Genus: Dannaus species: uplexipus Interesting facts : Did you now that the monarch butterfly travels more then 200 miles every day ? Bibliography Did you know that one female Monarch butterfly lays 35 to 50 eggs? Food Web Description Food chain
Food Chain The sun gives light to the milkweed. The milkweed makes its own food. The monarch butterfly eats the pollen of the milkweed. The spider eats the monarch butterfly. The bull frog eats the spider. Return to Main Page
Return to Main Page Food Web Sun Monarch Butterfly Bull Frog Milkweed Spider
Description Return to Main Page 1.If the caterpillar gets eaten, the animal will get sick. 2.If you see the caterpillar far away, it looks like it has two head. 3.The monarch butterfly could go 20 to 30 places in one day. 4.The name of the butterfly family is Lepidoptera. 5.The Bull frog is the predator of the monarch butterfly. 6.Did you know the class of the monarch butterfly is Insecta?
Bibliography Picture Monarch monarch_butterfly.htm arch/mon-inicio.htmlhttp:// arch/mon-inicio.html archives/ html butterfly/vt_butterfly.htm archives/2003_09.html Information Butterflies 1996 E. Jaediker Nonsgard. Return to Main Page