Bell Ringer: 11/09 & 11/12 1. ____________ called himself the Sun King. 2. The ________________________ was a beautiful home built for Louis XIV. 3. Henry IV passed the ___________________ giving religious freedom to Protestants. 4. Cardinal _______________ ruled in place of Louis XIII and tried to strengthen the French monarchy.
Absolute Monarchs: Prussia, Austria, Spain & Russia Describe the Thirty Years War and how its impact on the powerful Hapsburg dynasty (losers in the Thirty Years War). Describe the Thirty Years War and how its impact on the powerful Hapsburg dynasty (losers in the Thirty Years War). Explain the importance of: Explain the importance of: –Maria Theresa of Austria –Phillip II of Spain. –Frederick the Great of Prussia Describe the Seven Years War and its results. Describe the Seven Years War and its results. Identify the absolute rulers of Russia and their actions. Identify the absolute rulers of Russia and their actions.
Thirty Years’ War Began with the closing of Protestant Churches by Ferdinand II Began with the closing of Protestant Churches by Ferdinand II –Hapsburg –Future Holy Roman Emperor Conflict over religion, over territory and for power Conflict over religion, over territory and for power
Central Europe
Thirty Years’ War Reading Using your textbook, read the section on the Thirty Years War and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Using your textbook, read the section on the Thirty Years War and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Pages Pages
Ravages of War Robbers, often ex-soldiers, hung by authorities
Ravages of War Wounded soldiers – beggars by day, criminals by night
Ravages of War Crimes, such as theft, rape, and murder, gave the soldiers of the Thirty Years’ War a lasting reputation for brutality
Peace of Westphalia
The Hapsburg Dynasty After the Thirty Years War, the Hapsburgs created an absolute monarchy that governed Austria, Spain, Hungary, and Bohemia After the Thirty Years War, the Hapsburgs created an absolute monarchy that governed Austria, Spain, Hungary, and Bohemia
Maria-Theresa Inherited the throne from her father Charles VI in 1740 –Only woman to rule in the 650 years of Hapsburg dynasty Kept the Austrian monarchy strong Kept the Austrian monarchy strong –Centralized the government –Expanded army –Cared about the welfare of peasants
Phillip II Most powerful monarch in Spanish history. Devout Catholic who saw himself as a defender of the Pope and Catholic Church. Inquisition: Harsh punishment of those who the Catholic Church thought were “dangerous” Philip had problems ruling Spain and their colonial possessions — he felt a threat from the England.
Spanish Armada Spanish ships were being attacked by British. 1586, Philip planned to invade England. May 1588, Philip sent 130 ships and 33,000 men to the English Channel. Naval battles severely damaged Spanish ships. English set 8 Spanish ships on fire and forced the Spanish to flee.
Decline of Spanish Empire Defeat of the Spanish Armada marked the beginning of the end. Costly inflation Inflation: Too much gold and silver led to inflation.
Frederick the Great Leader of Prussia Leader of Prussia –Rival of Austria Used strong military to maintain control Used strong military to maintain control –4 th largest army in Europe! Made his kingdom the most powerful state in Europe Made his kingdom the most powerful state in Europe
Achtung! The Prussians are coming!
Seven Years War In Europe during the 1700s there was a Balance of Power. – –Five STRONG Nations: France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, and England Each wanted to keep the balance of power, but there was competition: – –England vs. France for trade & territory in India and North America colonies – –Prussia vs. Russia both wanted to expand their territories in Europe
Seven Years War Prussia & England vs. Austria, France, & Russia Began in 1756 when Prussia invaded Austria – –Frederick the Great thought Austria was the weakest First “Global” War What is another name for the Seven Years War?
In North America In the colonies: France vs. England for territory (French and Indian War) England won and became the strongest colonial power
In Europe In Europe, Prussia emerged as the greatest power In Europe, Prussia emerged as the greatest power –The war caused 900,000 to 1.4 million deaths –The war caused 900,000 to 1.4 million deaths across Europe –Reduced the power of the Holy Roman Empire and Hapsburg dynasty –Prussia doubled in size after the Seven Years War
Where’s Russia?
Ivan the Terrible Ruled: 1547 to 1584 Dynasty: Romanov Created secret police to punish those who spoke poorly about him Helped Russia increased trade contacts in Western Europe Took over Mongol lands Left Russia in chaos when he died
Peter the Great Ruled: Dynasty: Romanov “Westernized” Russia Founded St. Petersburg Goal was to make Russia a European power Created a strong central government and brought Russia into a strong position for foreign affairs Westernization = to make Russia more like western Europe
YouTube - Peter the Great YouTube - Peter the Great YouTube - Peter the Great YouTube - Peter the Great A “beard token” showed that the owner had paid the tax imposed by Peter the Great in 1705 to wear a beard.
Catherine the Great Ruled: Dynasty: Romanov Continued Westernization Expanded the borders and defeated the Ottoman Turks Last of the absolute monarchs — when she died people were questioning the idea of absolutism and had new ideas about freedom and equality
Acrostic Poem With your partner, create an acrostic poem for TWO countries: France, Austria, Spain, Prussia, and Russia. You need to include information from your notes and the book about that country and their absolute monarchs. When you are finished, please have your poems checked by Mrs. B. You will present your best poem to the class
Acrostic Poem Example Always fighting with Prussia Useless because they lost in the Thirty Years War Saved by Maria Theresa The only female Hapsburg monarch Religious, smart and cared about the poor If only all Absolute rulers were like her!
Acrostic Poem Example An acrostic poem Can be about anything. Really. Of course, some people like to Stick with each line being a sentence. Though, I prefer weaving words into a Creation that is more freeform.