Chapter 21 Absolute Monarchs in Europe, Pages
Task: Researching an absolute monarch and building a power point presentation dedicated to the monarch and the history of absolutism. Purpose: To gain a detailed understanding of the history and philosophy of absolutism and rule by divine right. Technology Tips: You will find Web sites devoted to divine-right rule and the major absolutist monarchs on the Internet. Keyword: absolutism Absolute Monarchs Absolutism
1. Students will be divided into groups. Each group will be assigned an absolute monarch of the modern period. France-Louis XIV Austria-Maria Theresa England-James I, Charles I Prussia-Frederick the Great Spain-Philip II Russia-Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great Absolute Monarchs Instructions
2. Each group will research its monarch on the Internet. I suggest that you assign specific research tasks to individual students. 3. Each group will build a web power point. The power point should include: A biography and an image of the monarch Definitions of “absolute monarchy” and “divine right” and an explanation of how the monarch’s reign reflected those concepts A list of the monarch’s major accomplishments and legacy for his or her country Absolute Monarchs Instructions Continued
Reflection Based on the power point presentations compare and contrast the monarchs and their legacies. Reflections should be one page typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.