Beowulf Introduction Beowulf hears about Grendel. He was willing to go to Hrothgar and “save the day.” Beowulf brought 14 of the strongest men and brought.


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Presentation transcript:

Beowulf Introduction Beowulf hears about Grendel. He was willing to go to Hrothgar and “save the day.” Beowulf brought 14 of the strongest men and brought them to help the Danes.

Beowulf Introduction Beowulf and his men sail over the sea to the land of the Danes to offer help to Hrothgar. They are escorted by a Danish guard to Herot, where Wulfgar, one of Hrothgar’s soldiers, tells the king of their arrival. Hrothgar knows of Beowulf and is read to welcome the young prince and his men.

Beowulf Introduction Beowulf explains that they have been hearing about Grendel living in the mead hall. He brags about all of the wonderful and courageous things he has done. – Fighting great giants – Hunting monsters – Killing death like an errand

Beowulf- Vocab Purge– 165 That I, alone and with the help of my men, may purge all evil from this hall. Purge v: to cleanse or purify Sentence?

Beowulf Why do you think it is so important to Beowulf to fight Grendel without a sword?

Beowulf- Vocab Gorge …His plan will be what it has been before, to invade this hall and gorge his belly with our bodies… Gorge v: to stuff with food Sentence?

Beowulf What service did Hrothgar perform for Beowulf’s father? Lines

Beowulf What service did Hrothgar perform for Beowulf’s father? Edgetho, Beowulf’s father, killed a Wulfing. He was kicked out of his country because his country was afraid of war. The king sent riches to the Wulfings to end the dispute; henceforth, saving Beowulf.

Beowulf They cheers and have a banquet in Beowulf’s honor because he is going to save the day!

The Battle with Grendel Introduction After the banquet, Hrothgar and his followers leave Herot, and Beowulf and his warriors remain to spend the night. Beowulf reiterates his intent to fight Grendel without a sword and, while his followers sleep, lies waiting, eager for Grendel to appear.

Battle with Grendel– Vocab Threshold– the strip of wood or stone at the bottom of a doorway.

Battle with Grendel- Vocab Talon …Nothing could take his talons and himself from that tight hard grip… Talon n: a claw Sentence?

Battle with Grendel- Vocab Infamous The infamous killer fought for his freedom… Infamous adj: having a bad reputation; notorious Sentence?

Battle with Grendel Why might he be trying to run away from Beowulf?

Battle with Grendel- Vocab Writhing That trip to Herot was a miserable journey for the writhing monster… Writhing adj.: twisting and turning in pain Sentence?

Battle with Grendel- Vocab Cowering … in new terror, cowering in their beds as the terrible screams of the Almighty’s enemy sang… Cowering adj.: Cringing in fear Sentence?

Battle with Grendel- Vocab Taut The tears torn out of Grendel’s taut throat… Taut adj.: pulled tight Sentence?

Battle with Grendel Why do you think no weapons can hurt Grendel?

Battle with Grendel Why do you think Beowulf hangs Grendel’s arm from the rafters?

Battle with Grendel- Vocab Murky … hidden deep in murky darkness his miserable end, as hell opened to receive him. Murky adj.: cloudy; gloomy Sentence?

Battle with Grendel- Vocab Pilgrimage … Turned back from that happy pilgrimage, mounted their hard-hooved horses, and rode them slowly toward Herot… Pilgrimage n.: A journey to a sacred place or with a lofty purpose Sentence?

Battle with Grendel What role do poets seem to play in Beowulf’s society?

Reminder Bring your literature book to class tomorrow. Don’t forget craft supplies!