List animals that migrate
Definition A regular, seasonal movement from one area to another All classes of animals migrate
Insects Monarch butterfly Begin in Canada and Northern US in late August End in Central Mexico migrants are usually 3 or more generations removed from the monarchs that overwintered in Mexico during the previous winter After their season in the migratory site, the female monarch reproductive organs become fully developed and mating takes place. As they migrate north in the spring, they lay eggs on milkweed along the way
Mammals Deer and Caribou African ungulates Whales Subpolar to subtropical
amphibians Newts Natal pond Frogs
Fish Sharks Salmon Return to native streams to breed eels
Why do animals migrat? Advantages More food Water Decreased competition for Space Food Increased chance for reproduction Reduced predation Reduced parasitism Disadvantages Climate change Drought Food scarcity Predators Occasional death Increased body maintenance costs Lower rank in winter dominance hierarchy
How does a bird know when it is time to migrate? Internal (endogenous) – hormonal Pineal gland Brain Endocrine system Pituitary gland External (exogenous) – environment Changes in daylight Eye Visual cortex
How does the animal know where it is going? Orientation Navigation Environmental cues
How do birds migrate? Environmental cues Zugunruhe Celestial compasses navigation
Indigo Buntings and their use of star constellations Studied by Emlen 3 groups of chicks Chicks reared in a room with diffuse light at night Chicks reared with a normal star map that rotates around the north star Polaris chicks reared with an abnormal star map that rotates around Betelguese which is a star on the southern constellation of Orion
European Starlings Study Displaced juveniles No navigation Displaced adults Orientation and navigation
Earth’s Magnetic Field
Other terms Zugdispostion Zugstimmung
Types of bird migrations Altitudinal Gallinaceous birds Raptorial birds North – South pole Waterfowl migration
When does migration occur? Circaannual Circadian
Homework Pick an animal and map it’s migration route.