Dryside Drift February ` $10 raffle tickets are still available for the Fly Fishing Outfit (3 tickets for $25), if you would like to obtain some for yourself, or take some to sell to your friends/family/coworkers give Woody a call. Drawing will be held at the March 20th banquet The Complete Fly Fishing Outfit which consists of a Procast fly road 8 ft, Procast mid arbor reel 3/4, 444 Premium grade fly line WF4F, micron backing, precision leader, fly box and tie fast knot tyer. Annual Banquet –March 20 th Porterhouse Restaurant. Dinner starts at 5:30 pm (we will be ordering individually off the regular menu, you are responsible for your own dinner costs). Fundraising Silent Auction and Raffle starts at 7:00pm. Check out the list of raffle and silent auction items listed on the website. This is just a partial list-lots more will be brought in the day of the auction. We want to encourage club members and their spouses/significant others to invite as many people as possible to attend our Auction/Raffle to bid on our many items and raise lots of money for the club. If you have any questions about the banquet. auction and/or raffle please feel free to contact one of our officers. Fly Casting/Tying at High Mountain Hunting in Moses Lake Last Saturday, club members Dwane Filbeck, Jack Miller and Bill Warner attended the Casting/Tying Day, promoting our club and selling raffle tickets for our Fly Fishing Outfit. March 6 th Meeting Chico’s Pizza Our March 6th meeting will feature Chironomid tying by three of the best tiers in NCW. Our fellow club members Bob Donahue, Glen Gere and Virgil Redwine. Each club member will be tying their favorite chironomid patterns and will be donating their tied flies to our Raffle at the upcoming Fundraising Banquet at the Porterhouse on March 20th. ` Upcoming Happenings Banquet-Porterhouse 3-31 / 4-1 Coffee Pot outing 4-3 Monthly Meeting 4-14 Fly Fishing Swap Conconully (info ) 4-17 Monthly Meeting 5-4/5-5 WA Fly Fishing Fair Ellensburg, WA 5-5 / 5-6 Blue Lake Outing 5-12 Fly Casting Clinic 10a-2p (8206 Scott Road NE) Pres-Richard Schmidt VP-Woody Jacobson Treasurer.-Jim Randall Secretary-Tera Redwine Librarian-Mike Williams FROM THE EDITOR Been fishing lately? Or have any fishing items for sale – send me an with a picture if possible and I will add it to the newsletter and website. Tera Redwine
` Fly of the Month Headless Chironomid By: Virgil Redwine Tying Instructions Start thread at head, wind back past bend of the hook. Tie in rib and wind back to just behind the head, wind rib and tie off. Cut a small pinch of pheasant and tie in by the tips with butt ends out over the hook eye. Tie in midge gill right behind pheasant in a crisscross fashion. Tie in three strands of Peacock herl, wind Peacock around thread four times. Now wind thread and Peacock to form Thorax and secure. Then pull Pheasant backwards over Thorax and tie off. Trim and finish at that point. Cut midge gill fibers to about a hook eye width on each side of fly. Last step: Finish with head cement on abdomen thread and wing case. Options: Try different ribs, beads, and colors. Materials Hook; Heavy Scud or Mustad 3906B;12-14 Thread: Black Tail: (Optional) Midge Gill or Pearl Krystal Flash. Abdomen: Black-same as the thread Rib: Krystal Flash, wire or anti-static packing material. Thorax: Peacock Herl Wing Case: Pheasant Tail Fibers or Swiss Straw Gills: Stillwater Midge Gill (white antron)