Weisenberg Elementary 1 st Grade World’s Fair Week 4: Garatachea, Mexico
Kenya, Africa to Garatachea, Mexico
Our Trip Northwest Travel is over a day, with a stop in Atlanta! We fly into Mexico City Round trip ticket costs over $2,000!
Flag of Mexico
Facts about Mexico The three colors of Mexico’s flag: –green represents hope and victory –white stands for the purity of Mexican ideals –red brings to mind the blood shed by the nation’s heroes. Mexico has the largest population of Spanish speakers in the world. Rich in natural resources that presents a variety of spectacular landscapes, notable tropical beaches, humid forests, mountains with snowy summits, fertile earth and tempered forests as well as vast deserts.
Monarch Butterfly Migration What is migration? Monarch Butterflies spend the winter in Mexico (November-March) In March, they start flying North through the US and Canada These butterflies travel over 1,925 miles
Butterflies from the North This is the multi-age class (grades 1-6) at "Pedro Ascencio" school in Garatachea, Estado de Mexico. They received butterflies from the U. S. and Canadian schools.
Monarch Caterpillar
Monarch pupa (or chrysalis),
Monarch Butterfly
What is Next? Make a Monarch Butterfly If you finish, there are coloring and activity pages Becoming a Butterfly Experience End with a book - Monarch Butterflies of Aster Way
Resources query-byday? http:// query-byday? mexico.com/english/4/monarch-butterfly- facts.cfmhttp:// mexico.com/english/4/monarch-butterfly- facts.cfm utterfly.htmhttp:// utterfly.htm