Monarch Butterflies By: table 1 Stefanie, Ryan, Pierce, and Christina
Why is it Important Every year, millions of Monarch Butterflies migrate from southern Canada to Mexico, and each of them will pollenate millions of flowers, since the main diet of M. Butterflies One of the reasons that Monarch Butterflies are important has to do with their Migration. Monarchs make a huge migration every year and when doing so, pass over some areas where pollination is an issue. Monarchs are pollinators and help pollinate these areas. Without the Monarch some of the plant life in these areas (such as some deserts) may suffer
Migration of Monarch Butterflies Monarch Butterflies start to migrate in the fall, when the temperature drops. They usually migrate to Mexico and California.
Female monarch Male monarch
How to save Monarch Butterflies To save monarch butterflies you need to grow milk weed so they can have it to survive and so they can lay eggs on the milk weed so do not matter if the milk weed is gone it is suppose to be gone. Also to save the monarchs you should not cut down trees because if it rains the monarchs will have protection from the trees.
Fun facts Among the two species of Monarch butterflies, the one in North America differs from the one you will find in South America, but the Caribbean is home to both species. You can also see them in Australia, New Zealand, and several Islands lying between Australia and Tahiti, in parts of Europe and in Hawaii. Although Monarch butterflies may well qualify as one of the most beautiful and majestic of butterflies on the planet today, entomologists, students and enthusiasts diligently persist with their studies to bring out several more interesting facts about them to the world. Here are some of those interesting data. A black spot on an inside surface of its hind wing distinguishes the male Monarch butterflies from the females that have no such spot
TEST TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.Where do monarchs migrate to in the fall? 2. Where do monarchs lay there eggs? 3. What is the different thing of the female and male monarch? 4. What happens if the trees are cut down? 5. What is the next thing after larva?
Answers 1.Mexico and California 2. under milk weed 3. the color 4. some could die and if a rainstorm happens, and the trees around them are cut down, they have no protection. 5. pupa
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