Metric Match Game MCHS General Chemistry Purpose: –Introduce students to the metric system and common conversions using this Metric Match Game. Science Concepts –·Metric system –Metric conversions
Background Up until the time of Napoleon, every country in the world had its own measuring system, which was often based on a body part of the ruling monarch (thus the term ruler). The units of length might have been based on the length of a king's foot (thus the measurement of foot). Weight units might have been called stones for the number of equal size stones it took to counter-balance a king on a huge balance. Not only did every country have its own measuring system, but the system might have changed from monarch to monarch.
Napoleon used cannons and cannon shells to conquer most of Europe. He didn't want to run his supply too thin and therefore used locally produced cannon balls and artillery supplies. Since every country had different measuring systems, he found it impossible to have the conquered countries manufacture his needed supplies. He therefore ordered his scientists back in Paris to come up with a measuring system that would be easy to understand and could be used by all people in any country he occupied. He could then have all his supplies made locally to his specifications. The system the French scientists came up with was the metric system and was based upon divisions of 10 using the same prefixes for length, mass and volume.
Most countries today still use this system for all their measurements. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) uses it so every member's weapomy is interchangeable. As an example, a 60-millimeter artillery shell has a diameter of 60 mm. This artillery could then be used by any member country.
Why does the United States still commonly use the English system of measurement? Napoleon never conquered England. The United States was mainly developed from English heritage, so it ended up with the English measurement system. Ironically, the British and their Commonwealth countries now use the metric system of measurement, but the United States, for the most part, still holds onto the English system.
One area that does use the metric system as a standard is the field of science. The metric system is the foundation for most measurements and calculations used in all divisions of science. The Metric Match Game will introduce and help strengthen students' knowledge of the metric system and their ability to carry out conversions between different units in the metric system. The most commonly used metric units-grams, meters and liters-will be used in this game. A table of conversion units is listed on the next page, and may be reproduced and given to students if desired.
Procedure 1. Hand out a set (in a zipper-type bag) of Metric Match Game cards to each student group. Students should not begin the activity at this time. 2. Explain to students that the purpose of the game is to form a 4 by 4 rectangle (4 across and 4 down) by correctly matching up the measurement conversions on the given Metric Match Game cards. 3. Every side of a rectangle that touches any other side of another rectangle must have a correct metric equivalent. For example, 1 m and 100 cm would match. 4. The identical measurement on two adjacent sides cannot touch. For example, the 100 cm side of a rectangle cannot touch the 100 cm side of another rectangle. 5. When ready, instruct students to begin the activity.