “The meal seems like a dance, as though this is a ball as well as a banquet.” (p.10) Metaphor- “"Life is a journey, travel it well." (United Airlines) Alliteration- “Cody’s slimy snakes swiftly crawled out of the house and into the grass.” Personification- “I picture the rain in the green space where I met with the Official, making the fountain overflow and pounding the bench where I sat.” (p.131) Imagery- “Em shines so radiantly today in her drab brown plainclothes that I imagine she was impossible to look away from last night in her yellow dress.” (p.165) Onomatopoeia- “Warning, Warning.” (p.290)
For rising action, at the beginning of the story Cassia sees Ky’s face on a micro card that is supposed to give her information on her match, Xander. She soon starts to fall in love with Ky instead of Xander. Ky shows Cassia he loves her by showing her how to write and spending time with her. Soon officials start to warn Ky and Cassia that they can’t be together because Ky isn’t her Match. But they stay in love anyway. This is the micro card that contains all of Xander’s info.
In the middle of the story at the climax, Cassia does a sorting job at Ky’s workplace. Her job is to sort the people into three groups, most efficient, in the middle, and not efficient. She feels sick because she knows Ky will be one of these people. After Cassia is done with the sort she checks to see where she put Ky, right in the middle. To make it look like she didn’t do that on purpose she switches Ky to the group of people that aren’t going to be relocated and given a new job. She switches Ky’s number with another persons number. After she tells the official she is finished, the official lets her know that the people who stay at this vocation tend to live shorter, years shorter. After this Cassia reconsiders her sort and places Ky in the people who will get a new vocation. This is something Cassia may have had to sort.
The next morning, Cassia awakes to someone screaming. When she runs outside she sees Mrs. Markham, Ky’s mother, is the one screaming. Cassia knows it has something to do with Ky. She runs over to the air train stop and sees Ky in handcuffs. Ky’s father yells that the officials are sending all of the aberrations to go fight in a war in the outer provinces. Cassia doesn’t know what to do.
When the whole thing is over and Ky is taken away, an official tells everyone to take out their red tablets. She goes in a line and makes sure everyone. But Cassia doesn’t take it. She places on the ground and crushes, then it evaporates into the air. When the official comes to her she cups her hand to seem like there is a pill. Then she swallows the fake pill and the official moves on. The red pill was supposed to erase her memory of everything that happened in the past 12 hours. Cassia still remembered what happened and decided she must find Ky. This is Cassia’s artifact. Cassia’s artifact is a compact that she keeps her tablets in. These tablets each do something. The blue tablet helps you in case of something that can’t be prevented like weather, the green tablet keeps her calm, and the red tablet erases her memory of the past 12 hours.
Person vs. society- Cassia has a conflict with the society because she has to bend the rules to do what she feels is right. Person vs. Person- Cassia has a conflict with Xander because she starts tto fall for Ky and ditches Xander. Man Vs. Self- Cassia has a conflict with herself because sshe has to decide between Xander and Ky and this troubles her.
The theme of Matched by Ally Condie is importance of freedom. A quote to prove it is the theme is “So in the middle of all of the noise, I point to the sky. I hope he understands what I mean…and I will find him.” (p.320) The resolution in Matched is Cassia tells Xander that she is in love with Ky and must go find him. She knows that it will break Xander’s heart but she doesn’t want to live a lie. The quote “to a new beginning,” (p.325) explains this well. That she wants to start over, and forget everything that has happened.
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This book is a trilogy and does not fully end the story. Here are the others in the trilogy…