Systems of Government
Classifying Government Monarchy or Republic Ask who makes the rules – a lifelong leader or elected representatives?
Monarchy A monarchy has a king, queen, emperor, empress, etc. The ruling position can be passed on to the ruler’s heirs. In some traditional monarchies, the monarch has absolute power. But a constitutional monarchy, like the United Kingdom, also has a democratic government that limits the monarch's control.
Republic A republic is a country that has no monarch. The head of the country is usually an elected president.
Classifying Government Democracy or Dictatorship Ask who holds the power -- the people or a small group of leaders?
Democracy In a democracy, the government is elected by the people. Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to have his or her say over who runs the country.
Dictatorship A dictatorship is ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control. In a military dictatorship, the army is in control.
Classifying Government Unitary or Federal Ask whose authority is limited – regional governments or the central government?
Federal or Unitary Unitary - very strong central government; states have weak authority (United Kingdom) Federal - central and states governments share authority (United States) Confederation - independent states agree to certain limitations on their freedom of action and establish a joint way to consult (Switzerland)
Classifying Government Parliament or President Ask who is in charge – the legislative branch or an elected president?
Quick Write In 100 words or less please give me YOUR explanation of the following (please explain in your own words). Difference between a Monarch and a Republic. How would you explain a Dictatorship to someone who does not know what that means?
Types of Monarchies Parliamentary - The monarch does not make policy; he or she is a figurehead. (United Kingdom) Absolute – The supreme power is in the hands of a ruler who usually rules for life by hereditary life. (Saudi Arabia) Constitutional - The monarchy is guided by a written constitution that lists laws and responsibilities. (Japan, Bhutan)
Types of Republics Representative Democracy - The people’s elected representatives vote on legislation. (United States) Federal Republic - The power of the central government is restricted, the states or provinces have some self-government, and ultimate power is held by the voters who choose their representatives. (United States, India) Confederation - a combination of representative democracy and direct democracy
(Great Britain, United States, Israel) Rule by Many Democracy - a government in which the supreme power is held by the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation (It usually involves periodically held free elections.) --Constitutional Monarchy - Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a king or queen acts as Head of State. The ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament, not with the Monarch. --Constitutional Democracy – is a form of government in which representative democracy operates under the principles of liberalism, i.e. protecting the rights of minorities and, especially, the individual. --Parliamentary Democracy – is a system of democratic governance of a state in which the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from, and is held accountable to, the legislature (parliament); the executive and legislative branches are thus interconnected. (Great Britain, United States, Israel)
(Great Britain, United States, Israel) Rule by Many --Parliamentary Democracy – is a system of democratic governance of a state in which the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from, and is held accountable to, the legislature (parliament); the executive and legislative branches are thus interconnected. (Great Britain, United States, Israel)
(People’s Republic of China, Libya, Iran) Rule by A Few Oligarchy - a government by the few, sometimes a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes (The citizen has a very limited role.) --Communism - political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. --Totalitarianism - Form of government that subordinates all aspects of its citizens' lives to the authority of the state, with a single charismatic leader as the ultimate authority. --Military Dictatorship - is a form of government different from civilian dictatorship for a number of reasons: their motivations for seizing power, the institutions through which they organize their rule, and the ways in which they leave power. --Theocracy - a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. (People’s Republic of China, Libya, Iran)
Rule by a Few (Con’t) --Military Dictatorship - is a form of government different from civilian dictatorship for a number of reasons: their motivations for seizing power, the institutions through which they organize their rule, and the ways in which they leave power. --Theocracy - a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.
Rule by One Autocracy - a form of government in which one person possesses unlimited power and the citizen has little if any role in the government --Absolute Monarchy – is a monarchical form of government in which the monarch has absolute power among his or her people. --Dictatorship – is a government or a social situation where one person makes all the rules and decisions without input from anyone else. (Swaziland, Brunei) [Interesting Note: The Sultan of Brunei, whose title has passed within the same dynasty since the 15th century, is the head of state and head of government in Brunei. There is no elected legislative body.]
COMMON TERMS Federal republic - USA, Austria, and Germany are republics governed by representative democracy in which the states play a crucial role. Confederation - Switzerland is a federal republic governed by a combination of representative democracy and direct democracy. Islamic Republic - Countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran are republics governed in accordance with Islamic law. People's Republic - Countries like China and North Korea are meant to be governed for and by the people but generally without direct elections. This name is generally used by communist states. Democratic Republic – This term applies to the United States, but it is often used by communists and it is similar in meaning to People's Republic.