SERC School and Symposium on Rheology of Complex Fluids-2013 (SERC School 16 th -18 th Dec & Symposium th Dec. 2013) Proposed Sponsor: Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, India Organized by: Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi, About SERC School and Symposium We encounter various materials in our daily life which may consist of long molecules like polymers, proteins, surfactants or liquid crystals. The long asymmetric molecules assemble in a medium to produce a bigger size particle, which are dispersed in the medium. Depending on the medium and concentration of the component molecules, the system can produce several structures and nomenclature of products. Physical and flow properties of solution of the long molecules are understood reasonably well in the absence of assembled structures, although physical and flow properties of solutions differ from considerably from that of small molecules. However, the flow properties of the system with the assembled structures in the medium are poorly understood. This is due to the lack of knowledge in the deformation behavior of various structures and their assemblies under stress, coupled with the various interactions present within the system. Through the proposed SERC School on complex fluids, we aim to bring together young researchers and teachers from educational and R&D institutions and expose them to the basic concepts and research techniques used in the study of flow behavior of complex fluids. The lectures on various aspects of complex fluids will be delivered by experts from various academic and research institutions of the country. The school will be useful to the participants in their teaching and research skills so that they can undertake research in challenging fundamental as well as industrial problems involving complex fluids. Symposium will immediately follow the proposed DST-sponsored SERC school on complex fluids intended for industrial research/technological groups who face various process/development problems and academician/researcher who have been working on various rheological problems topics of interfacial phenomena, including static and dynamics of surfactant, polymer, protein at interfaces. Understanding of these effects are key to improve the various technological processes involved in oil, paints, pharmaceuticals, water treatment and minerals industries etc. History of the SERC School and Symposium Since the year 2002, the SERC schools on Rheology of Complex Fluids were started with a financial support from the DST New Delhi. IISc Bangalore organized the first SERC School on complex fluids in 2002, followed by NCL Pune in 2004, IIT Kanpur in 2006, IIT Bombay in 2008, IIT Madras in 2010 and the last school was organized by IIT Guwahati in The series of these SERC schools on complex fluids have been very successful with eminent faculty members and researchers from most of the IITs and IISc, NCL Pune delivering the lectures on broad range of topics from basics of fluid mechanics to rheology of polymers, suspensions, granular flows; advanced simulations methods; etc. Scheduled Lectures of SERC School TopicsFaculty Fundamentals of fluid mechanics K. S. Gandhi(IISc Bangalore ) Rheology of polymeric fluids Ashish Lele(NCL Pune ) Rheology of suspension of nano-particles S. Ganesh(JNCASR, Bangalore ) Foam and its characteristics A.N.Bhaskarwar(IIT Delhi ) Interfacial rheology V.A. Juvekar(IIT Bombay ) Flow of granular materials D.V.Khakhar (IIT Bombay ) Continuum SimulationsProf. Vivek V. Ranade(NCL Pune) Molecular simulations (Brownian and Stokesian dynamics) P. Sunthar(IIT Bombay )& Anugrah Singh(IIT Guwahati ) Topics of Symposium Particles Technology Polymer Processing Personal Care Multiphase Flow Pharmaceuticals Oil and natural Gas Paints Important Dates Closing date of registration for school September 30,2013 Closing date of registration for Symposium October 15,2013 Contact Sudip K Pattanayek Participation & Funding Twenty five participants from academic institutions will be sponsored by DST to participate in the school and symposium. The selections will be on an all-India basis. Selected candidates will be paid AC-III tier (sleeper class for students) railway/bus round trip fares by the shortest route from/to their place of work. Boarding and lodging expenses of these participants at IIT Delhi will be borne by DST. One set of course notes will be provided. The registration form, available from website, duly forwarded by the head of the institution, should reach the organizers on or before September 30, Self-financed Participants For participants from R&D organizations and industry, the costs for the school and symposium are separate. The school fee is Rs. 10,000, which covers the cost of course notes and lunch. The symposium registration fee, including a banquet dinner, is Rs. 10,000. Travel and lodging arrangements are to be made by the participants on their own. Vivek V. Buwa Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi,