EWB-PSU is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation created under the laws of the State of Colorado, USA. EWB-PSU was created in Fall EWB-PSU is also a member of the Engineers Without Borders - International network. Please make checks payable to EWB-PSU Post donations to: Kalene Kaplan, Treasurer Portland State University – Engineers Without Borders Civil and Environmental Engineering PO Box 751 Portland, OR Visit us online: “Engineers have a central role in building a sustainable future; in fact, they have an obligation to provide leadership in that direction.” Engineers Without Borders Portland State University Sponsorship Levels Customized package supporting a specific project – see reverse Project Sponsor – $10,000+ Recognition at all EWB promotional activities such as community speeches and fundraising events 1 reserved table, eight seats, at annual spring banquet. Recognition during monthly chapter meetings and in press releases Organization and/or personal bio on ewb.pdx.edu Notification of all EWB-PSU meetings and events Gold – $2,500+ Recognition at all EWB promotional activities such as community speeches and fundraising events Two reserved tables, 16 seats, at annual spring banquet. Recognition in press releases, project presentations, and publications Organization and/or personal bio on ewb.pdx.edu Recognition with logo during all monthly chapter meetings Notification of all EWB-PSU meetings and events Platinum – $5,000+ Silver – $1,000+ Recognition during monthly chapter meeting and at fundraising events 4 reserved seats, at annual spring banquet. Organization and/or personal bio on ewb.pdx.edu Notification of all EWB-PSU meetings and events Bronze – $500+ Recognition during all monthly chapter meetings Two researved seats, at annual spring banquet. Notification of all EWB-PSU meetings and events
Building a better world, one community at a time Project Sponsorship $10, Communicate openly with the project sponsor regarding project progress Provide material for press releases or other promotional efforts Include sponsor input at key junctures in project decision-making Endeavor to make each project successful EWB Commitment 3 reserved tables, 24 seats, at annual spring banquet. Recognition at all EWB promotional activities such as community speeches and fundraising events Recognition in press releases, project presentations, and publications Recognition during all monthly chapter meetings Project Sponsor Benefits Project sponsorship is a unique opportunity to take your support of Engineers Without Borders to a new level. Project teams from PSU are currently working on a variety of projects, each with short-term and long-term funding needs. By sponsoring a project, you help us achieve project goals and demonstrate a tangible commitment to the communities we work within, the mission and values of EWB and PSU student volunteers. Projects available for sponsorship Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua (PSU Students, initiated June 2007) Resources management planning for a hospital in Eastern Nicaragua Jinotepe, Nicaragua (PSU Students, initiated June 2007) – Stormwater remediation for a community school Huehuete, Nicaragua (PSU Students, initiated June 2007) – Water management and new well and additional distribution development.